Missing cards after new expansion - list included

Yep, I’m missing King Krush, after waiting years to acquire it. BTW THANKS for the Catch-up Pack!! :slight_smile:

Same here. I only see Armagedillo missing, but unless I had my missing cards in a deck I won’t know they’re gone. Any statement from Blizzard regarding this yet?

Wtf, I’m also missing Aeg’win, Shard of the Naaru and Sword Eater, which is the weirdest because I played that expansion and I have no idea how I no longer have common cards which I for sure got from packs. I only disenchant duplicates and the occasional golden copy of a card so not sure what happened.

I am missing some golden as well King Krush so far total bummer

In the past 9 years of playing this game practically every day I have never been missing as many cards as after this update. I’m missing dozens of cards some of which I’ve had for years. No in game announcement, no dust and no cards. Truly bummed about this.


If i could craft patchwerk under any setting i would. Search shows that the card doesnt even exist. That doesnt work at all

Following as I have same issue. Loads missing after set was released.

I have always felt held hostage by Blizzard games. It’s why I quit WoW. Missing King Krush and 2 Selective Breeders which is all I know of now. They are like a thief in the night. I hate this game.

I have the same problem as everyone and I’m missing lots of cards I play since 2015 I think, not sure maybe earlier , I’m missing legendries , epics , commons , also paid and earned ones, I have no way of telling exactly what I’m missing because I have so many cards. And some of the cards are uncraftable , hope we get those back!!!

I am also missing golden Darkbishop Benedictus and
several other cards

Hello everyone,

The Core set changed as it happens on every rotation - please find all information in this blog from February.

Graphic of cards that entered and left Core.

Text-only list of cards that entered and left Core.


This list does not explain what is actually happening. According to that, both Dr Boom and Zilliax is “removed”. I LOST Dr Boom but I still have Zilliax.

Exactly! Ok, these cards are out of core, but they’re not even in my collection anymore.

I noticed a bunch of rare cards missing after rotation, I am not even sure if I have accidentally disenchanted them when searching for extra copies as they “belong” to the core sets, such as Selective Breeder, Graveyard Shift, the most annoying being patchwerk(legendary) etc. Those golden cards earned from rewards track, I would disenchant the normal ones, to have more dust. Blizzard have made a post of this, but it feels bad that we players have to be very careful when crafting or disenchanting extra copies.

Missing Some Hearthstone Cards

Blizzard support wrote me to use this thread on the forum to list the card i’m missing:

All the legacy death knight cards
Aegwinn the guardian
pursuit of justice x 2
Crimson clergy x 2
focussed will x 2
shadowed spirit x 2
vanessa vancleef
emerald skytalon x 2
ETC !!!
Alextraza life binder
Ysera the dreamer

You can’t be serious about this. We owned these Cards by crafting them or Opening them from Packs and now they are just missing in our collection, without equivalent compensation? I spend a lot of money and time on acquiring these cards, how is this possible ? And how does that benefit you? People are just gonna stop playing Hearthstone, if their acquired progress is just deleted at random…


You need to explain how cards I crafted long time ago for my own dust, now just dissapear? What’s wrong with dev team? I lost at least 4 golden legendary, crafted by myself

Definitely something wrong with the update and change to core. The obvious ones for me were Nourish, Shadowed Spirit, and Grand Totem, as I had them in golden and no longer do. Core switch seems to have a bug in it.

Just here to add my grief.

All my dk cards that went legacy dissappeared (many were owned by leveling up dk and getting a certain amount of wins). Deleting cards that were earned makes no sense to me…

I also lost a few legendaries that I’m sure I crafted. Like aegwynn and alexstraza the lifebinder which I owned for many many years now, opened as one of my first legendaries. This is just insane.

Some cards were just bugged and reappeared when I added/removed them from my suddenly incomplete decks.

The worst part of all this is that I have a crazy lot of cards. Its impossible to see or remember which are lost and which aren’t…

I read trough all the comments. I still have many of the legendaries that people here lost. It really seems like they bodged stuff…

My advice - hold off the recrafting and hope they come up with some kind of rollback or fix?

Also missing these cards (not gold). Almost every deck that I played during badlands is missing cards that I certainly owned.