People are gaming your system to the widespread detriment of customer satisfaction and I implore you to fix it.
In Ranked mode, players are taking advantage of the turn timer in two ways:
they set up auto-click/touch mechanisms (usually on their hero power but also on card play) and play ranked on auto-pilot. Every turn times out, but because they have performed an action, after the longest possible time. I just finished one of these games with Essenonvidar if you want to see it (took more than 30 minutes to beat him). Consensus on forums appears to be they do this to build XP and then sell the accounts. A mechanism such as auto-forfeit after three time-outs in a row would fix this.
players purposefully wait until the last second of each turn to hit “end turn”, again playing an action to extend it as long as possible, while also taunting/trolling by flicking through their cards in hand so it’s obvious they’re doing it on purpose. I imagine they do this to climb ranks through frustrated players conceding. I don’t know how you could fix this one - a report player mechanism maybe.
The second issue has always been around and I’m sure you’re aware of it. The first is a more recent innovation. Both ruin the player experience. Please escalate this issue to someone who can look at how widespread it is and could do something about it.
All those who agree, please like this post (if that’s even possible) otherwise comment “yes” to agree, thanks
I personally have never faced one of the bots as described as in 1 and there have definitely been times when bots were way more rampant. Obviously they should still be banned but it’s nothing new.
At least the majority of people have figured out that if you’re actually playing the game, roping every turn actually hurts your overall gains as playing more games and get more wins is just better.
The exception is your example 2, but like you said there’s not much to be done. I just move on to the next game and forget about it, with the bonus knowledge that every game those sad cowards play is gona be as tedious as that.
How would that fix anything. It would screw over people who actually normally play slow either due to them needing to think or any other reason. The only thing they would do is set the autoclicker to click end turn after a set amount of time. So they would have absolutely no issue with this.
Why are you so salty, if you dislike this so much then put a nozdormu in your deck or something. A report button would get massively abused. Why are you assuming they are doing this to frustrate people into quiting. If you play on the pc then just open youtube and watch some video on the side or visit a meme site or forum. And if you are on your mobile, theres other things you can do as well while leaving the game running.
If the report options becomes a thing i will report any person wich is taunting exactly like you said while running one of the insanely OP questline decks in wild. They know its OP and they are taunting you.
And thats exactly why i will stall for time every single time i face these questline deck people in wild. If they want to ruin the fun of having creative decks in wild for people with their OP standard decks then literally the only thing i can do is stall for time every single turn. Why? its 90% certain i won’t win. And its not fun to play against. So the only way i get something out of this without instantly forfeiting my stars is stalling for time. Atleast we both will get xp out of this.
If you want to blame anyone for stalling for time then blame blizzard for putting in this new reward system wich is based on time played instead of rewarding people wich win anymore. Losing or winning is irrelevant for rewards. Ofcourse people will abuse this system to get their gold rewards. Things would be different if winning actually gave much more xp. Its just a sad system just like many of the system they implement in WoW. Its purely there for the sake of keep players logged in as much as possible so they get nice numbers to show to their stockholders, they couldnt care less if its a poor system wich causes tons of afking wich ruins the fun of people
Do not blame the players, blame blizz for implementing a system wich rewards time played instead of games won mattering. These kind of people are less of a coward than people playing questline decks in wild atleast.
I MUCH prefer this system and you actually get more if you play more games and win more.
Trying to win games via roping is MUCH more cowardly than playing quests in wild. The questlines I blame the development team for, not the players. Whereas roping just to make the game so tedious that your opponent quits, just makes you a ****.
playing against questlines if far more tedious than just having to open another window and do something else. And you say you blame the development team for creating those? Well the development team also replaced the old system with a system based on timeplayed for rewards. So thats just having double standards. If you blame players for playing slow then you can also blame players for choosing to take their OP standard decks into wild
I don’t understand. What was so good about the old system? Getting 10 additional Gold for 3 wins? As opposed to the reward track?
How long did it take us to gain Gold for a pack? Whereas now you get packs on the reward track for a much lesser time investment. And on top of daily quests, you get weekly ones too.
Of course, the players are to blame for playing slow. I don’t understand the incentive to playing slow on purpose just to tick the opponent. What is there about the new system that rewards roping?
I have played Hearthstone since beta, and I don’t understand the concept of roping on purpose. Sorry, I just don’t get it.
What I do understand is two players having variable connections, so one of them is a lagger, in layman’s terms.
What I do understand is some people taking longer to think about their turns. Have you tried parsing your turn when you have a full hand of cards in Hearthstone?
Sometimes it’s much more difficult to parse than one, two, three
And you only have 1 minute before the rope starts.
Its not about how the old system was great, but its about how the new system promotes playing as long as possible to get your rewards. There is a reason why roping has become very common since the implementation of the new system. Its a system thats very open to abuse with bots/autoclicker or just people playing slow on purpose. Before the rework of the rewards system i honestly rarely ever saw people roping
Sorry, that doesn’t make sense to me.
Bots are a different issue. They were present before.
You get XP for cards played during a match not for the time spent playing.
If you win, you gain extra.
Isn’t it better then to play several games than to play one long game that you delay further by roping?
I can’t imagine people deriving pleasure from roping on purpose. Isn’t that tedious?
Time is money.
How do you imagine that? The person stares at his screen for 65 seconds each turn, then plays something during the last 10 seconds? Why? Don’t they have anything better to do?
Who would agree to something like that?
I already laid out my theories about this so called roping(bots excluded)
Its hearthstone. They are likely doing something else already while playing the game. Even when people don’t rope i got the time to watch some memes on a site. So its no loss for them. I’m even typing this comment in bits during the opponents turn.
People who are roping lose absolutely nothing at all for doing so. Do you really think people wich are roping are staring at their screen for 65 second every round? When i am roping due to questline decks already wasting my time and stars in wild already i certainly am not watching my screen for 65 seconds. I am watching some youtube video.
So, it’s all about player behavior. It’s not about it being rewarded by the system.Just people multi-tasking.
. We have too many distractions. Some people want to experience 100 things simultaneously, because they think they can. As if that’s somehow rewarding.
It’s their prerogative.
The bottom line: you can’t really know why someone’s roping, and you can’t prevent it either.
Sometimes I take too long with my turn. What does my opponent see,? Me roping.
Can he tell why? Because he thinks I’m losing? Because I have too many cards in hand?
Nothing but conjecture.
Edit: The point I’m trying to make is that it’s all an emotional response to what some consider improper behavior.It’s not what you see but your perception of it.
You want to have a match before work starts so you log in for a few minutes, and you stumble upon a roping opponent. You only have 15 minutes to spare, and he’s drawing out the game into the full half-hour.
Why now of all times? Murphy’s law is in effect, etc. He’s trying to make you late for work, and all similar considerations.
It is those considerations from which such threads are created.
You should try asia server then. And OP it is called bots and thats the same reason i came here today too. It is getting out of hand and its right up to diamond level. What makes this so bad is that they will not ever click the end turn button so the fastest matches last way too long for making the game fun.
Also these bots are programmed to highlight your hero on and off the whole time to annoy you. Now i want to know from blizz why the hell this is allowed. Is bots legal then? If not then why are there not actively people removing these accounts from the game and why should the players that bring pride to the game by playing the game it was meant to be played being grieved by these low lives. Here i am sitting on my fourth match and this is the third one out of four matches.
I’ve encountered c… like that several times as well. Even had 1 game that took well over 1 hour before it finished…
They could fix both issues with one of these 2 very easy fixes.
Make xp turn based i.o. time based. It only doesn’t help against ppl doing it to make others leave the game.
Keep the same round times as they are now, but give a player a permanent 5 second turn penalty for each time he/she lets the rope appear for the rest of the game, but with a minimum of 20 seconds.
That way ppl that are using the bots, will have their round time decreased to a minimum, but it won’t give an instant loss to ppl that got disconnected and are trying to get reconnected to the game.
And for your 2nd point, if they only have turns that last 20 seconds, they’re not going to get a lot of xp, so there’s no point for them to use it anymore.
Also it’s not hard to keep track on the average time ppl use to complete their turns in a game and investigate returning paterns.
I’ve encountered roping players. But here’s the thing. I don’t think any of them are real people.
Have you ever tried playing the lowest ranks at the end of a season? There are many roping opponents. Why could that be?
Well. for one, because in the absence of actual players in these low ranks, there still have to be opponents who challenge you. Even if your MMR is zero(since you haven’t played that particular ladder this month, be it Standard,Wild or Classic)
So, these ranks are populated by AI bots. The problem is that they’re poorly programmed so the only thing they do is use hero abilities, if that.
Just because you are not experiencing it on your server doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. The worst i have had it with these bots is on Asia server. Every second match in gold last season.
very simple fix , after the 2nd roping the player can activate a timed mechanic whereas your turn lasts as long as the previous players
example if player 1 ropes , player 2 gets full 45seconds , if player 2 only uses say 15seconds before ending go , player 1 only gets 15seconds ,
that would sort out the deliberate ropers from people who actually DC
or an even greater mechanic after 3 turn of players sitting on no mana or running the timer down before playing a card , game emotes "nozdormu enters the battle player a or b’s timer has now been slashed to 15 seconds "