Stuck at “You were reconnected to your last game. Resuming…”

Started second mercenaries fight of Darkshore. Fight did not load, then disconnect, now I am stuck at this message. The 30 minutes disconnect “workaround” that Blizzard suggested, did not work. Reinstall and repair also no effect


I have the same problem

I have it too. Tried restarting and repair. Didn’t work.

I got same issue, tried to start first darkshore merc mission now im stuck on trying to reconnect.

Same problem here. Darkshore mercenary fight didn’t load. So I quit and now I’m stuck at resuming game.

Also got the same issue. Game froze loading in the opposing mercs so only one was present. Alt+F4. Now stuck on reconnect after repair, uninstall/reinstall, reboot, and logging out of battlenet and back in

guess we won’t get that N’zoth questline done anymore T_T

sounds true cause we wont get into the game again before Chrismas

Same issue here after second fight did not load opposing mercs. Waited 30+ minutes and actually was reconnected to the fight, but opposing mercs did not load again.

Same here :frowning:
Sent a ticket with attached files and according to bugzard I should receive reply within 24 hours…

Same problem.Stuck on the first Darkshore bounty.
! "You were reconnected to your last game.
Resuming… (almost 2 hours by now)

Same here, also trying to use my mobile phone to reconnect isn’t an option as there is no update available yet for Hearthstone.

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I have the same problem…

Same problem as everyone else. The bounty didn’t load now I’m stuck in limbo. Is this Blizzard’s ghetto justice payback for not making us farm tasks?

Basically, it’s N’zoth’s madness. We ‘think’ we cannot play the game because we are all mad! :smiley:

Got the same problem. Can’t believe that after so much time they didn’t add a disconnect button, because this isn’t the first time this bug happend.
The patch notes for this mode are so minimalistic, and they still managed the performance to bug it beyond usability(69 billion dollar company btw).

You can’t even play any other mode…

Same problem. Stuck on the first Darkshore bounty.
! "You were reconnected to your last game.
Resuming… (5 hours by now)

Same here; been “reconnected” for the last couple of hours…

Same error in EU. Really hope they will postpone the deadline to complete the task

Hi, same here. Even changed devices to try and bypass it: it doesn’t work. :frowning: