Want me to continue?
No, you forget that in OW as soon as you say something toxic, you are toxic.
saying X character is trash designed, is surely toxic.
Love OW community members
When did I say that was toxic?
You’re just twisting my words, the things I quoted are considered toxic.
if you want to be treated respectfully than you need to show it, the way you talk about other player heroes is disrespectful and shows how little you think of others.
and so do you, in my eyes your more childish than they are, and it shows with your commentary.
the irony here is that i don’t play mercy, but i have friends that do, and they meet people like you who call her trash and or the hero they play trash, and you might not care but understand this,
your attitude can be harmful, not just to them but to yourself as well.
She has the worst support ultimate in the game and people want it to be nerfed?
Define worst. Omni directional healing or damage at a whim, instant self sustainability, aerial movement and speed buff, Pistol buff and GA increased effect.
Those all prove, that Mercy´s ult is not weak. It is in fact very decent. But it has its ups and downs. Just like a zen ult is utterly useless against one shots and an ana nade.
a useless ult is mccree´s pre buffs, litterally only used to reload his gun in combat, unlike so many ults that still do their job.
I wouldn’t say her ult is useless, but it’s super weak.
If you think of an ult your thinking about something that can either kill the entire enemy team or save your own team. With Mercy’s healing nerf that isn’t possible anymore because she just makes her teammates more ult charge.
Her ult is not really strong in one aspect, but it is strong in multiple aspects. It is versatile as all hell and has a multitude of usages that are all great.
Valk kill widow ? Seen so many times in OWL
Valk to ress someone out of reach ? Yup
Damage boost your whole team in a speed engagement ? Yup
Pop it to survive ? Yup
Pop it to heal many targets in a teamfight without a thought ? Yup
Honestly saying that her ult is bad is ridiculous, it has a so many usages and good situations, its a always have on CD ult. Other classes needs to hold onto their ult way more often than Mercy. She can always get a lot of value from it.
Omnidirectional when your team stays together and even then with the recent HPS nerf she can barely sustain anyone, which as a result renders the pistol “buff” useless. Speed buff? What speed buff? They nerfed her speed on GA last I’ve seen.
So basically, she has the increased GA range and instant self-sustainability which you have to stick behind walls and heal anyway because you’re still an insta-headshot kill.
Outside of two heroes, no one can one shot you HS. Also, so what if the team have to be together ? it is a point based game, where people aren´t very spread unless they are bad or have reasons for it. Same principle makes zens ult useless.
Last time i checked Mercy is way faster in air, than on her feet.
Pistol buff useless ? Tell that to the OWL mercy players valking down a Widow 24/7. IT has faster proj speed, on the games second biggest projectiles and does great damage, can easily be spammed while circling a target.
Her ult allows her to litterally hide in the air, without being threathened the same way she is on the ground. All flankers are useless againts valk, most hitscans cant kill her in this mode unless she is close or messes up badly.
Her only threats are widow and hanzo, that she still can easily play around and even kill just as easily, unless they get help.
Hitscans can still easily pick you out of the sky
Not much actually
She’s supposed to be a pure healer not a damage dealer. This shows that her ult is bad because it’s better if you use your gun than heal.
20 dps? if not a headshot
So basically we’re popping Valk to kill Widow when it’s the flankers/divers job? The damage doesn’t increase from when she isn’t in Valk. It’s still 20 damage just with infinite ammo.
If by hiding in the air you mean around the corner of a building but high in the air, it’s pretty easy to get killed. I’m not saying it always happens, but it’s very likely and easy. Genji can easily dash blade or LMB then dash. D.VA and Winston can butcher her easy. DF can uppercut and smack you through 7 buildings. Let’s not forget that even when occasionally peeking to make sure your beam is still tethered that your massive wings drag everyone’s attention.
Those are all easily arguable points, and honestly I couldn’t care less about her ult now. I love that Mercy can fly, I enjoy the fact that she does. The essence of her ult is there, to heal and help, it’s just that she can’t do it as well as she did because her heals are quite dismissable at this point.
Nope, it is even harder to hit mercy in the air, since she has more directions to move, than if just on the ground. Can more easily get to cover as well, so the aerial movement helps her greatly against hitscans as well.
“not much”
Still is more, so i was right.
“She’s supposed to be a pure healer not a damage dealer. This shows that her ult is bad because it’s better if you use your gun than heal.”
She is designed to have healing as main objective, yet having no way to defend herself would be ret*rded. The fact that it makes her usefull with her pistol if you ult is just another bonus.
“20 dps? if not a headshot”
Can you read ?
She does 20 dmg a shot and 5 shots a second.
thats 100 dps or 200dps with HS. That is great damage for a healer, especially with her mobility at the same time and how big those projectiles are, with their speed in valk.
Funny how easy it is at plat, cause no one at GM+ would say that mercy is easier to hit in valk than outside of it. Stop mentioning all these “IF” scenarios, that happens once in a blue moon. It´s like saying doomfist can easily kill pharah in the sky, cause you have seen chipsa do it a couple of times. All your scenarios are easier on the ground than in the air.
Yeah, I said not much its not much, but she’s a bit faster.
“So I’m right” No, we’re both right
I can actually
that was confusing I meant 20 dps as per shot.
Besides unlike other support who can easily swap between damage and healing she can’t so she doesn’t have much dps for a support.
This shows that you’ve never played Mercy, if you’re in open view you will be targeted by a hitscan (and will most likely kill you unless their aim sucks)
Yea, you can’t get away with just flying around in the open with valk at higher levels as you’ll get shot down easily. When valking, you need to remain in cover and poke in and out to re-affirm your healing beam if needed. A good example is in the second half of Junkertown where you need to hug the cylinder shaped thing in the middle of the area to stay out of enemy POV. At higher ranks ideally you want to spend as little time in view of your enemy as possible because you’ll just get deleted. Mobility, and thus flying around in valk is no guarantee of survival, it only improves your odds. Cover is 100% survival, mobility is not. If you’re flying around, you’re basically diminishing the chances of getting shot but not denying it all together. In higher ranks this risk will get you killed. At higher levels, all valk really does in terms of survival is give you more options for taking cover but it’s hardly a “I’m invulnerable” button.
No it shows you are talking out your element, i have reached top 500 with all hit scan DPS. I know exactly how easy or hard it is hitting a Mercy is. Fact is that it is harder than if she is on the ground.