Addressing Mercy nerfs

It still just confirms my point, it helps her with Valk, makes everything on the ground that isn´t hit scan and has bad long distance damage, useless against her and she can take more cover, more easily and faster. She can also help her team more easily and go on the offensive in this state.

Yet the other guy persistently think its not good.

Stop making yourself look even more stupid. You said not much, which adds nothing to the subject at hand in fact its even wrong.

She has base speed of 5.5 m/s and in valk its 9 m/s (omni-directional flight). That is an increase of 63% quite a huge increase in movement speed. Not to mention it is flight.

"that was confusing I meant 20 dps as per shot. But you will still miss shots so it wouldn’t be 100.

Besides unlike other support who can easily swap between damage and healing she can’t so she doesn’t have much dps for a support."

DPS means damage per second, what ever you think you can define things as, is up to yourself, but dont spit it like it´s correct.

Ana has a dps of 70 damage x 1.25 ROF = 87.5 DPS
Lucio has a dps of 20 damage x 4 ROF = 80 DPS
Zenyatta has a dps of 46 x 2.5 ROF = 115 DPS
Moira has 50 DPS
Soldier has a dps of 19 damage x 9 ROF = 181 DPS

So Mercy in fact can kill a person faster than Ana and Lucio and Moira baseline, so the fact that she has a harder time dealing damage and healing at the same time is only fair. You forget that ana can´t heal while doing damage at the same time either and Mercy can swap between her staff and gun in no time.

I have reached diamond with Mercy. I know exactly how easy hitting a Mercy in open view is.
Yes, it is harder to hit her than if she’s on the ground, but she gets shot down very easily in open view. The Mercys you’ve played with probably also took cover that’s why you couldn’t hit them as easily.

It’s. An. Ultimate.

Ultimates are supposed to be game changing, being able to take cover better isn’t very game changing

Oh boy, can’t win an argument with facts just be toxic and that will definitely make you look better :D. (not)

You’re the one who asked.

She can though

  • biotic grenade
  • Just shoot someone else and you’ll either do damage or heal

Yeah, and if an ally is dying right next to you you’ll be too late because it isn’t as fast as you think unlike Ana who can just instantly stop shooting enemies and start shooting allies.

“I have reached diamond with Mercy. I know exactly how easy hitting a Mercy in open view is.
Yes, it is harder to hit her than if she’s on the ground, but she gets shot down very easily in open view. The Mercys you’ve played with probably also took cover that’s why you couldn’t hit them as easily.”

Again irrelevant, i said it made you harder to kill, that includes both scenarios for the mercy, an in the open mercy valk might be easy to kill, but an in the open, on the ground mercy, is even easier to kill. Stop arguing that it doesn´t make you more mobile aka by extension more survivable, cause it does. Also diamond is close to mid of the pack, it doesn´t equal that you know exactly how hard it is to survive with her, cause you have yet to experience 35%+ players who are even better at doing that. I was never arguing how easy she is to kill in the open, i was arguing that she is easier to kill without valk, than with it.

"It’s. An. Ultimate.

Ultimates are supposed to be game changing, being able to take cover better isn’t very game changing"

Being able to survive a lot easier, by making many characters unable to reach and even damage her, making her self heal instant even when taking damage and all of the other things in does on top, is indeed “game changing ult potential” The fact that she also takes so much priority even in the air, where she is way harder to hit prooves this even more.

Is nano blade not a game changing ult combo anymore ? Just because Widowmaker can one shot him still ?

"She can though

biotic grenade
Just shoot someone else and you’ll either do damage or heal

Yeah, and if an ally is dying right next to you you’ll be too late because it isn’t as fast as you think unlike Ana who can just instantly stop shooting enemies and start shooting allies."

False and false, stop arguing on false terms. Ana cannot heal and damage at the same time, she has to choose and it takes her almost a second to be able to do the other one. Her biotic grenade can be argued does healing and damage at the same time, but it requires her to hit both ally and enemy and also takes away her ability to shoot while she throws it. Unlike zen, lucio and moira that can seperately set up a form of healing and do their damage meanwhile.

It takes her 1.2s to pull out her pistol or staff. Ana takes 0.8 before she can shoot again. so a difference of 0.4s.
Not that bad and you forget the fact, that mercy can instantly switch between healing and damage boosting friendly players, which is in term an added value in similar fashion to damage from the healer. That is why mercy often damage boosts dps over whipping out the pistol, cause it can easily be as valuable as her pistol.

I literally said what you said except changed it to fit my perspective. You’re the one that keeps asking and then you say irrelevant because you don’t want to listen to anything other people have to say when it differs from your opinion.

I did too

When did I say that? You’re just twisting my words to make your situation better. You asked me if I knew how to read, but now I’m questioning your skills.

Honestly I just want to laugh at this because it’s so stupid

“You don’t know anything about the character that you have 50+ hours on because you haven’t reached a certain rank”

It’s also harder to kill a Zen when he’s in transendence, you know why?
Because. It’s. An. Ultimate.

Are we gonna start complaining about how it’s harder to kill Winston when he’s ulting??

How is saving yourself game changing when your entire team is dead because your ult can’t outheal anything?

You just said that it’s impossible to hit a Mercy when ulting so I don’t see the problem.

Genji could kill an entire team, Mercy can’t even save anyone on her team except herself. (and BTW that’s 2 ultimates)

You heard it here first folks Ana can’t use biotic grenade and can only shoot one person the entire match.

"Stop arguing on false terms
-the person that’s arguing on false terms

You can shoot through allies now, if there’s an enemy behind them you will shoot your ally and enemy in not even half a second. If it takes you a second to aim at someone else it’s not a good idea to play Ana.

Yeah, that sure is hard to do.

If Mercy uses her pistol it takes away her ability to heal while she shoots.

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You argued nothing, you just took words out of context.

Blockquote Outside of two heroes, no one can one shot you HS. Also, so what if the team have to be together ? it is a point based game, where people aren´t very spread unless they are bad or have reasons for it. Same principle makes zens ult useless.
Last time i checked Mercy is way faster in air, than on her feet.
Pistol buff useless ? Tell that to the OWL mercy players valking down a Widow 24/7. IT has faster proj speed, on the games second biggest projectiles and does great damage, can easily be spammed while circling a target.
Her ult allows her to litterally hide in the air, without being threathened the same way she is on the ground. All flankers are useless againts valk, most hitscans cant kill her in this mode unless she is close or messes up badly.
Her only threats are widow and hanzo, that she still can easily play around and even kill just as easily, unless they get help.

Blockquote “Outside of two heroes, no one can one shot you HS”
“Hitscans can still easily pick you out of the sky”
“Last time i checked Mercy is way faster in air, than on her feet.”
“Not much actually”
“Pistol buff useless ? Tell that to the OWL mercy players valking down a Widow 24/7”
“She’s supposed to be a pure healer not a damage dealer. This shows that her ult is bad because it’s better if you use your gun than heal.”
“does great damage”
“20 dps? if not a headshot”

Blockquote “I have reached diamond with Mercy. I know exactly how easy hitting a Mercy in open view is.
Yes, it is harder to hit her than if she’s on the ground, but she gets shot down very easily in open view. The Mercys you’ve played with probably also took cover that’s why you couldn’t hit them as easily.”
"Again irrelevant
“I literally said what you said except changed it to fit my perspective. You’re the one that keeps asking and then you say irrelevant because you don’t want to listen to anything other people have to say when it differs from your opinion.”

What you did here was, you argued that it is easy to kill mercy as a hitscan dps, i told you as a top 500 hitscan dps, what the ease of killing a valking mercy is, that it just isn´t the case. Your point was irrelevant, cause you 1. Dont face that great hitscans, 2. You aren´t a great hitscan 3. you were arguing the effectiveness of the hitscan to kill a mercy.

For reference, before the Mccree and Soldier range buff, it wasn´t even worth to shot at a mercy unless she was inside the range of them still doing great damage, which i also stated in my “Close range or mercy messes up badly”

"Stop arguing that it doesn´t make you more mobile
“When did I say that? You’re just twisting my words to make your situation better. You asked me if I knew how to read, but now I’m questioning your skills.”

“Last time i checked Mercy is way faster in air, than on her feet.”

“Not much actually”

Right here you counter a statement of mobility, by saying it´s hardly even the case. We later on determine its 63%+, which by definition is a lot.

“Also diamond is close to mid of the pack, it doesn´t equal that you know exactly how hard it is to survive with her, cause you have yet to experience 35%+ players who are even better at doing that.”
“Honestly I just want to laugh at this because it’s so stupid”
“You don’t know anything about the character that you have 50+ hours on because you haven’t reached a certain rank”

I stated you dont exactly know how hard it is to survive with Mercy, since you 1. Have three whole tiers of players that affect this aspect greatly. 2. Have the exact same amount of players higher with and have as much experience playing Mercy saying that valk is good. 3. The high rated/pro hitscan dps say, the exact same statements i do. That mercy valk is a harder target to hit and kill cause of the extra speed, movement and her healing, that makes it required to hit consecutive shots.

https: // www. youtube (DOT) com / watch?v = NT6iatOfwLU Reference from XQC (applied to the even more busted GA valk, but is still addressing the benefits of her valk)

“It’s also harder to kill a Zen when he’s in transendence, you know why?
Because. It’s. An. Ultimate.”
“Are we gonna start complaining about how it’s harder to kill Winston when he’s ulting??”

Yet we have many ults not making it easier to survive, Syms previous teleporter didn´t and Ana´s doesn´t. Also you just charge the zen off with a rein, kills the whole ultimate and the invul. Or an ana nade for making it a 1 man invul, just to add something like the “But she is easily killed while in the open”.

I was never complaining about her ult making her harder to kill, i was adding it to a list of the things her ult does, that are great. You should rather say, that you do not think the added health of winston´s ult has any effect, cause that is what you argued for mercy pretty much.

“Being able to survive a lot easier, by making many characters unable to reach and even damage her”
“How is saving yourself game changing when your entire team is dead because your ult can’t outheal anything?”

Where is your argument ? There is nothing factual about that, lots of comps aren´t one shots and burst focused. A lot are focued on damage split on many targets out sustain damage the enemy, like a brawl tank/deathball. Here her 300hps across her team is very nice and can mean the difference between her allies dieing and the enemies she can also increase her whole teams dmg effectiveness with Amp.

But to play your silly game, nearly any healer would be dead way before a valking mercy, so her ult still provided the added benefit of dragging time off the opponents attack.

“Is nano blade not a game changing ult combo anymore ? Just because Widowmaker can one shot him still ?”
“Genji could kill an entire team, Mercy can’t even save anyone on her team except herself. (and BTW that’s 2 ultimates)”

Genji average per game
Dmg 12.543
Dragon kills 6.57
6.57* average HP of characers 350hp =2.299
10244/ (dmg to genji blade 1500) = 6.83 genji blades.

So that means on average genji gets 1 kill per ult. even if we double this to account for keeping your ults for big engagements or setups, this is still nothing close to killing an entire team.

No mercy valk wont kill or save an entire team either most of the time, but her valk amp or healing can in some situations bring the team to a victory 100%.

“False and false”
“You heard it here first folks Ana can’t use biotic grenade and can only shoot one person the entire match.”

Nice taken out of context, she cannot shot and biotic at the same. Neither can she shoot multiple targets at the same time, so she has to shoot and choose is that shot healing or damage.

"Stop arguing on false terms
-the person that’s arguing on false terms

mention one, this whole response of yours you cut my sentence down to argue something, that is not even true or relevant.

“Ana cannot heal and damage at the same time, she has to choose and it takes her almost a second to be able to do the other one.”
“You can shoot through allies now, if there’s an enemy behind them you will shoot your ally and enemy in not even half a second. If it takes you a second to aim at someone else it’s not a good idea to play Ana.”

??? what are you trying to say. Sure you can shoot through allies if they are full health, making it 0 heaing and if the shot hits someone behind, then either damages or heals that target. Still doesnt change that she can only heal or damage one target at a time with her shots and her grenade interrupts her shots.

“Her biotic grenade can be argued does healing and damage at the same time, but it requires her to hit both ally and enemy”
“Yeah, that sure is hard to do”

Again, just making some stupid argument for something that is factual. Unlike all the other supports i mention they can always add their healing on top and then do their damage at the same time. Ana can only do that if the targets are near each other in one case, on a long cd, not reliably.

“also takes away her ability to shoot while she throws it”
“If Mercy uses her pistol it takes away her ability to heal while she shoots.”

Which is why i f*cking argued that Mercys time to take out her pistol was nothing that bad, when it does more damage than Ana baseline and Ana has a similar downtime between shots where no healing or damage is done similar to pulling out the pistol.

You literally proved why it is not an issue that it takes Mercy some time to whip out her pistol.

At this point there is no reason to let this continue, you are simply so out of discussing anything with what ever you think you are doing here.

Because she’s taking cover like I said, a top 500 Mercy knows not to stay in the open with Valkerie.

It isn’t though, when walking Mercy has a speed of 5,5 m/s, during Valkerie that becomes 9 m/s (there’s no way that equals 63%) and besides, GA already gives her 20 m/s.

If I wouldn’t know how to take cover as Mercy in diamond, I wouldn’t be in diamond.

Who? Give me a name of a GM Mercy main that thinks valkerie is good.

Like I said it is harder to kill Mercy in valkerie, but it’s not game changing. Her ult is bad because she can’t outheal anything, so I usually just do damage boost. With 60 hps she could at least outheal Winston and actually keep people alive long enough to damage boost.

I didn’t know XQC played Mercy. He must know so much about her because he plays her so much. He’s my favorite Mercy main. :heart_eyes:

Alright who can Mercy outheal? (besides Moira)

It’s 50 hps across her team.

It has the potential to kill and entire team depending on how good you are with the ult.
Doesn’t matter how good you are with Mercy’s ult cause you can’t change her hps during valk unlike Genji who can put out more damage with dragon blade.

Mercy can’t heal and boost at the same time.

Neither can mercy heal multiple targets at the same time (without ult)

Ana can heal and damage at the same time (or very quickly), Mercy can’t.

You’re using false facts

  • Ana can switch between damage and healing very fast.
  • The difference between walk and valk speed isn’t 63 procent

You’re allowed to have a different opinion, but if you start getting toxic, I will reply

dude stop the cringe pls… you are barely diamond with one of the most versatile heroes in the game
edit: her ultimate isnt weak or bad. Compared to zen ultimate her ult isnt as good, but that doesnt make her ultimate bad.

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I don’t know who Chipsa is, nor do I really care. Yeah those scenarios are easier on the ground, but marginally so when covered.

If I’m gonna fly high enough up so that I don’t get stabbed by Genji or slammed by DF (or be in anyones range really), I’d have to be out in the open, like say the beautiful Junkertown skies in which McCree and 76 ults can take you down in 1 second flat, or all 3 of them (including Widow) can shoot you down easy because there’s no cover whatsoever.


Honestly you know you won an argument when they start to “insult” you personally.

Besides I’ve been in diamond before, just not now

That’s your opinion, mine is different is it that hard for you to understand?

How am I cringy? Stating my opinion?

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Animetic is a girl? :o

“Because she’s taking cover like I said, a top 500 Mercy knows not to stay in the open with Valkerie.”

No one argued she is in the open, i said valk is good, cauese it makes you more mobile, gives you more options and survivability. You say being behind cover helps her survive way more, something Valkyrie contributes immensely too. You are contradicting yourself.

determine its 63%+, which by definition is a lot.

It isn’t though, when walking Mercy has a speed of 5,5 m/s, during Valkerie that becomes 9 m/s (there’s no way that equals 63%) and besides, GA already gives her 20 m/s.

Since you do not know how math work

11 m/s / 5.5 m/s = 100% increase
9 m/s / 5.5 m/s = 63% increase

GA is irrelevant, you need to learn math and stop arguing out of your element. For reference, this passive speed increase is better than Soldier´s sprint ability that gives him 8.33 m/s as a usage skill that can´t be used while shooting.

If I wouldn’t know how to take cover as Mercy in diamond, I wouldn’t be in diamond.

Thats untrue, plenty of people have reached high ranks of play with Mercy yet lack any mechanics to play the game correctly cause of the personal SR (Which i only mention cause you specifically state you being diamond mercy was a while ago)

Who? Give me a name of a GM Mercy main that thinks valkerie is good. com/watch?v = 7erLe45IU4g

Here you go Eeveea, the most known, has been multiple times highest rated top 500 Mercy. (“valkyrie is still her most powerfull ability and she needs to be nerfed more”) At 2:50 in the video.

Like I said it is harder to kill Mercy in valkerie, but it’s not game changing. Her ult is bad because she can’t outheal anything, so I usually just do damage boost. With 60 hps she could at least outheal Winston and actually keep people alive long enough to damage boost. com/watch?v = 7erLe45IU4g

Here you go Eeveea, the most known, has been multiple times highest rated top 500 Mercy. (“valkyrie is still her most powerfull ability and she needs to be nerfed more”) At 2:50 in the video.

I didn’t know XQC played Mercy. He must know so much about her because he plays her so much. He’s my favorite Mercy main.

I wasn´t aware you couldn´t comprehend his reasonings for her being OP related to valk. Also i was unaware, but isn´t XQC a former Pro/At the time pro, who played and sat alongside some of the best mercy players in the whole game… hmmm

Alright who can Mercy outheal? (besides Moira)

Just to add here, you said “that was confusing I meant 20 dps as per shot. But you will still miss shots so it wouldn’t be 100.”

So mercy can essentially outheal anyone in the game, cause they are gonna “miss shots” As long as it does not exceed her HPS.

So here you go

Ranged damage at max fall off

  1. Torbjorn - Level 2 Turret - 56 (put in for perspective)

  2. Mei - Endothermic Blaster - 45

  3. Tracer - Pulse Pistol - 60/30

  4. Torbjorn - Level 2 Turret - 56 (put in for perspective)

  5. Hanzo - Storm Bow(Min Power) - 56 (put in for perspective)

  6. Mei - Endothermic Blaster - 45

  7. Widowmaker - Sniper (No Charge) - 30

  8. Dva - Fusion Cannons - 28

Secondary dps(minimum)
9. Bastion - Recon Gun - 48
10. Zarya - Particle Cannon(Alt Fire, No charge) - 45
11. Genji - Shuriken Spread - 38*

So all these are things she can outheal, if they have 100% accuracy. Now most characters at high gm have between 30-50% so even way in their damage range mercy will be doing “Outhealing” at mid ranges.

It’s 50 hps across her team.

Her team consists of 5 people, i actually calculated it wrong cause i did it with the old 60 hps, her hps across her team is 5x50hps = 250hps.

Across her team she does 250hps, on a single character at a time it is still 50hps.

“She cannot shot and biotic at the same”
“Mercy can’t heal and boost at the same time.”
“Neither can she shoot multiple targets at the same time”
“Neither can mercy heal multiple targets at the same time”

  1. Mercy can always passively heal herself and damage at the same time, i dont really count this but it is a scenario that often happens and always happens in valk.
  2. You pit Mercy vs Ana, to point out nothing, i argued Ana cant heal and damage at the same time effectively (outside a specific instances with biotic grenade). When you said that mercy was unable to deal damage and heal at the same time “Like other healers could”. You just proved my point, that mercy can effectively heal and damage about the same as Ana in theory.

3.Mercy´s ult allows her to chain heal as many targets, that is within a 10 meter range of the main target. So that is just a straight up lie you made there.

Ana can heal and damage at the same time (or very quickly), Mercy can’t.

I just told you the stats, Ana cant heal and damage at the same time except one instance in teamfights. Mercy can instantly go between damage boosting and healing (Effectively the same as doing damage or healing), while Ana takes 0.8s to do either healing or damage.

Alright maybe damage boosting is not the same in your eyes, well good thing that we have mercys pistol that takes 1.2 seconds to pull out and does a little more dps than Ana. So no Ana cant do it very quickly.

You could argue that Ana has the potential to swap more often between damage and healing and the more times Mercy has to swap between her staff and pistol the worse it is, which is 100% true.

But this is heavily offset by mercy having damage boost and healing, that is instantly activated by the press of either right or left mouse button. Which means she effectively does damage instantly by the click of a button equal to 30% of the damage her boosted target is doing.

“You’re using false facts”
-Ana can switch between damage and healing very fast.
-The difference between walk and valk speed isn’t 63 procent
-You’re allowed to have a different opinion, but if you start getting toxic, I will reply

1.Im gonna just stop it here, so people can see how stupid you are, i already proved how valk is 63% faster than normal speed.

  1. Secondly i proved how yes Ana can swap between healing and damaging (Herself) 0.4S faster than Mercy, which is off set by mercy having a higher base DPS with said weapon. But mean while Mercy does damage instantly through (Bossting) her allies damage, which can often do as much damage as an Ana yet can instantly swap between healing and damaging with no 0.8s downtime.

  2. I am not getting toxic, i am calling you out, you are defending opinions that contradict facts, i am going to call you idiotic for that, which is well deserved.
    It is so bad that already one person has called you out on that fact.

If you are gonna respond to me again, come with real arguments based on some facts in game. Try actually basing an argument around the game, which you are talking about.


You can tell a debate is going well when the two parties are block quoting every single line the other one types. :flushed:

Yeah, sorry lost my cool :sweat_smile:

I tried to apologize to this person, but the forums won’t let me.

Don’t apologise, I’m not even reading the back and forth, I just hope you’re both having fun is all. :blush:

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Nah, just read your thing wrong in my head I did it like this
11 m/s / 5.5 m/s = +50%

Just got confused because you added a plus to your original comment.

BTW thanks for being non toxic really appreciate it.

You need to learn that people can read things wrong and not get triggered.

That’s impossible unless they’re being boosted.

Last season. I just got back into diamond though

That’s only one, if you look at other high ranked Mercy players (for example Animetic) they disagree.

She’s OP because of rez not valk.

But he’s never played her. I’ve seen pro’s play Roadhog, doesn’t mean I know how to play him.

Wow you’re immature.

“Only reply to me with facts” and then you do this.
But no, some bullets are gonna miss not all of them though, if the other player can do enough dps she doesn’t stand a chance.

You’re forgetting that they have an entire team who will also attack you and your allies so no.

and some of these comparisons are just ridiculous.
Widowmaker- no charge 30
What Widowmaker only shoots with uncharged shots?

Yeah, that was my bad. English isn’t my first language and I thought you meant across as how much each player was getting.

Yeah, Mercy’s ult is charged every 5 seconds. Can she (without her ult) heal 2 people at the same time? If so please let me know how, I’d love to know.

lmao, I made one mistake and admitted it.

“OMG, you’re so stupid” this is just gold.

BTW thanks for being non toxic, you really show us what Overwatch is all about.

Y’all hear sum?

Oof, I’ve been told.

Yeah, any opinion that differs from mine is wrong. I can never be wrong. Ever.

If you are gonna respond to me again, come with real arguments based on some facts in game instead of trying to insult me.

Also that video was in January when valk was OP, I don’t think they think that way anymore.

“Also that video was in January when valk was OP, I don’t think they think that way anymore.”

If you actually watched the video, or paid attention to the dates, it was released on jan 30, the same day that the nerf that nerfed all this happened:


  • No longer makes Resurrect instant
  • No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
  • The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been
    decreased by 50%
  • Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Afterwards came the Healing nerf of her staff, so they are reacting to the exact same valk that you are using today, he is in fact talking about the exact same mercy that you play today, minus the 17% less healing.

I also thought that Valk was fine with 60 hps, now not so much.