Is it bannable to leave QP?

So let’s ignore the big mass of people because some don’t agree with that?
Comp is QP but with a SR system attacked into it with a best 3 out of 2 system in place. QP is the mode new players play before they start playing comp. And from what i’v seen its the place “people pick up on bad habits and carry them in comp”

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Are a vocal minority. And its only use as a way to devalue the experience of anyone who’s trying, not to mention make fun of it. Blizzard have yet to openly say “is just QP” so no one can state. Until blizzard openly state that QP is only for trowing & practicing then i won’t do that.

On off-hours it might take up to 3 min to get a 6th player back, at that point the leaver has successfully lowered the team morals, on top of forcing them to give up the little hope they had of wining, and then you have the fact that this will punish one random player that will join that game. So in the end leavers hurt 6 players on not just the 5 they left. Like that 6 guy will join a game and he will be in an instant disadvantage, will get solo ulted and or the game will be to late for him to even do anything about it. Back filling as of now is blizzards way of punishing someone else for the leavers misdoing.

Not sure if we’re playing same QP, since apparently there are more QPs…

What hope? If people leave, it’s because something is going on. Usually, it’s 5 dps feeding. So, I dont really know what exactly 5 dps standing in front of the enemy base think they’ll achieve, but I’m pretty sure win is not the goal.

Backfill is the very best solution.

I don’t know what QP you are playing but its rare for me to join a team with 5 dps since i know how to farm MMR, that rarely happens unless im back filling and even when it happens we still have a wining chance especially on the attacking side. More so we’ll get aced and someone will rage quite or he won’t be happy about the teams performance for whatever personal reason he has…
When i join a backfill game 0.001 sec before its a lose, my MMR suffers because some random guy decided that his to good for his team…

Look at how you phrased your sentence:

Do you see this :? It implies that you are going to list or present something. If you want to make it obvious that the quote is part of the sentence, you should have used :

So no, objectively speaking, your phrasing isn’t obvious.

Now, regardin Atrophy, they had a misunderstanding when reading your post. I cleared things up and they realized what they got wrong:

Their harsh criticism happened simply due to a misunderstanding.

Telling someone to screw off is an agressive and hostile action. You basically say that they’re not welcome which is hostile by definition.

“Family friendly” means that the content is safe to be consumed by children. Atrophy’s criticism by misunderstanding is family friendly because they didn’t insult you.

Is this really true? There might be the possibility that a match only counts when you are in the game for a set amount of time. The endorsement system supports this theory because you can’t endorse your team when joining right before the game ends.

In theory, a game only counts if you could have made an impact on the game.

Though that topic might be more suitable for this thread:

Oh and sorry for double posting. Forgot that I can just edit my previous post :sweat_smile:

Like … not having fun?

Well, you know how to farm MMR but you don’t know how to avoid getting backfilled … shame :smiley:

There is no way to avoid that. At least i don’t know about about one.
Maybe if you don’t want to play with 5 dps you’d learn more about MMR.

That’s a really selfish way to look at a team game… So i won’t comment on it since i’ll sound like a prick.

It does, and if you picked a hero and lost, it lowers your win rate as well. And as a compensation you gain +500 back fill exp. But i’ll say that i don’t know the amount that it takes since its not shown, i have a feeling that its not to much but its still something. Main reason people leave before a game is over is to abuse the MMR system and keep there MMR safe. That’s one of the ways to farm MMR and for me that’s the “Scum” way to do it. It honestly can be reportable since he is abusing game mechanics but since the report system is automated might as well not bother with that since nothing will happen.

Report them all for gameplay sabotage they are limiting your gameplay, altho you should’t leave games in activity is for not participating or being afk and you wheren’t doing any of that so they are wrong and you are right, heck go back into recent player history now and do it now explain, also report them for abusive chat all that made threats to report you.

The only times i report some one for in activity non participation is when game already started but they are still at the hero selection screen afk or not with us at the fight when they easily could have been, that includes canceled games where suddenly the afk leaves the game in competitive.

I have dyslexia it was a joke.

So you are saying that if someone punches you and you defend your self you are the one who is hostile. Hit or miss. This logic will loop around forever uno.

Agreed, but still you understood most ppl would and on.

That must be me, if the game is done im just gonna say gg and leave Why would I wait for the title screan.

Just so we are clear, you aren’t getting punished because you are leaving QP games.
You are getting punished from random reports. Might as well focus on discussing that, since its a well know topic in this community. We just went off track with this topic. I personally agree that the report system needs a major up date. And i’ll recommend stuff that will make some logic.

Fastest way to punish someone is by reporting for chat abuse and not gameplay sabotage. Since blizzard don’t have records on the Voice chat they are just going of blind trust. And that blind trust is the main issue here.
And one of the easiest ways to screw up is to talk in all chat or in team chat once you are placed in a game with premades/parties since if one party member hates you he will force his friends to report you, and that = a lot of report for a short amount of time and it can be the cherry on top.

I can guarantee you that they do have those voice chat records but because “context doesn’t matter for blzrd” simple phrases like “wtf” or other kind of prophanity will be used to ensure that you are are indeed worthy of 1 month caht ban 1 month game ban or perma ban because that’s part of the coc. (so that makes it legal*?* but not ethical*?*)

It’s true and since we are all here cozy like a happy family I need to say something very important, ready? : NEVER EVER report people for abusive chat, everthing is wrong with that.
You think you do a good thing for the community? no no no the guy will be silenced but he will keep playing comp while silenced (essentially throwing comp games).
“But lelouch this guy just called me a ficcing neigier”
You don’t like what someone is saying?
Let me introduce you mute button this is [insert offended overwatch player].

They don’t track voice chat record, they are people who haven’t used the voice chat yet are punished because of it. Just ask @Bustar He use to rant about how he got that without even using the chat.

That might be true, but you have agreed to following the code of conduct when you clicked “i accept” Arguing about something you agree’d to is relevant here. Might as well beg for improvements like the rest of us.

Yes i know about that, like i said its a well know topic in this community. But the thing about big communities is that everyone has his own opinion in this matters. I do agree with you that people do get punished but yet again they are people who just get away with it and hit insane levels of chat toxicity, I can understand blizzard as well, since when this game was new and you watched a youtube video, seeing someone flame in the chat was a common occurrence and it just made for a bad advertisement about the game and its community.

Yes that a good way to deal with it, unless you are a content creator and you get banned off twitch or demonetize’d on youtube because someone randomly used the N-word in the chat randomly. After that even if you mute him the damage is done. And besides that they are people who are just vulnerable to verbal abuse.

Point is we want real people to review our reports by looking at real information and not just going off blind trust by the reportees.

Im not arguing Im stating.

That would be the best, and maybe it would be possible if they were to give people limited amount of reports so they can review them all like dota 2.

But because they might never do it we have to do our part thats why i said that.

What’s against it?

They do if you ask for apeal. They quoted things said on voice chat so I know.

Jul 8

I’ve personally recommended that at least 100 times by now.

What is this anime thing? could you not send hentai on public forums

(joke it’s a joke ok)

Its things you can do once you gain level 3 trust on the forums.

Oh look I just recieved my one day suspention we were talking about all this time for leaving quick play games.
Thank you blzrd 10 out of 10 I would recomend to a friend.

I’m pretty sure this is false. The initial banning according to the amount of reports is entirely automated. If you get reported enough, you receive a ban. There is no human on the other side checking what you did, that’s pure fantasy. You can get reported in QP just as well as in comp, as is just imo.

I’d also like to point out that Blizzard code of conduct does not differentiate between game modes. Bad behaviour is bad behaviour regardless whether its in qp or comp.

I am sure massive amount of people have this completely false view of how banning works.

ps. There is also an xp penalty for leaving too many of your games within certain period of time. You receive a warning before that happens.


Yes, most people don’t care what you do in QP, therefore they dont report you there. Doesn’t mean you cant be reported in there.

Yeah you’re wrong. You can absolutely get banned for all the same reasons in quick play that you can in comp. FACT.

Blizzard has stated on multiple occasions they do not have different criteria for comp vs QP when it comes to reports.

That being said, in my extensive history of reporting throwers, I can say that the only time I receive notifications for when they’ve taken action, is for Abusive Chat.