Ignore function on forums

Hey mate. This is sort of an ongoing thing I’ve had with Nightwing for like a week now, so I completely understand why you feel that way. To try to summarize it:

I made a thread where I was addressing the issue about dps leavers in QP, who leave at the very last second, and how annoying it is to sit in queue for 12 minutes, only to get a defeat screen instantly, and then sitting an additional 8+ minutes in prio-queue after. 20 mins to wait for one game is a problem with the game, especially when it could have been 12 minutes. I go more into detail in my thread if you are interested in reading about it, and I’ll link it to you.

But the reason for this comment you wrote that I’m currently replying to, is that he constantly derails the topic with coming with suggestions that are of no help, and doesn’t address the issue in the thread I made. If I wanted the suggestions he gives, I would have named the topic differently, but sadly, this dude more or less lives here on the forums, and drowns out and derails alot of posts. So there is no point in making the posts anymore.

Here is my topic thread, if you are more interested, but I warn you, it’s quite a lengthy and mind-numbingly boring read at this point.

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