DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

Troll or not, I’m just stating my views regardless, so anyone else can read if they feel like it. Banshee atleast seemed honest, so I’ll give an honest answer in return, regardless if it’s a troll or not. I don’t mind, really. Atleast it was relevant to what this thread is about, even if it’s not in-line with my views, it’s still good to have a dialogue.

Yep. And another relevant answer to your piece is that you are barking up the wrong tree.

This will never change. Time to worry about the next issue.

Quickplay is meant as a less serious way to play the game, where in ranked you compete on a ladder, and qp is by ALL intents and purposes a “normal” mode of the game. For people that don’t want to spend alot of time in a single match where you should play seriously and at the utmost of your abilities, quickplay is the place to go. Do we have to deal with people practicing or learning new champions in qp? Yes. Can they be terrible at the game and not face repercussions? yes. Does qp really matter? yes! Just because it doesn’t grant ranked points to climb the ladder doesn’t mean it should be left on a shelf and accepted as bad simply for not being ranked. People can join qp and play however terribly or non-meta as they please, I don’t give a damn about skill-levels in qp. It’s very much the place to go for practice, as it’s the closest to ranked as you can get. Unless ofcourse you play the draft mode(if it’s even still in the game, essentially ranked but without ranked points or rewards).

QP is faster than ranked, each game lasts about 5-10 mins, and in ranked, it’s more or less the double of that. It’s 2 completely different games, even if they share alot of similarities.

What a completely asinine comment. The entire reason I started this thread was in order to address an issue in QP, namely the fact that I would like to ACTUALLY play the game, and not get backfilled in the last 15 seconds after sitting in dps-queue for 12 minutes, only to sit even longer in prio queue right after. Give me a break here. QP never had this amount of leavers in the last few seconds of the match as it has now ever since it came out. Sure, backfilling has been a thing ever since the game came out, but it’s never been so rampant as it is now, and that is the problem I’m addressing. If it’s not a problem for you, then I guess you either love sitting in the queue over actually playing, OR, you don’t really play that much QP to begin with, which makes your point of view rather meaningless and carries no weight or interest in actually improving things that are not good.

If you think things should stay bad just because they are, then go ahead and stick your head in the sand. However, I prefer to address the issue by the off chance, albeit small, that something can actually be done about it. Seeing that the post is gaining quite the amount of views aswell, must atleast point to a certain interest in the topic, or a feeling of “feeling the same issue”. So it’s not just me. Just because you are fine with whatever, doesn’t mean everyone wants to stick their head in the sand.

ok then you just don’t want to accept developers vision for this. Its a quick jump on/off thing, whenever you like quitting you can do it. You can go play ranked and simply ignore the whole ranking aspect of it, its just meaningless number anyway - but you’ll enjoy the policy you want to impose on qp folks, leavers leaving midmatch to be punished in a way.

Hence why I earlier said that the punishment shouldn’t necessarily be applied on the first leave. Only if the leavers make a habit of leaving right before they they lose every game. I wrote about it here:

Shouldn’t be punished at all.

As said, it is a pick and drop mode.

The fact that if you leave too many you get a 75% reduction in XP seems excessive to me, but then again XP is mostly irrelevant. (outside of levelling accounts, and most people will use workshop to do that quickly).

Reward full completed matches with an XP boost maybe (seeing as XP is their punishment of choice).

But it is a throw away mode meant for casual play. If you get bored you can go and be replaced without massively impacting the match.

Sounds fine to me.

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And it being a pick and drop mode is fine, I have no problems with that. But if they ruin the experience of other players by leaving in the last 15 seconds, this is not good for other players, and thus, a bad thing for the game. Nobody cares about exp unless you are lvl 1-24 smurf or new players, and all you care about is getting high enough to play ranked. So rewarding players for staying is way less effective than punishing if they leave. And lets be completely clear here, I’m not speaking about all leavers at all times. I’m speaking of players that leave after playing their games in it’s full, until the last few seconds remain, and they know they can’t win anymore, so they just leave and make some other poor schmuck load in to this game and take the loss FOR them. This is a huge waste of time for the player that replaces the leaver, and this is not a “good” or “okay” thing to have in the game.

If a match lasts for, lets say, 7 minutes, and you play this game for 6 minutes and 45 seconds, then you leave, and I take your place, this is not “fun” or “good” for me, or anyone in my situation, and you really SHOULD agree with me on that. Solving this issue would ofcourse make the game in a better state, and therefore, it should be dealt with. I hope you can agree to that much. Whether something willa ctually be done or not, is a completely different topic, but remaining silent and not addressing this problem at all, would be the same as sticking your head in the sand and saying: “this is how it SHOULD be.”

I prefer to raise my voice about the issue instead, even if it only increases the chances that this will be addressed by 0.1%. Unless you know of a more direct way to get blizzard’s attention than writing on the forums, I’m all ears.

However, writing here is the best way I can think of to try to reach out to them and make them aware of the fact that there is a problem. And it really IS a problem. It’s bloody rampant nowadays compared to before, and naturally the problem of leavers will never ever be gone completely, but it can be stemmed and controlled to an extent, which is what I’m suggesting.

If it was a bad thing for the game… Play rates on quick play would have tanked in the last 5 years…

The data would suggest quick play is a steady ship that people pick up and put down when they just want to mess about or chill with friends.

it ruins experience for petty whiners like yourself, everyone else shrugs it off and joins next match right away… You know its just 1 click away.

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If someone leaves with 15 seconds to go and that is so annoying… Just do the same and reque.

Or if you join a game as a last second back fill and really don’t like that, immediately leave.

Petty whiners? I’m simply pointing out a flaw that should be corrected for the greater good of the game and benefit all players, except the impatient leavers that refuse to accept a loss in the way the game was intended. Shrugging it off is all that can be done for now, but that doesn’t mean improvements should be avoided. As for the “right away” part of your comment, it’s not really “right away” when you have to sit in queues for long periods of time, now is it? Maybe you feel offended by my suggestion because it would affect you? But that would be bad right? Or maybe you really love to sit in queue for long periods of time without playing? Sure sounds like fun… For someone feeling the need for personal attacks on a person expressing their opinion about something that would make the experience of the game ever so slightly better for the majority, your argument loses all it’s weight. Although I’m not surprised if you result to that strategy if you are part of the players that don’t care at all about the state of the game, and only think about your own personal benefits. If you have no interest in that, then go on about your day, there is nothing in it for you here if that’s what you are about. Come with arguments for or against, don’t come here with your demeanor and personal attacks, it doesn’t make you look good.

How would this solve the problem? It would still waste my time sitting in queue just to leave, and also it would just put my issue on someone else. Not only would it NOT solve the problem for me, but I would put it on yet ANOTHER person aswell. Now that’s a double whammy if I ever saw one.

It doesn’t. Your problem won’t be solved.

Best solution, roll with it and move on.

Typing 84,000 words every time won’t help you. No one will sit through that to read and give you time.

Just accept it for what it is, a damn video game that sometimes you have to wait a bit for.

Done, easy, and enjoy.

If its annoying you, stop playing.

I’m glad to hear you atleast are on board with this being a problem then.

Better solution is to raise it as an issue on the forum to atleast increase the odds of it being noticed by someone that can actually do something about it to fix it, even if it’s only ever so slightly. Better than doing nothing at all atleast. As for now, all I can do is roll with it, because it’s how it is. But it still SHOULDN’T be, and that was the whole point in the first place. That’s also why I have to write 84000 words, because you keep raising the same comments over and over, and if you didn’t read from the beginning in the first place, I’m not surprised that I have to write that much. I’m stunned if you are not able to see that my suggestion would be an improvement as a whole, whether it happens or not is not something I can say is likely or unlikely. Alot of people would have to show interest about this for that to happen.

I accept that I have to wait a bit, especially as a dps. I just don’t want to wait EXTRA because some people think it’s okay to disrupt the queue timers for other players because they will lose. That’s all.

Doing nothing is easy, enjoying the game would require the games to atleast be playable. Choosing a character is not exactly fun gameplay. Playing the character is.

If it annoys me, I will let it annoy me until I feel a need to vent out about it in hope to get an improvement to fix the issue. And seeing how rampant the problem has become recently, it’s now time to vent. I’m not planning on stopping playing because something in the game annoys me. There are plenty of things that annoy me when I play, and I don’t expect perfection. I do however expect to be able to play, and if players are the ones hindering me from doing so, then it’s on blizzards end to make a change that stops this issue.

No I don’t think it is an issue at all.

You have a problem with it though. And it is clearly affecting your mental state when playing. And if you get tilted playing quick play… you really need to stop.

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Right… So you really love sitting in queue then. I understand now that this is your preferred action in the game. I’m not getting tilted by playing quickplay, I’m getting tilted when I want to play, but I don’t get games because leavers leave when games are essentially over already. Do you not understand what I’m saying? or are you choosing to ignore it? I really wish I could be in a game and be able to actually play, that would be great.

No. I just play ranked in 6 stacks with a set of friends I know and trust.

Barely every a que over 5 minutes, and if it goes that long we’re in an arcade mode messing about.

Control what you can control.

If you are playing QP, games will likely be a mess with people coming and going.

If you solo que, expect to wait.

You can solve these things yourself without crying about it.

This is hardly a solution to the problem though, just circumvention. Problem still remains at it’s core, and I shouldn’t need a group of friends to play with just because I want to play. People could just accept a defeat at the end. As soon as Defeat shows up on their screen, they can leave, and it will affect noone. Skip everything else, almost nothing lost. Instead of putting problems on others. Ranked is irrelevant, as this post was about QP in the first place. No need to circle back to that, but you seem to like circling about.

Instead of controlling what I can control, I just expect higher standards and hope to see change. All I can do to make that ever so slightly more likely, is to comment here. Sadly, although I enjoy our discussion, I feel like you don’t see the reason for changing this, as it doesn’t really affect you with all your friends and circumvention, so why do you even bother to comment? This solution wouldn’t really affect you at all as long as you mostly play ranked and with friends anyways, so unless you have some good arguments for why leaving the games when they are essentially finished is a “good thing for the game as a whole”, then we really don’t have anything to continue writing about. It’s just going in circles at this point.

I keep an eye on this post still for a bit longer, but unless you have some good arguments, I will no longer bother to reply, because there seems to be a need to repeat myself ever so often, as if you didn’t read what I said anyway. So have a good day.

Because the problem is in your head.

People could just accept a defeat.

You could just accept someone left. Or you could just accept you’ve back filled a game.

They are allowed to leave. So they will. You shouldn’t expect much from players, that way you can’t be disappointed.

It’s not in my head, it’s very much real, and in the game for everyone to feel.

I accept my defeats, and so should others.
I accept leavers and backfill, but if I backfill a leaver in the last seconds of a game, then the leaver should be punished for ruining my queuetime.
They should accept their defeats and stop ruining for others. That is what needs a fix, and is very much not “just in my head”.

They are, and they can. But if they only do this at the end, resulting in ruining for others, then they should be stopped from doing so.

That’s all, no need to speak more about this. Even the forum preview shows a message now that I’m writing with you alot, and I should write with others a bit more also. We are done, unless you have a compelling argument, which I don’t see here. Just circumvention. Have a good day.

I accept my defeats. But I play ranked because QP is mostly garbage.

I didn’t like quick play so I change the mode I played. Rather than writing essays about something that’ll never change.

I just take action and control my own narrative.

And when ranked games get boring. I stop playing.

Thousands of games out there to enjoy.

If you keep getting mad about something you have no control over, you’ll just become the latest in a long line of toxic typing timmys in game. And what’s the point in that.

Ultimately, it is only a video game and doesn’t matter one bit. Play the mode you like, and have fun. When it isn’t fun, do something else.