DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

Sure mate. I’m happy for you that this works for you. But it still doesn’t change the fact that QP needs attention because you just aid yourself:

And my point is: “It shouldn’t be accepted as garbage. It should be addressed and fixed.”
Again, you are going in circles, I’ve already answered this, and changing game-mode is not addressing the problem, it’s just circumventing/replacing it. I want a fix, not feel like I should pick a different option.

I’ve played ever since closed beta, and this has really only become a noticeable problem recently. Leavers have been there ever since beginning, but the amount of people doing like this now is severely more increased than it’s ever been. That’s all. And I don’t write alot of stuff in game as a toxic typing timmy (great name for it btw xD), I just raise it here, because the issue happens more often now than ever before. And nobody really LIKES it. Whenever I play games, I see people complaining about it all the time, and that’s not a good thing. The modes that works are just that, modes that work. But if one mode doesn’t work, it should be looked at on how to make it work, that’s my whole point. Now again, lets not start up this once more, I’m getting tired of repeating myself. Go back and read all my other 84000 words instead, you will eventually find my answers to your comments there, I’m sure. Again, have a good day.

Nothing wrong with qp. Just the messy games are not for me.

But it is a nothing on the line mode thar you can drop whenever

Your issue is your own tilt levels. You get annoyed at something so minor.

Chill out. Play arcade or workshop mode in que watch something on YouTube. Listen to some music.

Ques aren’t long and it’s your fault that you get tilted.

I want to play qp. Actually play it. Not get someones sloppy seconds right at the end of the match, you are not listening to what I’m saying.

Don’t play quick play then if you don’t want the chance you’ll back fill a game.

Or 6 stack then you control who’s in the game.

You crying about something, when there is 2 easy solutions to your problem.

If you’re too belligerent to do it, then that is on you, not Blizzard or anyone else.

Again, this is circumvention, not resolving the main issue. You choose to look for a way to avoid the issue without fixing it, I want to fix it without circumventing.

Because you are not doing everything in your power to solve your own issue.

Why should someone else help you if you are unwilling to take action yourself.

Incorrect. I simply have -no- love for this game anymore and my only amusement is ruining it.
The correct term you are looking for is toxic rear end hole.

and we agree. Leavers, will never change. With, or without incentive and or penalty.

Correct. You are trolling the game.

A troll.

It’s not in my power to fix the issue anyways, all I can do is try to raise awareness to the issues, so that the problem COULD get fixed. Avoiding the problem by doing something else than what you want in the first place doesn’t remove or fix the problem at all. It just means I would have to compromise what I want to do whilst hiding my head in the sand.

I can respect Banshee for what he/she is saying. I’m unsure of why they stopped loving the game, but I wouldn’t be surprised if neglect to fix problems would be one of them. Pure speculation however on my part, as I don’t know Banshee at all.

Yes it is.

You can stack with friends/friendly people to avoid the issue of backfilling and or leavers.

You can QP Classic to avoid ques.

You can play ranked to satisfy your fetish for seeing leavers punished more severely.

You refuse to do these things… no one can help you.

You can also put up with one or two flex role ques if you want a faster dps que.

See. many things you can do.

But you just seem to want to complain about something that will NEVER change.

Look dude:

Why should I play with friends? I don’t have any, okay… Playing with random people in group? why? I can just play solo, and it should be just as viable as playing with others.

QP Classic has no meta whatsoever, a completely different game mode in other words.

I don’t have a fetish for seeing people punished, all I want is to play the frickin’ game! And I want to play QP, not ranked. This post has QP in title, stop bringing ranked into it. Similar to classic, it’s a completely different thing.

I want the problems in the mode I want to play to get fixed, it’s really not that hard to understand. But you really don’t seem to understand. You are simply fine with QP having a broken system rather than fixing it, which is pretty hard for me to see your logic on.

I see you like to circumvent and put your head in the sand, but yet again, I have to explain this for you. I really don’t get how you can’t see this…

Yes, qp has been casual for years, and yes, leavers will always exist. I am not, and have never said anywhere that I have a problem with leavers in GENERAL, I have a problem with a specific type of leaver. What don’t you understand about that?

There are no problems in the mode to fix. Your problems are just people playing the game. And you can’t “fix” the players.

You are just crying about nothing.

Make friends. Play with them. Easy job.

Because there is no specific type of leaver in QP… People play till they are bored of the match… .then leave. be that after 10 seconds or 15 seconds before the end.

For you there are no problems, clearly. But just because the issues are no problem for you personally, doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all. For me it’s a problem, and from all the other people who experience the same, I see that the vast majority of them don’t like it. But yet again, you are starting this same circle of ignoring what I’ve been saying several times over now. You CAN “fix” the players. Not ALL of them, but a good amount atleast, as not everyone would be willing to wait 5 mins compared to 15 seconds. It’s not about making it perfect, it’s about making improvement, and quite clearly, the ONLY people those punishments I suggested would affect, would be those specific types of players. And quite frankly, f*** those players…

I don’t WANT to make friends, I shouldn’t have to do that just to play a game. I just want to shoot things… I don’t care about skill or meta or trolling or toxicity or whatever… All I care about is reducing the amount of times I have to play backfiller when game is already in overtime, and this has become a HUGE amount of times as of lately, compared to the past.

Leavers in general are fine… It’s the “leave-at-the-end-because-I-can’t-be-bothered-to-get-a-defeat”-leavers I have an issue with. Because if they plan on playing more, they should stay, so they don’t mess up other people’s queues. You really don’t seem to get this.

No. There is no problem.

You are upset with people leaving at specific moments.

That is a people issue. Not a game issue.

Either suck it up or don’t play.

Back fill isn’t an issue. It helps finish matches.

That IS a problem, and correct, it’s a people problem, but it can be improved by applying certain rules and regulations. Cheating in game is also very much a people problem, as the people using cheats often think it’s fine, because they were “smart” enough to use cheats. But they still get banned for ruining the experience for others. Surely, cheating is more severe, but it’s not unheard of at all that games make changes to stop a bad thing for the game from happening. Especially when people-issues gets translated into making issues in the games.

I’m targeting a very specific type of player. Not ALL backfillers or ALL leavers. As I’ve made abundantly clear in my previous posts in this thread, if you read them.

A people problem.

One that can’t be solved by Blizzard, a forum, a well intentioned person… or anyone.

So just move on.

You either accept backfill or not. You can’t sit on the fence.

Backfill is good.

Sometimes that means you backfill and instantly lose a game. So be it. Quick play is a complete lucky dip anyways.

And as I said, not solved 100%, but still a substantial improvement to the current state. Which COULD be done, as it’s being done by alot of games already, and it’s not a new thing at all.

Yes, backfill in itself is good, like you said just before this:

I agree with this, but when a match is essentially finished already, then it’s pointless to even be sent into the match. So it could be fixed in several ways. One would be a punishment system for leaving at the end instead of finishing. Another would be a change where if a match has reached a certain point, the spots won’t even be filled at all, and it’s a guaranteed lose anyways. Although I think that won’t stop the leavers incentive, and thus wouldn’t be a good solution either.

But I’m saying it shouldn’t be like that. Because it’s not fun. And there is no time to even get into the game. It’s just wasting peoples time. If you don’t agree to that, then you must have a severe lack of understanding, or refusing to see the bigger picture of the game as a whole.

You can’t pick and chose when backfill is fine.

Technically no game is lost until Defeat pops up. Only takes one person to pop off at the last second to change it.

So capping when backfill can and cannot happen would be wrong.

If you get one of those games that is a steam roll and you join at the last seconds… Maybe the team you joined shouldn’t of sucked in the first place… But what you going to do.

Every aspect of QP is a complete lucky dip/clown fiesta.

Sometimes you get that mega, competitive, close game.
Sometimes you totally roll the enemy and they all come and go.
Sometimes you are the one getting rolled.
Every now and again you join a game with seconds to go. Usually you lose, some times you don’t,

Again. Clown fiesta and lucky dip.

Roll with it. You chose to play solo que quick play. You’ve made your bed. Now lay in it.

It will NEVER change. If you can’t accept that, play something else.

Suggestions on how you can make the system work better for you have been given. If you are too belligerent to try them, that is a you problem. Nothing else.