Endorsement!What is the point?

I am waiting for this too. But because it won’t be a positive, he will just hide behind trolling rather than just admit he was in the wrong and apologise.

I can say for a fact, I have friends almost half my age that are still in school and they’re more mature than vers is.

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I know a 12 year old who is more mature and thats just sad lol

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Come on now. I am sure he is fine IRL, just seems to be angry here.

Continuing this bullying toxic discussion to belittle me is not making you look good, at all. Which gives me the impression that you’re young, or just toxic. There’s the answer to your question.

Wait. So when you do it is ok? But when the shoes on the other foot it upsets you?


You insulting others to belittle them is the problem and you’ve been doing it to me for a year, and others. Don’t cry when someone steps up to your bullying.

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and the trash talk that you do somehow belongs to the thread ?

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Tbf, they were insulted and belittled. Then the person refused to explain themselves.

I agree no “trash talk” should happen. But sometimes people just have to accept you’ll get what you dish out.

I don’t think Gimby was in the wrong here.

two wrongs dont make it right

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But sometimes people aren’t going to tolerate the level of abuse and patronising that comes from certain people and will slap back.

It isn’t the best approach, but you can’t really get annoyed by it.

If you’re willing to give, you better be willing to take.

That’s why I don’t return fire with insults on here. They probably wouldn’t be able to take it.

The person who keeps liking your comments needs to remember that insulting people, belittling them means they have zero right complain when it’s fired back at them.

Do you even know how many times this guy harasses me?

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He does it to anyone who disagrees.

that is the conflict between you and him .it has nothing to do with me. i just asked them if they will be buying wow new expansion or not .i dont know their wow forum name so i asked them here . not a big crime .

he is insulting you and you are insulting him .whats the difference here ?

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Not a big crime. Didn’t bother me (WoW is a pretty tedious game in my eyes). Doesn’t mean this is the time or the place. So Gimby was technically well within their rights to question it.

Did you see the new human dragon skins? Looks pretty cool. No systems mentioned (Yet). It’s looking great so far!

Drop an add on Bnet if you want to discuss more on WoW.

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battle tag kitten#23294

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Oh hes doing more than just that and telling him to stop makes him doing it more x)

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So does rodium, and yet here you are playing favorites :man_shrugging:

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But Rodi doesnt insult me or anything else at all :woman_shrugging:

That’s not the point.
The point is that you are complaining about someone being e.g. passive-aggressive while not only your favorite is being passive-aggressive, but you are also doing it.

For someone who likes to make comments about how someone is below child’s mentality, it seems like you aren’t any better by dragging stupid squabble to the point of acting like clueless hypocrite.