Is overwatch dead?

“Overwatch is dead” is dead

To me, Overwatch has been dead for a long time. I used to love it on release, but it’s simply not fun anymore - not since they began to cater to lowest common denominator and make dumb changes, like removing self-damage on Junkrat’s grenades and DVA’s ult.
Also, I dislike most of the new characters. I’ll give a pass only to Ana and Sombra - they have their niche. Also, Wrecking ball is interesting in concept, but definitely is a DPS, not a tank (also, I loathe the hamster theme).
The rest, however? Pure, unbalanced and unfun trash.

Frankly, I play OW only to practice hitscan against a wide array of differently-sized targets. As soon as some good comp-shooter comes along - I’ll be out in a jiffy. I had hopes for Quake Champions, but unfortunately it’s dead in the water, so I’m still here.

I played OW when it was created maybe for half a year and then I left. Now I returned to play again… but I don’t think I stay here for long. Before I left gameplay was fun for everybody. Now I see:

  1. 10 minutes to join a game? C’mon. That’s waay too long for multiplayer game.
  2. Join competetive match and everybody kills you in 0.5 seconds you see them.

So I think this:

  • Casual gamers left this game
  • Hardcore old gamers only

I know Blizz working on OW 2 and I hope they won’t make same mistakes again. A game that only hardcore gamers play is basically a dead game for me. Now I am not a person who types 5 words a minute. I play SC2 … casually. And it’s ok. It’s still OK. After all these years you still get good matches! (btw I didnt play SC2 for like 5 years also).

For some reason all casual gamers left this game and that is the problem with this game.

I am saying dead for casual players. Like people who are willing to spend 2 hours a week. There are too few of those people and they can’t find a good match for them so they don’t play. Elites are ok, but they make just few percents of people. And for the game to be actually alive it needs people. But anyways it now doesn’t matter because Blizz is making OW2. I am fan of Blizz, but to my memory OW1 is the game with the shortest lifespan they ever made. Just like 4-6 years… and it’s gone.

From what I understood you can still play OW1 with people who own OW2, OW2 is just some fancy graphics quality increase and PvE.

You guys still bumping this up? Ow is nowhere near to be dead so stop rambling about it. You define causal by the time he/she spends on playing per week? Then consider this, a game in OW (not comp) can take anywhere short as 5-10 mins.

Same game in League of Legends is avg 45 minutes, StarCraft2 20 minutes, WoW, who knows now raids used to last even 4-6 hours.

My point is that causal gamers who just want to sit down and bang some heads off or heal or tank still enjoy OW a lot because it’s fast pace and it does not hold you down, you can say this is my last game folks bye. I have lot of causal friends, I play this game more than I should tho.

If you say that these causal average joes leave the game because they just fail in it and give up that’s also not true, OW is one of the easiest, simplest games to play with a WASD 4 talent on hotkeys, you can’t even compare it to WoW. If someone is just causal and really bad with aim for example he/she can still have fun with playing support or tank and even if his bad with all he can just go bronze and will surely find someone to carry some games.

The game balances itself out, even bad players can have some good games and enjoy it like they were pros and that is what causals look for, to have a blast at the end of the day.

I don’t mind loosing, But the team balancing is absolutely shocking. 1 game you’re smashed to pieces, the next the opponents are like cavemen trying to play.

Not to mention regularly as moira I’m rocking gold dps as well as heals, and eliminations.

But the worst part is the forced 222. It means I’m getting an average of 3 games a night now due to the wait for dps queuetime, which waiting 10 mins for a comp, to have someone leave, then wait another 10 mins again isn’t enjoyable anymore.

It’s no longer a jump in and have fun game. I’ve seriously considered uninstalling the game and just watching a desktop for all the fun I’ve been having lately

edit In fact just this game played, there was 0 team heals, because dps players are going heals to save queuing.

It’s dead for me and I don’t even play much comp.

Spent most of the time in arcade because I found it the most fun game mode. But now I’m just tired of it all. I’m tired of the constant balance changes that never seem to work, the seemingly endless addition of orb type heroes and the awfully boring 2CP maps. Even when playing comp the game just feels so slow and most matches feel dragged out.

Season 4 I found to be the most fun but now it feels dull.

Yes OW is dead… If you remove milions of smurfs and duplicate account you are left with few people who really like the game… they are mostly in bronze or T500 because other ranks are complete garbage filled with smurfs…

I still play OW sometimes as a Tank because screw it… I was a really good DPS but I got bored of 30 minute queues and then somebody from that match left and match got cancelled and another 30 minutes queue… then we had a thrower so we lost… I can still play a tank and I like it but the real OW community already left the game and only ones who stayed are boosted girls, people who does not care and the largest part are smurfs…

There are no smurfs in bronze why?

Yes. the game are total dead now. Only left on the feeld are trollers.

You’re the troll here, spamming more and more. Flagged

Have you all notice that Marmite and skynet focus more on me then on the treadmaker? They follow me too every tread I comment on. Thats real harressment and also showing how blizzard aint care exacly like they let Overwatch die for itself.

They are desperate and writing same stuff too all on this forum.

Have you all noticed how this kid spams the same things over and over because he has no argument, meaning forum ban faster

Just spam for flagging

Completly dead, dont waste more time que for nothing.


Here are proof blizzard losing gamers and why


Iam whit blondie, the game are dying pretty hard.

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Again, 7 month old topic, offers 0 evidence for anything.

Flagged for alt account to get around forum ban.

dude… the game isent dead… there is hope that jeff can do something good… but he dont want it… they said they need to rebalance since 2-2-2 but they dont… this game isent dead… its only bad… very bad