My final thoughts on Overwatch

^ this.

100% sums up every team game.

This doesn’t dispute anything I’ve said.

Top 500 people get throwers and people who make mistakes, can be toxic, and don’t have access to OWL level strats and comps due to SoloQ issues: E.g. People not using VOIP, people not switching, people being OTPs.

So even the best players in the world are subject to the same downsides of soloQ I’ve presented in my argument.

Again the strawman of “git gud” is being used to walk passed all of my actual points and criticisms, but go off I guess.

If you think things are this black and white, I can understand why you use the same strawman, in almost every thread you post in.

You guys need to understand that I’ve been r1 and then r1 and r2 in a soloQ game, and that even the r2 players I was playing with, and myself would make mistakes due to the limitations of soloQ. The 6 player format, character changing format, and positional format of OW amplify that tenfold.

As I argue in my initial post, which you both probably ignored and thought “I’ll just write ‘be good at the game’ instead of engaging the arguments”; playing in a team/with the same people is a completely different experience, when compared to the randomness of soloQ.

My arguments weren’t about climbing, nor any sort of pattern in losing, but a criticism of soloQ in general and specifically how it works in OW, and what can occur because of it. Your ‘git gud’ fallacy spam is irrelevant here.

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You have latched on to this “strawman” counter, but seem to be misusing it.

He clearly isn’t saying anything about being good at the game. Just that people need to understand that you get what you give. Nothing about climbing, skill or anything.

If you can’t understand that’s what was implied by “You deserve every experience you get”, then I don’t know what to say to you.

“the point is you are complaining a lot about a team game that you’re not really contributing to”, how can you interpret this to mean anything other than “you’re bad, be good”

You’re either being intentionally dense or don’t have the reading comprehension skills for me to bother responding to you anymore.

And I’m not misusing it at all. You should probably go through your posts and see how many times someone made a valid criticism of some kind of game mechanic or system in Overwatch, and instead of engaging the point, you responded with some reworded version of “git gud”.

That was part of what was implied, but not the whole picture.

The fact that you single out a tiny part of the interpretation just to suit your narrative that you are not keen on the “git gud” mentality is a little weird.

Could just as easily have taken it to be about toxicity, or coordination, or team work in general.

I do see people implying that improving at the game would solve a problem they have encountered, but that isn’t a straw man… improving skills will counter a lot of the issue people encounter in any game.

Like if someone tells me Tracer is too strong because they can’t hit her… fine. Improve your aim and cool down usage. Not a straw man and directly answers the query.

You being unwilling/unable to do that doesn’t make it a straw man either.

You gave 3 different descriptions of his point to try to mystify it’s meaning:

Only Part of:

Didn’t make that point at all!:

It’s just me putting a negative spin on it (even though he didn’t make that point?^):

How I interpreted his point:

“you are complaining a lot and not contributing”: You’re whining and not playing well enough.
“You deserve every experience you get”: if you play well you’ll have good experiences

If his point is that “you will get placed where the matchmaker decides”, which I doubt, because that would be like saying “the sky is blue”, with no relevance to any points in my post.

In other words “git gud and the game will be fun”, which I’m not making any arguments about whatsoever. That’s why he didn’t quote anything from my post relevant to his point. Because I didn’t say anything relevant to individual player skill.

It’s a strawman or a completely pointless, irrelevant and empty argument.


You must be trolling. I’m going to hide your posts after this one, because he’s clearly only making one point, and you’ve been called out, so you’re implying he meant something more?

How can you be this dishonest?

You even went on to make the same point yourself:

You’re speaking about places where it is relevant. I’ve seen you using it where it isn’t multiple times. That’s why I say it to you.

Examples: these are all from different threads, and only threads he’s used them agaisnt me. If you went through his 1.5k posts you would probably see way more of this.

In response to someone else making an irrelevant “git gud” strawman argument in this thread:

This will be my last post to you, because you’re clearly out for blood after being called out on using the same strawman fallacy (“git gud”, while ignoring the actual points people are making) probably 900/1500 posts.

You’re now showing your true colours and acting completely in bad faith and/or are trolling.

And you still haven’t engaged in a single actual point from the initial post, to the point where, when I did bring one up you was confused about it:

If you aren’t getting paid to do this, then I feel sorry for you. Goodbye.

To people wondering what is going on:
There’s about 3-4 people on these forums, all with over 1k posts, who will ignore points being made in the thread and will instantly put out some form of reworded “git gud”.

This is a strawman, as it is completely irrelevant to the points being made, and instead tries to distract and imply that the only reason you’re making that point is that you’re bad at the game. It’s trying to derail the conversation, discredit you and distract from your actual points all at the same time.

The reason I call these people ‘paid forum workers’, is because they all have over 1K posts, all make the same or similar arguments, and all seem very defensive about issues such as smurfs, which a lot of people have problems with.

There’s even people on the US forums who fit the same criteria. :thinking:

No. He has never mentioned skill or anything.

You have just assumed that, then tried to disregard his point by claiming he was a “forum worker”

Which is probably the closest thing to straw man here, without being one either.

Again, you try to disregard points by crying “troll”. Another borderline straw man.

Many times? Maybe because that is my view. If you are struggling with something in game. Practice and improve. Or accept that you aren’t going to overcome it and chill out and have fun.

Either way, you get out what you put in.

(I could straw man it by questioning how you have played 73hours of Mercy… in quick play.)

There are plenty of situation where a well placed charge can be a game changer annd incase you not aware of it charge is an abillity for a reason that like i would scream your throwing for sprinting after an enemy with soldier also you dont sound like you play rein or is doing you job either in the match so who are you to accuse the tanks for thowing? you trying to say you dont die at any point when facibg the enmies? To me you sound like the typicall no it all dps thinking the worlds circles around you and you say is all that matter and dont listen to the tanks but in reality is most likley the one holding the team back

I disagree with this Kitten on many things, but it is clear that

A) they are talking about bad Reins that don’t learn from mistakes (we all know the value he can provide when played smartly)

B) they are not a dps player (just look at the profile before you make assumptions)

There is no need for the hostility towards them based on misinterpretations and false assumptions.

Oh great the stalker who want to make a useless comment on every reply. A) you dont know if the rein was bad or not as it may have been the team who didnt do their job so that tanks had to do more than just the usual aslo charge is an abillity for a reason. B) i dont have to look at a profile for everyone i comment to in fact i never once looked at your as i can tell your a dumbass even without your profile info. I wasnt hostile i just said it as it looked as he/she accused someone of throwing just because of using one of Reinhardts abillities wich makes it toxic by accusing someone of something just because of an abillitie thats in the game for a reason exactly the same way as if i where to report soldier player for using their sprin abillity like in the example i wrote above

I’ll let others judge what is useless. But you’ve not helped yourself there.

I dont need to help myself as i didnt say anything wrong while you just keep up your sad act of feeling like you need to comment evey single topic and comment like the sad person you are so you if anyone dont help yourself on how people see you

OK. Nice to hear from you again.

Cant say the same as it never nice with the likes of you making pointless comments just to waste others time

OK. Thanks for the update.

And you keep making pointless comment just to annoy so you are just proving that everything i said about you in other topics is accurate

To annoy? You were already annoyed when you replied to Kitten calling them names and accusing them of things and stuff.

I don’t need to do anything to annoy you.

It could be anyone throwing. Rein was just an example.

My point was that people will make the same mistakes and it will always be a different person, because it’s SoloQ, not because it’s a Rein. This makes the gameplay inconsistent, and takes the power of doing anything about that mistake out of your hands.

He instantly derails topics by responding with things that aren’t relevant, or picks one point from someone responding’s comment and has a 4 year discussion that he constantly moves away from his initial point and clings on to anything he can. He’s either trolling or it’s pointless in engaging with him.

Also, you can just block that guy btw. All I see is “Hidden Reply” now when he types something irrelevant. Reporting is a good idea too. It worked on his alt, Nightwing.

Lol. Another believer of that lie. Still playing on my only account getting accused of being someone else.

And another subscriber to the forum myth that if someone disagrees with you, they must be trolling and need reporting.

It is OK to disagree and debate these things.

(As long as you don’t resort to petty name calling like some seem to)

Yeah that true. Sorry my bad

Oh trust me i know all to well i cant enter a single topic and have discussion without him being there max 30 minutes later trying to derail the topic his nonsense.

Yeah the though have crossed my mind of blocking him but i have hard time with people like him mouthing off you behind the back so i see one day i probobly just wont bother with him. Im honestly just hoping for his own sake that he one day take care of his life instead of acting like this on the internet for the rest of his life.
Haha yeah its no question about him being the same guy as nightwing even though he pretends not to be but its just too convenient with nightwing disappearing 1 day and then him coming back the next day writing exactly the same way. But i believe he actually got 2 accounts banned i believe he called himself Bottlecap after nightwing got kicked but that one didnt last long :rofl:

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