Marvel Rivals Launches - Overwatch 2 has now dropped to 59/100 on top100playedSteamGames :D

What do you think I am wrong about this time?

Seems like Rivals is much better than OW2 at this point. When Deadlock releases, it will be the final nail in OW2’ s coffin.

Microsoft might start firing spree again in January. Hopefully they fire the paid forum troll too :smiling_imp:


I’m not sure rivals has had much impact on OW. Certainly not the level some seem to think.

You should be wanting both to succeed. Means you’ll have more good games to play.

OW having a negative record on Steam the day Rivals was released was pure coincidence…


One can only hope…



Wait, are we really talking about STEAM player numbers for a game that got released on Steam just “recently” while it’s been active on Battlenet separately since the initial release and those players still use Battlenet? I could understand if OW has been released initially on Steam and there is no other exclusive platform around that can be used just fine.

I personally play OW since like 2017/2018, I play OW2, I tried MR closed beta, I play it now. I like both games. Instead of laughing at what game dies first why not just playing what you want and what you like? I am still gonna play OW and MR. They are both same by Genre but different by Style and possibilities. There are things which are made better for OW and could look better in MR or vice versa.

Or maybe it’s me being weirdo for liking different games and spending my time in them.

So if you see OW player count on steam decrease are you expecting see it increase in Battlenet after release of a concurrent?

Is not only steam, twitch, us forums activity, seeing same players more often in-game…

We do not need to be an Eisenstein to understand those clues.

That company threated us like sheeps, they deserve nothing more than hate. Is not only OW, I hope Diablo IV goes in the same path with PoE2.

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The steam player base is a tiny fraction of the overall ow number. But it’s likely it went down slightly across the board. But nothing that wouldn’t be expected do to additional factors too.

You also have to consider, the steam playerbase is likely to be more the f2p sheep crowd who just follow the hype. So it will fluctuate more dramatically within its tiny population.

(Still, ow in the steams “best sellers” of 2024 list. MR wasn’t)

But anyone wanting one game to end the other are just tiresome individuals who need something to hate to pretend they have a personality. Just enjoy good games and hope they both thrive. The gaming industry is in a place where there just aren’t as many great games coming out anymore. So we should enjoy it when there are some.

in all honesty, currently and generally Overwatch does not have numbers of a “failing game” :neutral_face:. less than before? absolutely yes. but not of failure for a multiplayer game, we are quite far from the levels of a suicide squad, concord or any other title that comes to mind that has failed in the media due to the lack of players in the game. :sweat_smile:

we know all too well that overwatch needs to improve its offering soon and rightly pays with a decrease in players (and in my opinion it is more a symptom of how many years have passed in not fixing the organization in the gallery, events and shop).

however I find it extremely inconsistent to look at the numbers derived from the steam portal as a reliable unit of measurement for the success of the game. the same goes for the twitch numbers less than a month after its release, we need to understand if Rivals can manage the flow of players and above all the first Meta that will inevitably form. :man_shrugging:


It’s fairly obvious that Marvel rivals wouldn’t have made it to Steam’s top sellers of 2024 when it was only released this month…

Overwatch got bronze top seller for 2024 but that’s not actually that high up on the list since bronze accounts for 51st-100th place…

Meanwhile Marvel Rivals is top 5 best selling of the month and right now the best selling game on steam charts which is brilliant…


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I appreciate your patience to tell the obvious.

Pretty decent for a game that Steam isn’t even a consideration when playing it.

It was information I deliberately left out as the list it appears on only includes new releases. Where as OW appears in the list that includes all games, including new releases.

Better to pick the list that includes everything, over being deliberately selective to mislead people.

One small amendment I should make actually - I didn’t realise my list was set to show top sellers for United Kingdom only…

Right now Marvel Rivals is 3rd place Top seller just under Counter Strike in the United Kingdom but if we look at Global then its 4th place…

If we look at weekly Top sellers (I said monthly before but I meant weekly) then it’s top 5 in the United Kingdom and 6th Globally which is still marvellously impressive…

:smirk_cat: :+1:

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Steam did not considered sales after 15th December, would be really impressive seeing a game on that list released 7 days before closing date…

Which games are you talking about? 80% of that list contains games that weren’t even released this year. If you talk about PoE2 that game was available for pre purchase before it’s release, and the premium version costs more than a kidney.

In Best Of Steam 2024, Rivals is at top of mostly played games. There was only 10 games reaching more than 450.000 concurrent players. I can’t wait for the 500.000 milestone!! Maybe with S1.


That would suggest to me that 2024 hasn’t been a great year for new games.

Now 67/100 on Steam :skull:


Meanwhile Rivals returned to > 80% review score on Steam, having again “Very Positive” feedback. Is weird how the chineses didn’t impact this game.

This thread is funny. The desperation :rofl:

My Only Problem with Marvel Rivals is that it is more Marvel’s Error Code 5

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