Mercy is not a must pick anymore and you are crying again?

Mercy is now situational like every other character in the game and you cry again?
Ana is a bit too strong atm but you can still play Moira and Mercy which was not the case during the Mercy meta. Except for quad tank or goats. Her playstyle did not even change that much during the last Nerf. Nerf Ana a bit and be done with it.
What is there else to cry about?

This nerf basically made Mercy even more braindead. You know about her right click ability, damage boost? The one that separated good Mercy players from the bad? Well, now she doesn’t have enough time to use that anymore because she can’t keep her team alive enough.


PLEASE no more mercy topics. Please.


I mean, this is a narrative that you’ve just created and presented as some sort of fact. I don’t see people “crying” and I don’t see people directing their complaints towards Mercy allegedly now being “situational”. You’ve fabricated this fantasy out of thin air. :yum:

And people complain about Mercy mains “spamming” the forum? :sweat_smile:

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So another “mercy mains stop spamming” thread, huh?

Now both parties are creating duplicate threads… Can’t you just go to a recent thread, instead of making the same one again? Creating duplicate threads is against the CoC anyway.

With that said…


See, I don’t think that the “spamming the forum” thing in regards to Mercy threads is a genuine concern for most people who claim that it is. I think it’s a red herring, or a cover to hide the true motivation. I think the true motivation is to shut down debate or to indulge in a mob/bully mentality under the guise of this “genuine” concern that the forums might be terribly flooded with “duplicate” threads! I mean, how many Mercy threads are there? I see… One? Two? Yet, the forum has loads of “null” threads about things that aren’t important or constructive yet there isn’t a mention or concern of that from anyone. At least Mercy threads are addressing an actual issue and come from a place of passion.

How many threads are there about “endorsement levels”? I took a quick glance and saw three threads right next to each other. lol :yum: Maybe we need more threads calling for a “endorsement level” megathread?

So, that’s why I can’t really take that very seriously. I can see through the facarde. :yum:

Let me clarify that the “duplicate” thread issue is not to mercy topics exclusively. People just started to call out mercy threads to be “spammy”, causing the irony that they now spam the forum.

I saw almost 3 endorsement threads in a row and I was thinking about calling them out for creating duplicate threads.

But, as I mentioned in another thread, If the Forum recommends you certain threads before you create your own. Even if it means that old threads getting necroed, it would at least make the forum more organized.

Ya, I wasn’t specifically responding to your post or calling you out. I was just speaking in a general sense.

I agree the complaining is pointless cause the developers aren’t gonna join these conversations. They just don’t care about this.

Saying that. I do feel that mercy is(!) balanced right now. However(!) she is super boring and brain dead to play. I would love for them to just change her completely if i’m being honest. Make her harder to play, remove the rezz from the game and just let people be either good or bad with her like any other character with a skill requirement to do well with.

It’s that simple.

I don’t feel like mercy makes people play bad if they focus on playing her i just feel like she has such an uninteresting game mechanic that requires so little effort to use that it’s just not a fun character to play at all. Anyone can pick her up and after a few matches be quite decent with her if they focus on supporting their team and have some basic game understanding(ults, basic abilities and maps).

So yes we ALL deserve a more fun and skillful mercy on the hero tab. Not just the ones who main her(or did so until the nerf).

It is good though that she isn’t so good in EVERY situation cause we do need more variety and it is a game about characters who aren’t mercy.

Even with the changes i don’t see an ana in every game and i actually get to see so many different characters played that you can’t predict anymore what the enemy might have beyond very specific maps were certain characters just really excel at. Which is nice and refreshing.
Honestly even with all the complaints i see about doomie or briggita they aren’t picked in every match or situation and the game is so diverse at the moment more then i’ve ever seen it before.

Ill just end it with, what we really need, and that is new content. Because the only thing they don’t have an excuse for is giving us 2 characters a year and like 1 or 2 maps. Which is soooo slow… slower than any other online game i’ve ever experienced in my life… and they are so busy changing old characters instead of just adding new things into the game. Yeah its nice for a few days after a character rework but honestly it just feels like an excuse to not put out new content.

That is all. :smiley:

As long as a hero is Trash-tier like Hog or Mercy then players are going to complain about it no matter what. It’s absolutely ridiculous not to expect that. Mercy players just want their 60 HPS back to be viable

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