Player profile TRANSPARENCY IS A MUST in comp games

I don’t have to make assumptions about you as you have never provided sources for your statements made. Evidential dogmatism and pathological liar, and you go out of your way to troll and upset other users on this forum.

No. I go out of my way to try help others.

But then the circus rolls in. The forum can have you 2 given them utterly useless information.

You need to learn from Marjin, someone who actually knows things. You 2 are clueless lol


Unsure who Marjin is, but a recommendation coming from you, I’ll likely stay clear of this given your evidential dogmatism and pathological liar, and the fact you go out of your way to troll and upset other users on this forum.

As proven at the start of OW2, you do not, you lie to them.
Luckily I was there to provide hope, and I was right in the end.

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That’s your vendetta and other issues speaking. Marjin is possibly the best user for giving people the right information.

Insulting me doesn’t help your cause.

Again. Bullying and insulting. You got to behave and control your issues.

Cool, me and him should get along fine then when pops along onto the forum.

Nope, scroll up, you’ll see I have been completely honest on this thread and on other posts. I have been trying to work with you to understand your statements made, that are looking very much like lies.

You admittedly calling someone the C word, are laughing when you believe you have upset someone are all harsh things to do. It’s abit rich saying I have to behave when you have openly shown your inability to show respect and self-awareness of your actions when I haven’t done anything of the above.

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You’ve twisted words and taken statements out of context. This is not “honest”. You then attacked when provided with the full quote with additional context.

But we’ve been over that many times now, you seem stuck in a loop. Take a break.

I’m Australian. Means something different to us. It’s basically a greeting.

And if someone is upset by some words in a video game, they should be laughed at. Just report mute and move on if you don’t like something. Crying about it gets you no where.

Nope, I’ve been very clear. I can’t see where I have attacked. I do recall you threatening me that you would punch and kick me however on a previous post.
I can see where you have purposely gone out of your way to upset another forum user though.

There you go again, showing your toxicity. You knew using that word is offensive elsewhere when you used it, luckily they have since blocked you. Luckily I never picked you up on your offer to connect you on BattleNet.

If you’re offended by a word like that, that’s a you issue. For me it’s a greeting and I take offence towards your xenophobia in trying to stop people speaking their own language.

Horrific behaviour. Being offended is a choice, and yes, I’ve chosen to deliberately take great offense towards your actions to tell me what I can and can’t say.

Most of this thread has become you literally verbally attacking roku. Not in a threatening or namecalling fashion but it’s an attack none the less.

You are clinging onto something that has been explained already, people can change opinions in a week’s time.

It has been stated in a previous dev comm that visible ranks were removed to combat toxicity

Also since you are clearly holding this over someone’s head after months.
Remember that one line of tweets from aaron that you said were of two different topics, when in fact one was a reply to the first to continue on the subject?

Not at all. Requesting a source to a statement is exactly what it is, a request.
Roku can raise it with the admins if he feels it is an attack.

We haven’t been discussing visible ranks on this thread. We have been discussing public profiles so that we observe players mains to counter.

Visible ranks were pretty cool against a players name, especially when you do reach t500 area so you can see you t500 value.

I provided my reasoning raising my queries around the contradiction.

Yep the couple of tweets he sent out. One was regarding a patch update, another I think was regarding an observation. Eitherway it’s on another thread, go and read what was discussed to refresh your memory if you like.

I’m not a child. I can look after myself. I don’t need “admin” to do things for me.

You attacked me. You opened the door.

The point i raised now was that you claim the two to be separate topics still even if they are talking about the same thing.

And yes, it is a different thread. Just like the bronze 5 thread (from even further ago) that you brought up as an attack against his integrity.

And do you not think that they removed visible profiles because of toxicity? They did that back in ow1 times and the reasoning can be found in the dev communications of the time. Much why the coloured potrait frames were removed as well to combat toxicity.

It is so that no one can make fun of another player’s main or lack of rank vs game hours for example.
Different things but the same reasoning.
The sr was hidden because it isn’t as important as the mmr is when it comes to the algorithm creating matches.

also, roku has never said that it wouldn’t be beneficial to see your teammates top heroes. That is how we can intrepret the thread you linked.

You can intrepret that seeing enemy profiles is bad, like in this topic.

And also that not seeing info on your own team is the worst decision ever, like in the linked thread.

Have you evidence of an attack?

Nope, just reiterating the fact that I believe his statements were not truth given previous instances. There are multiple instances where he fails to provide sources yet anything I state, I do have sources for.

Yep, I did state that that was my thought process as to why they removed them. What Roku believes though is that they made profiles hidden to stop players from counter picking before the match started, scroll up, take a read.

Where is the linked thread?

Unsure how you can say that I am attacking Roku without any quotes provided - yet you haven’t picked up on this:

Because that wasn’t a “attack”. I just said what his rank was, and that I’ve seen his profile. He just didn’t like the reminder.

Thinking that you have upset him, and laughing about it, is pretty much an attack. You’re just bullying him at this stage even when you think you’ve upset him by actually laughing about it.

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You linked this thread and this is the thread i was talking about you linking.

He says that hidden profiles are the worst in there and now he says that you should see your own team’s top heroes. Where is the contradiction?

And this here is an attack on his integrity, beating the dead horse of things that happened last year.

And saying someone’s rank isn’t an attack. And wolfie started poking at him without contributing to the conversation. Is it not a person’s right to poke back when poked at?

No. That’s just laughing at the idea/concept.

No, based on your definition of toxicity. You are ganging up and bullying me. So don’t try deflecting that one on me, I’m just not going to cry about it like others do.

Oh my actual link.

The contradiction was that

Roku now thinks that this idea made the game boring, and that see what heros were the enemies mains so you could pick to counter them in the lobby was a stupid idea.

So why would he agree to this in the first place if it made the game boring, and that it was a stupid idea.

No attack on integrity, but to reiterate that lies have, and are currently still being observed, and that I am seeking clarity. If I’m apparently wrong, then I would love to see the source.

It’s really difficult to find sources for lies.

When have I ganged up on you? Have you the quotes on where I’ve ganged up on you?