📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

thats because he is one, a one-trick pony troll.


And you’re what then?

have you seen me trolling, someone else than skynet/marmite?


Sorry to break it to you, but Marmite/Skynet is the one who started this whole show.

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Looks like the tables are finally turning…

55% votes against role q

How petty to hold him to his old habits. As i said before.
Grow up

We loose a lot of great comps with 2-2-2. I generally oppose anything that deprives players of choice.


did you really just make a 3rd troll account skynet you absolute disappointment of a human being…

I forget the YouTuber that said it but it’s funny/scary to think the initial balancing for this game was focused round no limits

no, twinkletoes is not Skynet, nor marmite…

and I suggest you get some medication for that paranoia… either that or stop smoking weed because its certainly not helping you

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I personally don’t find No Limits to be scary. Yeah it’s dumb when the whole team goes 6 of the same hero but they made that choice and I won’t dictate other another player’s preferred playstyle.

Hero Limits was the first step down the path of ever-increasing limitations and away from the original spirit of the game which was freedom and choices.

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so you would be perfectly ok with double orisa double bastion double baptise pirate ships?

Thats one of the most flawed arguments ever dude.
Multiple copies of the same hero is a direct unbalance of the design the developers do. An ability has a CD (generally) and its power and value are effectively correlated. If you have multiple copies of said ability then unbalance happens.

Comparing No Limits being taken out to Forced 222 and Role Queue limitations on switching roles is quite short sighted :
They are not even in the same category, like a stab wound VS a nuclear missile.

Sure… Whatever, man

I’m not sure he is the same guy… Yet

I miss marmite and Skynet I hope he comes back soon


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I try not to let this stuff bother me or waste too much time with it but every forum has a couple members like that. They basically dismiss others valid points about the game, repeatedly say things like role q is perfect, there’s nothing wrong with the DPS queue times, and the only come back or response they ever have is ‘everything is fine, you’re the problem, just go play QPC’.

It’s not hard to see why people class them two as trolls, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to be here, without abuse or attacks from others. The way they converse with others definitely borders on troll territory because they just keep parroting the same things over and over and eventually people get bored of talking to them seriously.

Bare in mind I’ve not insulted them or name called or anything, i just call them out on their dismissive attitudes. Imagine actually thinking Overwatch was perfect and the system didn’t have issues. Imagine being that up in the clouds where you think everyone else is wrong and “just play QPC” is the answer to all our woes. It’s pretty childish.


61% now say role q is bad.

I have a feeling more and more polls on the net would start reflecting this trend.


Dont worry, after the ban they will come back claiming “they had something to do”.
Poll is looking raw now, but i am 100% sure they will claim “there is no evidence” or it is anecdotal or something.


That’ll be hard to do since they usually use polls around the web as their own proof that role q is actually more favorable. I doubt anyone can dismiss the above poll.

Personally I’m surprised we got 135 votes out of this one. Didn’t think there were even 135 active members on this forum.