šŸ“Š Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

funny thing about the internet is it tends to generate echo chambers

your poll simply reflects this effectā€¦ sorry to burst your bubble

Rather than an echo chamber, I feel itā€™s more that the shine of role q is wearing off and people are waking up and seeing the flaws of role q more and more.

Opinions do change over time, and this poll is just one example. Iā€™d hardly call 135 votes on the EU forum an echo chamber.

you can ā€œfeelā€ however you like, 60% of 135 people is a paltry amount considering how many hundreds of thousands most likely still play this gameā€¦

Iā€™m sure the sentiments displayed on this forum are not exclusive to only this one forum alone. Again, opinions change, feelings change.

Iā€™m sure more and more people are starting to wake up and smell the coffee. But Iā€™m not that invested to go digging around other polls and forums to prove a point. I only play casually, for fun.

The days of pulling my proverbial hair out due to this game are long gone.

againā€¦ you can be ā€œas sureā€ as you like, ā€œpocketsā€ of differing opinions abound all over the internetā€¦ hence ā€œechochambersā€ā€¦ and it is likely that the people who most hate the role queue systemā€¦ voice such opinionsā€¦

where as the people that like it or are indifferent too it remain quietā€¦ so you are in fact very likely to find small enclaves of people here who dislike itā€¦ and only a few who like it or are indifferent to it

Sure, usually most people who are displeased with something make most of the noise. Let me ask you, do you think that this whole role q thing should have been implemented as an option in game, and not forced? As in, let people who like playing the waiting game do so, they can play either QP or comp with role, wait longer but get that 222 they desire, and let the rest of us play them vanilla, old school, jump right in and take all the gambles that come with it. We have enough players to cater to both camps.

Same with pro 2-2-2

twinkletoes is alt of badafarusima

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In a perfect world I would say a choiceā€¦ however we do not live in a perfect worldā€¦

And the playerbase being alot smaller than it used to beā€¦ the more you split it upā€¦ the longer everyone has to wait

how convenient, when a poll proves your point its all right, but once the contrary happens it suddenly wonā€™t count. lmao

yeah sure, thats probably the reason why blizzard wonā€™t tell us real player numbers.

Not at allā€¦ I take all polls with a grain of salt because of the reasons I have describedā€¦ the scientific method dictates that you must be able to prove the same reaction multipal timesā€¦ so the fact that separate polls can and have produced different results excludes it from being taken as seriously regardless of outcome

if you wanna go full scientific youā€™d just have to shut down these forums completely as no science is possible without correct numbers provided by Blizzard.

Exactly so what is the point in a poll? Or complaining? Or anything else here?

Thank you for proving me point

getting a feel for the subject of matter. How scientific are you going about your daily life? Asking because curios, if you demand a scientific proof for everything your social periphery confronts you with.

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Makes sense actually

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That may be the most moronic statement in this entire thread

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Everything has a reasonā€¦ everything has a purposeā€¦ if it doesnt then it has no pointā€¦ if it has no point it should not exist and does not deserve recognition

Amazing analysis dude. Impecable logic and train of thought.
Whats next pal? Are you going to make a ā€œMom jokeā€ too ? :rofl:

Sorry you got triggered and I proved you wrong with that post but it is what it is. Calling names and playground insults is not going to change it :man_shrugging:

I told you the reason.


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