📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

No? Is that all? Good day, sir.

It is… because this discussion now has no point and hence should not exist…

Have a nice day

The poll is certainly biased towards the anti-222-crowd. 222 is the status quo, so someone who likes it has no reason to go protest or otherwise vocalize their opinion. It’s already there, so why lobby? Meanwhile those that oppose it are angry and try to change things, so they are more likely to be heard.

Also, as someone who actually studied statistics: it’s not scientific to make multiple polls and compare those results. The scientific approach is to get an unbiased way to get to your sample to ask them the question. Finding that way is the hardest part though. For example, many polls in the modern world still rely on phoning people up - yet noone under the age of 50 would answer the phone when they don’t know their number - so it’s skewed already. In our particular case, it’s similar: like someone mentioned, the people on the forum are not necessarily representative (let’s face it, most of us are here to complain^^), and the people who bother to answer a poll are also skewed towards one result over the other as I’ve already mentioned. You could go around in game and ask people - which theoretically seems pretty good. Until you realize, that you would probably have to ask in a comp game. But people who like 2-2-2 are more likely to play while others might not. And if you queue as a tank and ask around, tank players will be underrepresented in your poll. But even if you were able to ask freely (like, only ask the opposing team), you would only get people around your SR.

Bottom line: polling is hard. Uncovering biases is just as hard. I already mentioned one of the golden rules though: the ones who strive for change are more likely to answer a poll. So there’s your bias. And the poll still shows ~60% in favor of 2-2-2, so that looks decent. Unless of course you don’t want the truth but just skew everything to confirm with your own believes (it’s the modern thing to do - just look at anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, transphobes and brexiteers) - in that case just go to r/owsucks and stuff all the bias in that you can muster.

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Oh? please enlighten me because as far as i know you just did a bunch of crying about how my opinion isn’t actually an opinion but ‘‘taste’’ and apparently you have been patting yourself on the back since then? you really are as sad as you are incompetent.

Little rodents like you don’t bother me, go ahead and scurry around …i imagine you’ll be in damage control mode once again :wink:

Is it weird i read that in Axe’s voice (from dota 2) ?

Are you still crying about that smash? Oh boy you are hurt arent you? :rofl:
You just randomly picked a sentence to throw insults with nothing in return dude, nobody is talking about you, is that it? You need attention?

Pfff aaaahahahaa “Little rodents”. Ok I see you are a troll, from the 1930s I would say, judging by your vocabulary. Go on and rant alone but take your medication because you are seething with rage right now :joy:

Most people who speak in topics here are trolls, you certainly.

Big problem with your irrelevant opinion - Pro 222 have actual evidence on their side.

You don’t

Simple - you have one poll (on the forum where the most amount of trolls are) vs every single other poll.

How are you going to deal with the fact the numbers are not even a thousand of a % of the total players? (aka means it’s worthless)

the ones you linked had low 3-figures also, so not much of a difference.

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Except - there were several of them, and that wasn’t all of them.

Several polls vs 1.

Makes your data worthless when you try and apply it as a whole

Not that a troll like you would get that though, you just try and throw false data as a general rule.

Oh. Back from your suspension, I see.


pats head

You wish, apparently you don’t have a job either.

stop acting as if your suspension was been a “job”. The only job you have is a h***job.

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How convenient that your “job” took exactly 10 days… :thinking:


best part is he wants us to belive that he was on the forum liking stuff yet not commenting anything.
Isn’t that the most unbelieveable thing you’ve ever heard?


pats head

You keep on raging kid, doesn’t change the fact I don’t spend 24/7 here and instead actually do work.

Grow up and get over yourself

No more convenient than you appearing once a month? Hmm?

I was busy because I don’t like 24/7 on the forums unlike raging trolls such as Kete

What’s unbelievable is how you aren’t banned both here and in the US

unproven opinion. A pretty unbelieveable one on top.