📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

Well, I DO have a job, even though that’s none of your business. And secondly, I couldn’t care less what you think at this point. I couldn’t be bothered to answer and calling you out about your crap to you most of the time, because everyone else in here is doing it for me.

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Except it isn’t kid, but you rage harder thinking it isn’t true.

Sure you do, I 100% (don’t) believe that considering you’ve spent more time on here than me.

You can’t be bothered because you’re an easier target to put down where you belong, and your ego can’t take as much of a bruising as Kete’s can.

You’re funny, you know that? No, that’s not the reason. I’m not bothered because if I’d be answering to your every trollpost, I’d be as sad and pathetic of a person as you are. Unlike you, I have standards.

Now begone. Go being this dense and thickheaded troll somewhere else. Your shenanigans don’t work here anymore.

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You, Kete and others are the ones troll posting here - always have been, and you hate being called out on it.

You have no standards, that much is certain and clear.

Grow up, get over yourself, learn your place. You’re done here kid.

you spouting nonsense is not “calling out”.

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Calling you out on trolling, lieing and other such things, is not nonsense.

Not my problem if you don’t like it.

Yes, yes. Like I said before, EEEEVERYONE on this forum is a troll EXCEPT YOU :roll_eyes:

But I do have to admit. I’m quite impressed about your enthusiasm you put into this. Any other professional troll would’ve already quit.

Kudos to you.


I’ve never claimed everybody else is a troll, congrats on being caught lieing about more things.

Kudos to you for refusing to give up trolling.

“no-u” is your default strategy you employ all the time.


Against people (like you) who are actually legitimately trolling.

Such as:

  • You
  • Pierre
  • Rain
  • that console whiner
  • that other guy (i forget the name) who cried about calling the police
  • Hyphen

You guys aren’t the entirety of the forums, unsurprisingly.

No, but according to you, everyone that has a opinion that differs from yours (even a little bit), is a troll.

Why don’t you bring your alt account to this discussion to back you up? Let’s spice things up a bit :kissing_closed_eyes:

what is “legitimate trolling”? Is there such thing as “illegitimate trolling”?

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No, according to you - I do that.

I state somebody is wrong if they are actually wrong, as in post stuff and can’t prove it, look at Kete, he does it all the time, in pretty much every single post.

Look at your claims about me and Skynet - no proof provided (because you can’t) and that’s upset you quite a bit.

Good question - you tell me, you’re the troll here.

who happened to be one and the same troll btw.

Of which 0 evidence has been supplied - because there isn’t any.

using same words, using same phrases word-by-word, telling the same message, making same mistakes, while formatting all in the same way is a pretty strong evidence to me.

Why do u keep stating things that you have never been able and never tried to prove??

The trends we see in these polls are very understandable although polls are not a very scientific way of measuring, but they still reflect just as well as earlier polls what players want. (lots players were biased towards 2-2-2 untill they saw it didn’t work as intended)
People have wanted Role-Queue for a long time as being the saviour of overwatch and it takes some time to make up your mind when you’re just that invested in an opinion.
I’m just glad that after the overreaction towards 2-2-2 people are getting their feet back on the ground and start looking for other solutions.


Is not evidence, it’s your opinion.

Us both calling you kete is because I saw him do it repeatedly and it triggers you, so I will keep on doing it.

We also don’t format things in the same way, and I was at first more polite and tolerant. Not so much now because I see just how much trolls say over here. The US forums have far less than here.