📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

grabs popcorn

imma just sit here, this is better than reality tv


I leave the “not able to prove” to trolls such as Kete.

One single poll of minute numbers cannot be applied to the game as a whole, and RQ is working just fine, as intended.

DPS queues were always going to be high, and it isn’t a problem. It has indeed saved OW because no longer can DPS force teams to lose.

There is 0 need for any other solution, because RQ 222 is the solution. What’s left are entitled players getting over themselves or leaving.

it is.

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Opinion - not evidence.

More evidence you don’t know the difference between the two.


[ ev-i-duhns ]



that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.

how are 2 users on forums which behave like they do, not an indication for them to belong to the same individual?

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So you can post up the description for evidence, yet fail to understand it, or post it? Neat.

In one of the other topics, somebody by the name of “twinkletoes” was also claimed to be me, again without evidence.

Just because you think two people are the same, doesn’t make it so.

which part of “indication or sign” do you struggle with here?

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I leave the struggle here to you, since you know, you’re struggling hard since you’ve been posting to me.

Hell you were struggling with Skynet alone, or Bada-can’tremembertherest

dodging the question and more of no-u stuff.

again, which part of “indication or sign” do you struggle with here?


Question was answered, learn to read.

Which part of “indication or sign” do you struggle with? was the question.

I still can’t find the answer, pls link.

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so, where is the answer to my question??

Lets assume that you can understand something like “sign or indication” to be part of evidence.

How is :

not such a “sign” or “indication” for 2 forum users to belong to the same person?
Pls explain.

It was answered and then linked.

Your opinion isn’t fact. Your opinion isn’t right. You claiming similar things about two different people magically making them the same person, isn’t fact.

You don’t have any evidence, and never have. You have irrelevant trolling opinion.

There’s a reason you got banned Kete, and you put it on show in pretty much every single post. No wonder you didn’t last, what was it, 2 days? A day? Probably being overly generous on a few hours to be honest.

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As a very casual player I like Role Queue.
I prefer it over the heap of issues I ran into before.

Long queue times for DPS should’ve been obvious to Blizzard despite their arrogance. But if it wasn’t before then it should be now.
I see this as their wakeup call to make the other roles more fun to play. For there to be more options for supports and especially tanks.

…But then there’s the bitter part of me that thinks that this entire game’s been a complete mess from the beginning which gives me little to no faith in their development team. =)

Still! I like Role Queue. I don’t want it to go away.

Oh no! 61 percent of voters want to return the old system, and only 39 percent like role blocking
And we warned that it used to be better

and the dude above me is the reason polls like this are stupid, because all they do is increase the likelihood of cockroaches entering the echo chamber thus making it larger

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what excuse me?

just a giant non argument once again. you’re wrong im right go ahead and cry even more about facts and opinions that don’t align with your demented vision of the gaming industry and then throw a week-long tantrum :wink:

never claimed.

you aren’t the one to judge about it.

I’m claiming that 2 forum users appear to be the same individual due to multiple tokens of linguistic/typographical evidence.

In other words, its pretty damn obvious to everyone with half a working brain.

And now, f*** off.