Remove the middle east servers

Boy, i cant explain how bad these server are i mean i was one of those who wanted middle eastern servers but after what i saw i really … really wanna get the eu servers back.
Okay so lets start with the matchmaking , lets say your a master player the first thing you’ll be asking for is to have people with the same skill rating as you right? that’s not how it works on ME servers your a GM? yeah you’ll playin with some diamond maybe a master or 2 but mostly diamonds, your a master? lets throw in some plats with you cause yeah why not, you get plat dps against master smurfs dps’s and sometimes those smurfs are aimbotting which leads me to the second downsight of ME servers.
Aimbotters, if i get a dollar for every aimbotter i came across those past few days ill probably be a millionaire the amount of aimbotters on these servers are countless in one of the matches i played the enemy ashe had 95% scoped accuracy, id say he has a good gaming chair but pretty sure he doesnt cause his game sense is below 0, just watch this video.

or this video.

communication is the most important thing in overwatch isnt it? well in ME servers most matches has literally 0 call outs everyone is a freaking nomad playing on his own and they join team chat once we get dominated and than the toxicity starts.
I really wanna get the old EU servers back i can handle this 150+ms its better than playing on servers where im on 40ms yet people are hacking or toxic and non-cooperative at all.

Not gonna lie. If it’s as bad as you say then there’s the selfish part of me that’s happy it’s being filtered away from my games. Haha!

But as far as matchmaking goes, clearly there’s a lack of players if GMs are getting matched with diamonds.
In which case they ought to merge the servers again.

But surely you get to play with the entire EU region no? That’s how it works on NA. You have West- and East Coast games.


It’s matching people from all role queues even on QP to these servers now, it seems Blizzard is trying to fill these servers first. As a hitscan player Blizzard you have pretty much ruined my Overwatch experience in every way possible.


i am enjoying playing on middle east servers .the 40 ms is mind blowing good .i dont need to carry eu cry babies


yes but what about us eu cry babies who have 100+ping now ?


ask blizzard to fix it . not my problem . my ping has gone down from 170 to 56 ms . which is great for me .


I’m from middle east myself and get 13ms ping. but for the love of god, I want to go play with EU people cause. it’s been like 3 years of Overwatch experience where I do call outs for my team in English, and now here if I speak in English which is my nature in games I get flamed for not talking in Arabic. also the behaviour of players is like I will carry this game on my own and go 1 v 5 without regrouping.


It’s hard enough finding a competitive Overwatch game here in America where all 6 players on the team have mics and can actually do basic verbal call outs, I can’t even imagine how bad it is on ME servers when you have some bendouin barking in your ear asking why you’re speaking english

This game is doomed. No wonder they are shifting their focus to single player.


yeah i am on the verge of quitting this game . there is not a single thing they are doing with any sanity

i feel you bro
Its toxic and pathetic
I came across so many aim botters and even reported them but nothing happens
I’m not even from the middle east
I just wanna go back to eu ;/


First of all, we really have to thank the Overwatch team for their continuous efforts to make the game more enjoyable to everyone.

Regarding the latest changes with the Middle East servers, I do agree with most of what has been discussed in this thread, and I found the new servers to unfortunately be one of the worst decisions that Overwatch team has ever made.

Unfortunately, the game became so much toxic, full of abusive chats and sexual insults. Furthermore, I found that the players in this server lack sportsmanship. On multiple occasions, players withdrew after loosing the first round in Competitive Games. This has made the game experience to be one of the worst.

I really wish that Overwatch team bring back Europe servers for this region. Otherwise, the game might start loosing players from this region =(


Try my solution it helped many players, even from middle east to connect just directly to EU and block middle eastern servers

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oi i tried it but for some reason i keep gettin middle eastren servers again any clue why?


Make sure you enabled firewall, and follow exactly as the post

Oh really .what ground breaking thing they have sone in the past year or so that has made the game enjoyable . They are shooting themselves in the foot

Wow! Why so aggressive dude?
They’re offering a solution to those who are interested, not forcing it on anybody.

Also you’re kinda proving the point people are trying to make about it being so toxic. Haha!


woah woah woah calm down hes just helpin out people who does not wanna play on middle east and you literally prove my point on the toxicity part.


Man, I really can’t explain how much I DESPISE the Middle East servers. A bunch of nomads who only speak their own language. Don’t know how to communicate except start cussing out each other and their moms. I pick ‘EU’ server for a reason, to play on EUROPEAN servers.

You want to add a middle eastern one? Then create a separate region for them to play in. Why do other players have to suffer? I’ve been playing this game since the day it was launched and this is the first time that I am considering stopping for good cause of this unnecessary matchmaking.

I rather play with my 140 MS then deal with this kind of gameplay.


Also I think no one added it here but whenever I play EU now I get huge lag spikes. Pretty sure it’s not my internet because I get a stable 180 ms ping if I play Americas (much better experience! I’ve never had more fun playing Overwatch) EU servers just overall suck imo. Language barriers, high ping, much more toxic players for some reason… Americans are just memeing. I love their vibe. Bye EU.

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It is so bad that It made me start playing Paladins.