We have alredy agreed that we wouldnt mind a rework, but is it fair for mercy to get one before the other heroes that still see no play or is still trash and need one ? I mean torb still deserves more of a second rework than Mercy does.
Your ideas are fine, but you forget economics. Why should blizzard keep spending a sh*t ton of extra money on making differences to a character that make her more in line with your ideals, when we have a lot of other, very qualified people saying, that she is in a, or close to a good state ( slight tweaks).
Then we have other characters like mei, that is useless so many places, torb that is still iffy and Symm that is complete cheese comps now, but at least works on ATT.
Remind you, that you were the one to quote that i am the Mercy hater, before i had even quoted you in here, you are always the one attacking people, without them even being in the thread.
After this you keep saying “STRAWMAN, STRAWMAN, STRAWMAN” have you forgotten, that our whole post history is visible, i can pull forward the evidence that you defended Mercy being equally hard to Ana or the posts of you saying that the statement of Mercy players hiding with mass rezz, was an illusion, when Blizzard in fact has data on this and said it.
You argue with feelings, we do it with facts or through the words of qualified professionals in the field we are arguing. It is quite easy to see, why you keep going for us as individuals without ever going with real arguments.
Cheers buddy, once again you made a whole thread watch your “hating and belittling” other people, who weren´t even in the thread before you did it.
What a joke