Season 10 - Full banned after playing since come out

Just checked and stil banned… i am getting the feeling they are not going to fix the problem and just say its our own fault…

that’s exactly what i just posted as this is what is going on the American servers, basically blizz saying its due to our terrible internet and not their server closing.

so unless I read it wrong they are backtracking what they said earlier and stating you should figure out if you have internet problems in custom games before joining comp. putting the blame on us having us troubleshoot the game and basically giving no fix. while all the while denying that their server closed

Continuing the discussion from Regarding Competitive Leaver Penalties in Season 10:

So even opening a ticket doesnt do anything…

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The communication from Blizzard regarding leaver penalties still doesn’t explain why some of us are banned for the entire season of competitive, for only receiving a leavers penalty of 15 minutes (regardless of whether this was a technical fault or not).

How does it make sense to receive a 15 minute penalty, and then get banned a day later after not leaving any more games or having any kind of connection issue?

It seems to me like they’re struggling to reverse the bans and have come up with an excuse. Very poor from Blizzard.

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3 days later and still banned, this is a complete joke.


Any decent functioning company would reverse all of the bans within the time period that this occured, regardless of whether people who deserved the ban are in that group. There are too many false positives to justify inaction.


Paid my fair share for OW1 and all the live service apsects of OW2 in my time playing blizzard games.

Now the season is ticking, and I am stuck not able to play with most info coming from Reddit instead of Blizzard.

If the unban is taking longer then expected, can we at least get a confirmation that our accounts will 100% get unbanned when they fall under the issues caused by the server DC’s on April 23rd?

Leaving us in the dark like this is crazy when compared to modern standards of customer service…


Hey, time to give us an actual update on the time frame for when we’ll get unbanned.
What in the world could be taking so long to unban everyone that got banned during 1 day??
I’m pretty damn sure I speak for all of us when I say we’d rather have you unban every single leaver penalty even if it was a deserved one, so we can play the game again.

The way you’re handling this is god awful and you’re showing absolutely NO RESPECT at ALL towards your paying customers.

Give us a damn update and treat us like actual human beings deserving of respect.

Thank you.


buying battle pass, and not being able to play is insane. treating every player like sh11t giving AI response in every ticket and having the worst customer support in a billion dollar company, good job guys.

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Do we at least receive any form of compensation after this because this is unacceptable??


I have been banned for three days now and there has been no good updates on this situation at all? You’d think the devs would at least speak out about the situation a bit more to make others aware.
I’d rather not wait 30 something days just to play comp again.

I wish they’d give us updates on the situation, even if it was just something little that shows us that they’re actually working on the situation and care.

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Considering they have not even announced the topic and situation. Im going to assume no.

Same! I got banned for no reason. This bug is crazy

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We are getting close to 3 days blizzard, are you guys good over there? What is taking so lomg? Even then, just give us an update about the situation

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I think the Overwatch team will not be able to distinguish between right and wrong. He made an error while trying to play a game with my friend on my account, and then he was penalized. The team leader was my friend. The next day we both received the same punishment. You have not been able to solve these situations until now. Obviously you can’t figure it out. This answer shows that the situation is not going well. How many days have passed, unfairly, people are not getting service for what we paid for and you can’t fix it. Then you tell people that not everyone can be the same. Players playing as a team, that is, those in the party. They have been collectively punished in the same way. You cannot fix it, and in the end, you will not be able to give the rights of the people who are victims. We will watch and see together the real system error behind this.

We’re well overdue for an update now. I hope we’re not going to have to wait until after the weekend to hear more. Can we get an update before close of business today?


(Tyrskorn) seen 50 mins ago :thinking: tyrskorn please call team 4. Ask them if they finded the ( comp ) Leaver Penalty. button yet for 23rd April

Judging by a thread on the US forum, there have actually been two separate ban issues: Ban system perma-banning clean accounts since Monday - Bug Report - Overwatch Forums

The issue mentioned in the topic above relates to entire accounts being banned (not just competitive), of which it seems they’ve already reversed many of these bans.

The issue we’re discussing in this topic is specifically to do with the server connection issue on 23rd April, which later resulted in a season ban for competitive. So far there’s no confirmation that anyone affected by this issue has had their ban overturned.

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Yes, I believe this is correct. Blizz has at least acknowledged our issue regarding the leaver penalties for comp, which raises the question of why it is taking so long to address.

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