Season 10 - Full banned after playing since come out

It specifically says here that further wrongful bans have been prevented and that they’re now working on undoing previous bans that were given out wrongfully.

Day 4 no unban comp console.

Well as far as i can tell they have fixed that problem that made the system ban people

I got comp banned for no reason at all aswell.

I see a priority were some visual glitches, genji something and some map issues or queue time. Unbanning a lot of players is too much work and a low priority.


I had virtually same experience as everyone here.
fails to load into lobby on 23rd, played a few ranked after the 15 min, then got off and when I got back on saw I had a s10 comp ban, just wondering if we’re gonna get any updates soon or if they’ll do something next update day.
I hope they don’t try to sweep this incident under the rug


The answer from the support:

"I am sorry to hear about this situation :frowning:

As you may know, Customer Service does not have the ability to remove competitive penalties. However, I would encourage you to check out the post on our official forum regarding the issue we had on 23nd of April - ht tps://… . If that is what happened, developers may remove the penalty from your account in the upcoming week. If it is not your case and you received a penalty for other reasons, I am afraid that we will not be able to assist in removing the ban."

So I guess we will any updates on the next week…

To be honest, I really feel a bit let down and not taken seriously as a customer… What is this blizzard?.. Disappointed again.

I believe this issue shouldn’t be taking this long, don’t you agree? Regardless, it would be helpful to receive an update.

This is the level of competence we can expect. Next level communication and stuff is still not fixed after a solid 96 hours


It’s been nearly a week now and I still cant play comp even though I did nothing wrong, what’s up Blizzard?

I can’t believe I am still banned. How have they not cleared this up yet?

They should give compensation at this point. i understand they made a mistake. one day was fine. Two day was adjustable but 4 whole days? wtf are they doing? this should have been high priority on bugs to fix and its not even that hard to fix if they already removed the unfair ban wave like mentioned in the known issues. Just unban people who were banned on 23rd and 24th of April? How hard is that?


i personally feel like some sort of compensation is necessary for us not being able to play for ‘x’ amount of days for something out of our control, wether it would be in comp points or whatever that we would have lost out on


I agree. Giving out comp points or bp tier skips is the least they could do. However since this is Blizz I kinda doubt we’ll receive anything at all.

Time to start playing another game with my friend group?
I mean, what choice do I have at this point, given I am not even able to play…


Given that we’ve now hit the weekend, I guess there’s no hope of a resolution until Monday at the earliest. Very poor customer service that there’s been no public official communication regarding this.

very annoying for people who are top 500 and cant play. thanks for not fixing a easy bug :slight_smile:

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is there anywehre i post with the acctuel stus of this issue. atm to know notihing ist a bit disappointing

this is the point im making , if it was at the end of the season it wouldnt be an issue but early season when theres a new hero is a very important time for top 500 players to be playing. we deserve compensation.

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