Season 10 - Full banned after playing since come out

Nothing over mine. Clicking into it to just the red ban banner.

weird. i have a little yellow warning symbol under the red banner idk

Yellow warning symbol usually refers to leaver penalties (XP reduction) being active

never left a game ever

Neither did most of us here but yet we’re all banned, it’s not far fetched to assume your warning symbol is also unintentional.

Yeah, not like Blizz has had a great track record lately.

Would be nice if we weren’t left speculating of course! Is it too much to ask for an update from Blizz?

It is poor how we been leeft in the dark

Still banned after 5 days, shocking blizzard, like honestly shocking how you can literally leave us all in the dark after it’s affected so many people


I´m still banned atm too.
The answer in my ticket, was a link to the new rules for leavers.
I never left a game… only got disconnected one time.
I hope for updates tomorrow.

Alec Dawson confirms on twitter that a patch is coming tomorrow. He’s only talked about the balance changes but hopefully we’ll get the false bans sorted!

Yeah, we gonna get a “oops we forgor, lmao. ow2 is free, create a new account and play on that”

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Still banned on comp, never left a game…

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Hello im in the same (we r 4 friends from spain, banned 4 nothing on aprils 23)
Since we didn’t receive a response after a week of being banned for no reason, they don’t say anything or solve anything, it only occurred to me to write to Spanish streamers to see if they could know something (specifically TONIKI and ANGRODTALARI, who has been very unfriendly and has silenced me and blocked from the live… Instead of empathizing and saying if he knows something or not, he literally told me that if I had any complaints, I should write to blizzard after explaining that blizzard doesn’t say anything and it gave me the feeling that they know what is happening and they don’t. want to talk about it, you can see the tense situation that has been created and that has made me feel terrible when I was only looking for help from ANGRODTALARI is on today’s live 04/29) this is starting to be very strange and frustrating since Nobody tells us anything except that it was a server failure…

A lot of people have said they might fix it tomorrow as its patch day? Is that like clmfirmed or is it just a guess? We need a proper response for this

Not set in stone but some people that apparently asked through a ticket HAVE said it. Since blizzard haven’t said anything themselves, it’s the only thing to go off.

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In my case i just hope it i do not know nothing from blizz sadly

Feels like were just gunna have to sit and wait. Fingers crossed

afaik the answer in the ticket said that this would get fixed with a hotfix. But they never said when this hotfix will be released. So the community guess was tuesday because its the typical patchday.
Currently there is no official statement when it will be fixed.


I think today they will either remove the bans or never address it ever again.


Day 5 if I count correctly, still Season 10 banned.
It really can’t be that hard executing a

UPDATE account SET active =1 where blocked_timestamp == server_issues_timestamp

5 days… Imagine buying premium pass for this…