Should ranking system change?

You are right that the entire team loses SR when you lose a match. Amazing to think that happens in a TEAM GAME.

The only thing causing toxicity is people with weak mindsets like you.

“Punishment”… you mean you lose some arbitrary points when you lose.

Get over it and just play the game. No one cares that much lol.

Yeah sure, because saying i have a “weak mindset” just because i call it as it is.
A unfair collective punishment…

Yeah, that’s not toxic at all and you are not causing any toxicity at all.

its people “like me” who are toxic… k.

Yeah but no.
overwatch can only be a team game when you are a full premade group.
so having a collective punishment on an totally rng match with 12 random players is just what it is, it is toxic.
its a type of collective punishment that can’t be explained away with utter nonsense arguments like: “its a team game, so everyone on the losing team should lose points”.
“no becouse if a sport team loses, all on that team loses… and thats just like it is with sports”

It is not a team game when people for whatever entitled reasons don’t want to play as a team.
It is not a team game, when a bunch of randoms that don’t know etchers, don’t communicate, never played with anyone on that team, etc…

and yeah… likewise.
OW can never be a SPORT, under this unfair collective punishment ranking system.
it goes hand in hand. Everyone knows ranking is unfair. Thus who cares?

oh yeah, lol… what was I thinking -.- we all know OW pro leagues / e-sport was a massive hit… rofl.

its even stated that “playing poorly/ a hero /bla bla bla” is NOT gameplay sabotage…
but it is rank sabotage for 5 “team” members.

And it is 99% of the reason why OW is a toxic wastepool.

there would be litterly no emotional connection to another players hero picks for me, if it meant me and my rank woulnt be punished for it.

id be like “yeah lol, doing great buddy”… while knowing perfectley well that i with my 4 golds and 5x potgs moments in the game… would advance as he would go down in the ranks… and never be heard of again.

the number of letters I have typed indicated that at least I care, a littlebit.

but if it’s all the same to you, why are you objecting to the topic of removing an unfair collective punishment, and why do you feel the need to be toxic calling me weak-minded…?

perhaps because you a scrub brat who thinks “playing as a team” means everyone plays around you…

You can’t see how wrong you are.

You can be a team if solo que.

It is one of the skills needed to play. Being able to quickly establish some base level of team work. If you can’t do that you lose, and lose sr.

Pretty simple.

See I can see why you struggle in game. If no one agrees with you, or play with you, or let’s you play with their toys… your mind goes, you don’t plat well and you resort to cheap insults to try prop up your ego.

it’s not that simple.

whether I can “establish some base of teamwork” or not, I still NEED to get lucky enough to team up with 5 other randoms that also can do this.

aww did you try to be toxic again, flipping the debate to something personal of the… using the oldest tyrannical ruling technique in the world… without getting an emotional response from me … aww poor little kid.

lol. If you think I am being toxic… That is fine, don’t care.

I am not the one prattling on about how everything and everyone works against you so it must be the game at fault. Not you.

Could never possibly be you.

i don’t think so, I know so.
every post you make is about me as a person.

sorry to let you find this out on the internet…
but you can never ever win an argument by changing the topic and start to bash the persons involved in the debate.

on the contrary, that shows you have lost the discussion. And are salty about it.

neither am i.
I’m just saying that the ranking system breaks national and international law, and peace treaties.
Collective punishment is outlawed. And I’m very surprised that blizzard, a company with an armada of lawyers disregard international laws and treaties like this.

yes… as evident of the sorry state of the overwatch community and so-called “e-sport”… I know im right. The ranking systems have to change.

I have made a lot about facts and opinions recently. They weren’t about you.

And of course replies on this thread will loosely be about you… You are the the one complaining about your own poor experience. Which is most likely down to your attitude/game play in game.

Do please, explain to me which laws and treaties… I want page numbers and paragraphs so I can cross reference this claim.

lol ok…

Yes… obviously you Mr. positive and is in no way or form attacking me as a person becouse you dont like what im saying.

sorry, but I do not exist to serve you or your needs.
find your own page numbers and paragraphs.
if I was you, id google “collective punishment /- laws” etc etc.

and please stop comparing a solo queue game to some sort of team-based sport, it is not.
it’s like comparing an apple to a toilet.

When did I say I was being positive…

If you are struggling in game… it is probably because of something you are doing.

You are talking about something that is so far from being applicable to VIDEO GAMES it is hilarious.

But if you can’t explain how these are applicable, while quoting your source material… you are not going to go far in the world of litigation.

idgaf about being top 500 or being this or that rank… the only struggle I have is toxic people.
I’m just so tired of the toxicity.

all I am saying is;
If the rank was personal instead of 100% rng based on the “team”, it would be a fair measurement of game skill.

I’m not making a lawsuit. I do not need to explain how its applicable while quoting source materials.

BUT blizzard breaking laws that say unfair collective punishment should not exist…
(applicable or not)
Yeah, that bad for the game and the community.

just to state the obvious:
Collective punishment is banned for a reason, it’s is a pretty good one:
Collective punishment turns people against other people, for no fault of their own.
Just as we see in overwatch, on a daily basis.

It’s what he does dude, he has nothing in his life other than this, so let him have it xD

Ironic given your posts… lol

Also, you really agreeing with him they are breaking international laws and peace treaties by having a team game… lol.

Oh no, you sre probably just stalking and harassing me again so you can troll. It isn’t a look that suits you.

Aww you going to cry champ? Broken record.

Lol. You puff that chest out. Make yourself seem big.

by having a so-called “team game”. lol ok.
This is where you start to snowball out of control and out of the realm of realism.

the ranking of team-based sport “works” and is fair because there’s a multitude of differences.
None of the properties of “team-based sports” get adapted into overwatch.
Only “lose as a team” is adapted.
There is no “lets trade underperforming/toxic/immature/solo-players”
there is no “aight its practise day, lets go train for that match later on”
there is no “aight let’s go team-build”
there is no “aight lets be friends and learn to adapt to one another”
there is nothing…
Ow isnt magicly a team game just becouse x-amount of players gets devided into 2 teams.

it’s just random players that get to do and play however and whatever they want, according to the ow game guide.
and that’s why it’s to be viewed as an unfair collective punishment that I say is outlawed for a good reason.

Im all for a “good game”. but they are very rare in overwatch.
That’s cus of the unfair “collective punishment” rank system. It’s that simple.

And the flawed ranking system is also why ow is so damn toxic.
and I’m sure it’s also why ow isn’t an “e-sport” brand
(and really never had an organic e-sport league or demand…, ow just had a big company pumping in money creating an artificial e-sport league… that no one really had any loyalties towards)

At no point are you explaining which laws, treaties and conventions they are breaching.

Please elaborate.

I will not “elaborate” any further than what I have already done.
you are not interested in anything I say anyway. You are just here to be a toxic.

funny thing thou… regarding this topic.
I logged in today at 3008 skill points, played 2 games in which both had “trollers” and toxic teammates on voice… picking on others etc… on my team ofc.
long story short… having 4 gold medals doesn’t mean anything and… MY skill rank should OBVIOUSLY be 2960 instead of +3000, because yeah, let’s face it… it is of course a very fair punishment.

it is my responsibility to make everyone on my team behave good and respect one another.
I should be Dalai Lama as well as Dr.Phil to be able to affect my teammates into wanting to win the game and be nice respectable people. And when I can’t do that… yeah it’s my fault, I deserve to derank.

Yes obviously. it’s NOT an unfair collective punishment.

I simply must accept my faith as, Jesus christ the savior of mankind.

Thanks Blizzard for putting that on me! <3


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Exactly. He has nothing else going on in his life rofl.

I am very interested in which laws, treaties and conventions they are breaching. I would quite like to read into them.

No. Medals don’t mean anything. Winning, or losing, as a team does.

Mathematically speaking (unless you are trolling yourself), there is more likely to be so called “trollers” on the enemy team.

This isn’t collective punishment.

This is just 6 people failing to achieve the objective (winning the game).

Collective punishment is a form of retaliation. ie, jailing your family because you robbed a bank (as a small scale example). The game isn’t retaliating against your teams poor performance.

Hi again. Nice to see you stalking more.