Smurfing is a big issue! Just read it

Well seeing as I only have this account (plus 3 codes I’ve not activated yet if you want one).

Then again, I sent my friend 3 request and she got none of them. Had to add me while I was online for it to appear.

He accepted me the other day though :wink: although he’s not been online yet so no responded to my message.

I don’t care how they do it.

I didn’t mention MMR.

Placements aren’t good indicators of skill if new players are put in gold by default. Winning can be RNG due to inconsistent player skill, dcs, leavers, smurfs etc. The fact that those can happen within your 5 matches and determine your placed rating is just a bad system.

Again, smurfs essentially make rating meaningless in terms of being a sign of skill level. They’re abusing the system regardless of if it’s an alt account or they’re intentionally trying to climb again.

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SR is pretty meaningless inters of being “a sign of skill level”. If they made MMR public too, somehow, you could more accurately judge these things.

Your point about winning sometimes being a bit RNG is exactly why SR isn’t a good sign of skill. Even before you accuse someone of smurfing. Even though most accusations are false.

The only way to play is find some friends you enjoy playing with and just have fun. (unless your objective is to grind to be the best and go pro). Have the odd personal goal along the way (a rank, a number whatever), but just have fun and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Whatever you say Nightwing.

What’s upsetting you? Did Nightwing not want to talk to you?

(I still haven’t had a reply from him, but I can see he’s playing warzone right now)

I hate BR games personally. I can just about tolerate Apex for a short period.

Yawn. You’re so boring dude, we all know it’s you, bless your special brain.

Yawn. You’re broken record is boring.

I could just show you it isn’t me. But you’re too much of a petty brain dead troll to deal with that

Go on, try me, please. Also, troll? Have you seen the stuff you write, and you’re not very liked on these forums my dude.

add me then

I have Nightwing on my list. I will make us a little group to chat. If they ever reply.

They’re abusing both SR and MMR then. If the MMR system can’t pick out a GM player on an alt, it’s not a good system or something needs to change.

SR and MMR should be meaningful indicators of skill level. If it’s not, then there’s literally no point in having a competitive system in the game outside of within the top 500.

It’s inherently a bad system regardless, because of several factors: smurfs, leavers, people playing things they’re inexperienced on, throwers, steamrolls, people not joining voice, I’d say OTPs, but they’re actually more likely to be properly placed in this system.

As someone who has been r1 in games, it doesn’t make any sense to me at all for that level of player to be put in matches VS someone in gold, as it’s unfair. It also completely skews both teams’ stats by causing either by carrying worse players or punishing decent players on the opposing team.

Or we could not be airheads, and actually make valid criticisms of the game so that it is more enjoyable.

Well based on what they’ve said, it figures it out in about 10 games.

Which makes sense. My first bunch of games on here were weird. Then suddenly every game was full of players around the same rank.

I’m not sure MMR can be manipulated that easily. But who even know how it’s calculated.

The game is really enjoyable. And there is a special button if you’re not enjoying your session. And it means you can go play another game. I am not sure there is a huge point in getting overly worked up about it.

Like I said, play with friends, have a laugh.

The problem is that GM players can choose to play against lower rated players and stomp them, but lower rated players don’t have a way to avoid playing against smurfs.

True. In a weird way you could say they have earnt that right.

But that is why performance based SR is in place below 3000sr. You can still make progress off the back of your own performance. In theory your win rate is going to be somewhere around 50%… so if you pop off you negate losses and maximise gains in theory. So if your sole objective is SR and climbing. It is all set up for you.

(this is why some have said “smurfing” is only really an issue in diamond and above, which i can kind of see their point)

Objectively I can see the merit of the complaints in it being “unfun”, but there is little that can be done for that.

No you couldn’t? Being good at something doesn’t give you the right to abuse a supposedly fair system.

If GM players should be allowed to stomp lower ranks, then random Bronze players should be allowed to play at top ranks and ruin their games too.

It’s a team game, and your own performance can be negated by the enemy team’s and your own team’s perfomances. That’s before we get to the other problems of the ranked system, such as leavers, throwers and people who don’t switch, which impedes your ability to carry or beat relative averages.

I don’t see any argument that could confine smurfing to those ranks.

Based on what?

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The do. Boosted players are more common than smurfs.

If your performance is being negated by the enemy… that just means they have outplayed you and well done to them as that is the objective.

At no point is it confined, it just doesn’t cost you much till you are out of the PBSR window.

There is little you can do. You report someone for deranking. You report them for boosting. Then you just have to wash your hands of it and get on with it.

Complaining about it isn’t going to change your results. In just the same way flaming someone doesn’t make them play better.


Also this I agree with.

Must be right if you agree with it…

Was that needed? I wasn’t even replying to you, yet you feel the need to comment because you did it to get a reaction because that’s what you do, you troll. Happy now? It’s pathetic, stop.

I just fight fire with fire.

It is annoying isn’t it…

Plus, you are both so unbelievably naïve. You have never explained exactly how each system works, so how could you ever know if it is good bad or indifferent.

Greetings @ViktorTheOne,I had face with a smurfs,and it still happend,but fact is,u can’t forbiden someone to bought new account and play with friends which are low division,I personal have couple of friends,which they have Diamond account and Silver-Bronze,another thing,smurfs can be in your team as well.Image you are Diamond or even top 500 players,and u have real life friends or perhaps broather that is low division Gold,Silver,Bronze?Ofc u would bought a new account and play with them.