Smurfing is a big issue! Just read it

you mean deranking on purpose?
that’s why there’s something called MMR. MMR is not SR. you’re supposed to be matched with people with the same MMR. thus even if you derank on purpose, you’re keeping the same MMR.

So that will just mean you derank to bronze quickly by going afk, or doing very little.

Then when you win you gain lots of sr… then you derank again.

Ahh we had some tool on the forums that believed SR didn’t matter. But it does dude, and people will get annoyed that it drops thanks to derankers.

I’ve not really seen anyone derank yet. Other than a couple of groups with it in the title.

I find not worrying about all that jazz means I’m just playing and enjoying it.

SR does matter to some. It doesn’t matter to others. So far the quickest players to tilt that I have seen have all been hung up on what rank they are.

You can’t win everything! You can only try.

Wow. You’ve copy/pasted 2 peoples comments.

Well done?

2 people with slightly different views. One day I will understand what you’re trying to achieve.

But for now it is funny to watch you work yourself into a fit.

Ahh good to hear Nightwing.

Have you spoken to Nightwing to get his side. Shockingly, I can’t speak for him.

Because at the moment it’s just the baseless accusations of a heartbroken lunatic.

You could be out with loved ones, or playing the game. But instead you do this lol. I’m flattered.

New player, posted over 600 posts on US forums, over 100 on EU, post the same, act the same, even quote “Word meanings” the same, appear when Nightwing disappears, even insult the same, oh you make it incredibly obvious. :joy:

Don’t seem to have many fans.

The stupidity is astounding. You must not have much going on. Bless you x

Wow. Stalking a new player. Nice.

Someone being an active forum user doesn’t mean anything.

Cross linking threads is also an offence.

All that thread proves is that some snowflakes can’t take “gg ez” at the end of a game when they get slapped about.

Smurfs should be banned if they’re not going to make any attempt at giving them good faith options to start a new account.


  • Option to say that they have previous experience in the game
  • Better placements, since it randomly puts new players in gold, and placements are a garbage system for placing people regardless

If Blizzard doesn’t do anything to keep them out of lower rated games, then they should be reportable and bannable.

Also have fun reading all of the ‘git gud’ strawman arguments, when the issue of smurfs has nothing to do with your personal skill, and is an issue of higher rated players abusing the placement system, making rating completely pointless as an indicator of skill level.

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Exactly, well said, they ruin the fun for many.

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If there was an option to say you had previous experience, if someone was going to genuinely smurf (which isn’t that common from what I can see), they just wouldn’t press the button.

As Jeff Kaplan said, throwing and boosting is an offence. Report people for that. Simply buying an account and playing, no matter how many times you’ve done it, isn’t an offence.

Git gud and smurfing are not intrinsic arguments, but they do follow each other in some way. If you just get better and be the one carrying games, then you’ll be fine.

Then it should definitely be bannable, because at that point, it’s clearly intentionally abusing the bad placement system to be a GM player in lower ranks.

That’s literally the argument being made 1000x. People want something done about smurfing. He also says the right rating will eventually be reached, but it’s so flawed when high rated players are in low rated games, because the skill at each rating is so inconsistent. E.g. If I’m in gold, playing at a diamond level and climbing, I face a GM player who completely controls the entire match. Does that mean I should be in silver?

No. I should be facing other gold players, beating them and climbing because I’m playing at a higher skill level.

GM players should not be in gold.

Another reworded strawman, while ignoring the point about higher skilled players making rating skill level pointless. This is Nightwing, isn’t it?

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“High rated” players can only be in low games by throwing matches. If you don’t get them while they are doing that. You missed your chance sadly.

Part of me does wonder how matches would look if you dropped the match maker. Be an interesting 24hour experiment.

But the matchmaker isn’t the problem. Never will be. Just because someone’s a clown and exploits it, doesn’t mean the system is wrong. Just means that person is a clown.

I really don’t think every smurf I’ve seen is throwing in placements. 5 matches is not enough to judge people on, and QP matchmaking is too scuffed to even take seriously when considering ranked rating.

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I agree. Not only abusing the placement system but also making the game less fun for beginners / less skilled.



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No. They throw after.

You can’t really trick MMR and placements.

Have you actually spoken to Nightwing to actually fact check your BS?

Many others can easily tell it’s you. And you deleted the BNET request, as you know you did. :slight_smile: