The MMR is really broken

I haven’t insulted at all. I’m just stating facts. The fact you keep mentioning my “job” which isn’t my job, there’s a big difference between PE and Personal Training. But I’d expect you to not understand. I mean you do spend your life on the forums insulting and belittling people. I hate to imagine what you do.


Ok versorius. Thanks for confirming.

No problem Nightwing, I have confirmed the truth.

I already knew who you were.
But, I would ask nice you your stop false naming me. It is a bit silly now.

Just stick with thinking Moira is good.

Funny, because I’m not Versorius, yet you keep saying I am, yet deny you’re someone that’s very very obvious with 100% proof. Going off-topic yet again, just to fill your life with forum abuse. You need to stop doing this in every single thread, especially mine. It makes you look very desperate.

Oh, we know you are. But you just want to deflect.

Stick to what you know, how to play Moira in “gold”

To be fair, given the last post and the first post of Nightwing and yourself Rodi, it does seem one massive heck of a coincidence.

And given the reports that your Steam profile had that nametag also - irrespective of you liking the batman colouring in books.

I haven’t seen any insults. You however have openly admitted insulting people, source:
https ://


To be fair in return, it does. I was surprised by it too.

Steam account is earliest game I have on Steam is FM2009, so that gives some indication of age. Sure I had 07 and 08 too but guess I removed them at some point… But versorius wants to project, so he will project.

You have a preferred team?

Of course. Aston Villa are always who I start with for a big save, then do some random challenges in other saves with random teams. It is my chill game that I pretty much have running all the time.

Oooof, West Brom are mine. They’re in abit of a rut this season, but the new manager is setting his ways - an actual manager rather than dinosaur.

I can sympathise with the Steve Bruce pain.
Shame your owners are destroying the club though.

Steve Bruce, Pardew, Valerien Ismael, Sam Allardyce - They were all bad.
Slavic was a good manager though but got mistreated.

I am new to forums and even i know hes nightwing lmfao the evidence is there


Unless you get promoted, I think you guys are in for a lot of pain over the next few years. Seems like the owner has siphoned a lot out of the club.

Same happened with Villa, Chinese guy buys club pretending his dads money is his, then trys to siphon off funds but realises the club needs to be in the Premier League for that to even have a chance of working and nearly bankrupts the club.

Glad you aren’t the only one to see this…

I’d be careful with what accusations to believe. Wolfie has claimed that i’m rodimus even if the differences are numerous and he has no reason to believe us to be the same person.
That is the only accusation i have proof of being false, but it doesn’t bode well for the rest.

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You are though, which is a fact. It’s quite obvious.

You’ve certainly plucked specific nuggets out in order to push your narrative that’s for sure. Totally ignoring what I’ve said though. You protest too much, which is how I figured you out.

But that’s how the world is now.

His history is different than mine though. You said i was him so why should i believe you saying he is someone else as well?

I stay out of that conversation because i personally don’t have proof and i don’t care.
Why does it matter if he has some extra accounts? Why is it any of your business either? How do his accounts affect your day to day life so much that you feel the need to continuously talk about it?

If you don’t want him to keep poking at you with his words then don’t reply to him. Don’t poke him back.
Not replying to something does not mean you lose an argument.
It just means that you won’t end up glogging an entire thread with 150 messages going back and forth repeating yourselves.

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