There no defense against report system abuse

Making statements that can lead to debates or arguments is bad for a team.
You can do it if you know how to get away with it.

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Gona add that taking the fact that you are a support main.
You are one of the most looked for things in any teams.
I can really recommend that you find one they are a lot of ways to do so.
LGF is a good way to cycle teams and players and you can give a fr reqest to anyone from this teams that you will like to play with again with.
Even on the forums you have.
A section that is used for that.
Getting a team is just the next step in tryharding. Solo queue has to much RNG.
Don’t even need a full team but the more players the better the odds.

Tbh I can’t really sympathize with you. You’re not textbook definition “toxic” but you definitely feed into the negativity around. Play on the rule “If it’s not nice don’t say it” and you really have no reason to be banned. I don’t think I’ve ever even received a report for toxicity because it’s not that hard to stay calm and remove yourself because a situation is getting heated.

Every hero can be good and useful when played right. However it’s not my fault when that one widow gets killed for the tenth time because of that Winston constantly diving her and then reports me after telling her that she needs to switch.

And for all that I have lost, I have been threatened with death, been told to kill myself, wished cancer upon me. Those offenders are still running around freely and I have ended up being perma banned because I dared to think, because I dared to tell my team if something was wrong. Because I was always trying to win even if it means I have to get someone to switch. That’s the shame of this broken report system. It’s unacceptable and shocking.

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buffoon doesn’t understand when someone has given up on discussing things because buffoon is an idiot… and that someone has taken to just belittling everything buffoon says because they are a buffoon

Of course I am. That’s part of the competitive environment. And it’s fine as long as I’m not threatening anyone with death, or wishing someone cancer upon or something ridiculous which I have never been doing.

But then why

After you reach x number of reports you get banned that’s it. No human action needed. This doesn’t mean they don’t ever check bans like the one you have mentioned above.

Anyway as a software developer graduate I can assure you that they could easily find my other account just by looking at the pictures I posted and checking what account are the messages belongs to. Furthermore, they could check the IP address I am using to play the game and post on the forums. They can check my browser’s user agent and verify if any account has been ever accessed (for eg. when changing passwords) with the same specific build of the web browser.
You see they can do many things to identify me.

But here on the forums you can only do so much against me other than claiming that I’m just simply lying. If I were to reveal my name here, you can surely find my btag online (on such sites like overbuff) and make complaints on it.

As it’s only a numbers game it’s still better to have an account with less reports on it. Luckily I have never said anything like “bad dps”, I didn’t really use the chat on the other account and I can only hope that they don’t ban only for saying someone was playing good.

Addiction? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That’s part of the competitive environment as long as I’m not threatening anyone with death or wishing cancer upon someone or something ridiculous which I have been never doing.

If they wanted to get that other account banned they would have already banned it. But they want you to buy new copies. Of course they can surely find my other account just by looking at the IP address I am using to play and to post on the forums. As a software engineer graduate I can assure you that there are plenty of other ways of identifying me. Different kinds of hardware IDs, guiids, browser agents, etc.
But if I reveal my name to you, you can surely find my btag online (on such sites like overb***) and then load up my profile on OW’s site and make fake complaints on it.

As it’s only a numbers game it’s still better to have a “clean” account :slight_smile:

If you really want something to happen from this topic go to the US forums or reddit since as you’ve seen by now EU is just getting ignored and is death for obvious reasons.

Im not taking sides on who’s wrong and right anymore just telling you that posting here is pointless. Like the moment someone says the A word on US they are perma banned and its deleted within 5 min, but on EU it will get punished 30 days later since no one checks this forums out for sure.

I think you need to look at how you are communicating with people in game.

Saying “Switch off Widowmaker” isn’t constructive criticism its just ordering someone to do something. Funny thing is allot of people don’t like being ordered about by random people on the internet. Were you to say it in a less confrontational way like “Any chance of us getting a X to counter this Winston…Widow would you be able to switch?”
Asking a question rather then issuing orders will always be allot more likely to achieve better results.

Out of interest were you not suspended multiple times before you got perma banned?


I just got silenced for 6 days because I…

Put memes in chat?

There is literally NO defense against the report system!!!
I know for a fact that enemy players will report you on the spot for abusive chat if you even put a MEME in the chat. If the enemy team is reporting you, it shouldn’t prevent you from talking to your own team!!! (if you’re silenced, you cant hear or talk to your team!!!)

Why do you want to talk with the enemy anyway? What is ever gained by talking to the enemy?

I see it maybe you writte something, and while they answer you flank them.
Outside of this (most enemy will ignore it anyway) i dont see why.
And I play since 800lvls and never had any action against me. But I’m not a rude person, i try to not do anything that could offend someone like my self. And went through pretty easily. Yep my friends already got actions and they play less than me.
And tbh when I see how some of my friends writte in chat or talk in vc. Its not a big surprise they got silenced.

even not talking gets you sanctioned because people are offended if you choose not to speak… yes it happens it happend to me

just for fun inbetween rounds

salt , yummy salt. :slight_smile:

I am now aware that I was unable to hear my own teammates due to a voice chat bug, the silence and being unable to hear them together was just a coincidence.

No clue how to post links but, this happend today


New account with roughly 100h playtime, got a quick level 3 endorsment because i was using voice in competative.

But when u appeal all they find are 3 lines,

3 lines who knows if it where 3 matches or in 1.

it shows most reports are made with a bad intention.

Yes battle toxicity by adding it.

I’ve also just noticed the auto-silence RESETS UR ENDORSEMENT LEVEL.
And I was about to buy lootboxes too. Wow, I’m never buying anything from these guys.

Its actually really sad, the system is at it is because they dont want to have a decent team without a political bias to review someone who has been mass reported for money reasons ( my bet )

With my ex i kept being reported when i played with her at ( took us to low high plat games) , at one point i didn’t even said a single word on one of my account and it got a “Warning” for abusive chat.

I am really suprised this isnt getting resolved?

Why does blizzard want to take the humanity out of their game.

I hate it when players use R word good riddance if they silence for it.

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