There no defense against report system abuse

so not using language at all is reportable because its vulger?

so… damned if you do… and damned if you dont, like i said… thank you for the clarification

What do you smoke and where can i buy it ?

Is it hard to keep up with the conversation?

no… it is the prosecutions job to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt… you cant be charged with a crime on the hearsay of others with no evidence to back it up… its not fair

like if i were to say, you stole my ice cream… how are you to prove you diddn’t steal it? ohh dear looks like you get charged with theft…

it doesn’t work that way… at least not here where we actually still have some logic in our legal system

I meant ur living in your own reality and i feel actually bad for you , get well soon.

Just what makes you say that?
You all get reported, im telling you on why people are reporoting you, then you guys complane that thats the reallity that you are in…
Im sorry but the once who reported you are as much of players to this game as you yourself. On top of this they have the numbers on you.

If your a suspect of a murder case and you fail to show profe that you didn’t do it, do you think that they will let you out? Just like the report if you can’t really show profe that you aren’t guilty then you will stay punished. What you think is good and bad doesn’t really matter the fact is someone had A LOT of reports and is getting punished. If he cant show that they are wrong then he stays punished.

The moment blizzard read this

they won’t lift the ban.

The moment you get a lot of reports for chat abuse no matter if you used it or you ignored your team by not useing it then you will get punished and it won’t be lifted since at lest 50 other player found it offenciv.

I am sorry but this is what i mean ? what country you live in ? cuz i will not ever enter it in my life.

if you are a suspect of murder, and no evidence to your guilt can be shown, and the only evidence there is that makes you a suspect is 50 people said you did it… and the people who said you did it are ALL FOUND OUT TO BE LYING ABOUT IT… you wont be charged… because you diddnt do it… and they are lying…

and people reporting you because they are salty turds who WANT TO GET BACK AT YOU FOR NOT BOWING TO THEIR WILL!.. are lying and REPORTING YOU FALSLY!.. then you should not be banned for it…


this is a FAILURE!!!.. and hence why BLIZZARD IS A FAILURE!.. DURRRRRRRRRR!

Yeah if you are going to reply in this way then im done with you enjoy beeing passive agressive all you want to someone els.

Im sorry but i dont wanna live in a place that can potentially have murderers on the loose as well.


You can’t really be suspected if they had no evidence.

translation - DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! ohh… i contradicted myself and that guys correct… also i like smelling my own farts

That wasnt even a reply to you but ohh well you guys enjoy beeing toxic and getting reported.

You guys don’t want answers you guys want the system to support toxic players like your self and that wont ever happen.

Im done with this topic clearly you guys are the children that you talk so badly about :sweat_smile:

translation - DURRRRR my neckbeard itches and my faeces encrusted buttflaps hurt… better eat my weight in pizza pockets… also who farted? DURRRR!!!

Like on some parts your right about number of reports get u banned in this game , and thats all because of this line in the ToS (You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others).

But the way you try to explain it is really childish and hard so make sense of, and tbh its kindoff pissing people off you take this as reality,

What you should have said:

(This is how the system at this time is and this is what you can do to not get banned for the time being , but i for one do not agree with the system )

like we can follow the system but we are also allowed to speak out on the system and it needs a change and the change is simple.

You may not use language that COULD be offensive or vulgar to others.

And it should be

You may not use language that IS be offensive or vulgar to others.

This way we allow papa jeff to be the father of the house and decide the rules and not his children.

Please refrain to post such comments. They’re insulting and thus against the code of conduct.

Let’s keep the discussion civil ^^

tried that, its like talking to a mentally defective brick wall with down syndrome

wickedlife is making it really difficult to stay nice.

A crime is still a crime, no matter what the motives are.

Just don’t start to get insulting.

im not im helping by translating the poor things poorly constructed arguments into what he’s really thinking