This reaper buff is way too much

Ashe is still much better. If someone needs nerfs its gotta be her.

Sigh, that would be the dream outcome.

I feel making his health 200 wouldnā€™t make him junk rank again. It would make the fight a lot fairer for the normal health enemies. And if his new patch continues to decimate lower tier play (or any rank of play) this would be the first change I would advise on. Iā€™d still like to see a new effect on his ultimate to make it obvious where his damage reaches.

This is a good point, hopefully it will help.

And youā€™re lvl 244 while playing since launchā€¦
The fact that youā€™re a reaaaaaally casual player may explain why you keep thinking wrong things, you donā€™t play enough to know what you are talking about.
I donā€™t say that as a ā€œomg ur a noob shutupā€ just see the explanation.

I am confused. Arenā€™t only casuals and low rankers bothered by the Reaper buff because they cant shoot and take him out fast?

As D.Va I was shooting at a midlife Reaper in a range that should have allowed me to kill him quickly, and there were only headshots.
His life was going up, and he kept being full life.

So? Yesterday a Mercy killed me while I was playing Hanzo 1v1 without help. She should have been ded!

But here thereā€™s no life steal, and Mercyā€™s a healer, all healer have a way to get their own HP back, I donā€™t want to be mean but Mercyā€™s HP regen isnā€™t constant, she needs time without damage to get auto-healed

I just came here to agree with everyone here that the buff is stupid and OP.

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Iā€™d disagree just because I can solo burst him down as Orisa when hes shooting me at close range at the moment. With better players on your team, even with 250hp, as soon as he comes at me, hes taking focused fire and his heals canā€™t keep up. Losing any of his buffer would make him kinda an insta-splat above the lowest ranks except in very exceptional circumstances.

Yep, I canā€™t help but feel that he desperately needs it.

Actually I just took a long break from OW, I probably play about 2 hours a day at the moment, around 5 days a week, more on weekends, which is hardly what most people would call casual. Also I donā€™t really give a crap about level so I donā€™t do stuff just for the boosts like getting min 1 win per day or joining random groups e.t.c. that gets you more XP.

Also the ā€˜noobā€™ answer would generally be that Reaper is too strong, not too weak since most of the higher ranking players donā€™t think the buff is too muchā€¦ or they would be picking himā€¦

So please feel free to keep making incorrect assumptionsā€¦

Also please show where I was actually wrong as opposed to just disagreeing with youā€¦

So you failed to account for his life-steal increase and died to a hero whoseā€™s LITERALLY ONLY USE is killing tanks as a tankā€¦ Not only that, if you are claiming you were actually landing SOLID headshots with DVA, at that range, hes also landing solid headshots on youā€¦ An single pellet hitting his head hardly counts since it only does 6 damage (2 per pellet, x3 crit if my memory is correct)

So to get this fully straight:
You failed to account for his increase life-steal
You let him get in the perfect position for Reaper and the worst position for youā€¦
You made no attempt to escape via Boost
You didnā€™t use DM+MM to damage him AND stop his life-steal.
You didnā€™t get support.

How exactly is that not working as intended???

Basically you made a ton of mistakes and died and are now blaming the Reaper? Errmmm OKā€¦

If tanks could that easily kill Reaper, what exactly is he good for? It sounds like you are kinda salty cos someone is now good 1v1 vs your favourite character more than anything!

Reaper SHOULD have an advantage vs Tanks, its really that simple. Characters have different strengths against different enemiesā€¦ you donā€™t complain that JunkRat sucks vs Pharah or healers suck vs anyone solo(mostly! :slight_smile: ) do youā€¦

ā€¦ Paris map looks good tho.

Just want to add that they nerfā€™d armor more (Wanna add that i expected this one as well) and will buff heroes like Winston to do more damage to armor as well. At this point i kinda feel like Reaper isnā€™t so needed and a life steal nerf might not be so bad at this point. Feels like 40% life seal might be a good place to start testing. Since in all honestly they just made reaper a goats hero.

All your arguments donā€™t make any sense, first I tell you youā€™re wrong because not only me but several people proved you that you were wrong, then read what I say better, I said that you werenā€™t a noob, not the opposite.
And then for that story, I simply estimate that D.Va has enough damage to kill anyone quickly at close range (and please donā€™t come crying like ā€œomg youā€™re salty because tanks donā€™t do damageā€, they do, but at close range) so even without any support, I donā€™t find normal for that Reaper to start the fight midlife, get hs for 2sec straight and just finish full life.
Now as apparently all you can do is repeat the same (proved wrong), I hope you see that this debateā€™s not going anywhere so itā€™d be nice from you to stop spitting your toxicity on my faceā€¦

What debate? You are going purely by your feelings. You feel like you should have been able to kill him in a situation you cant even replicate properly and because of this one imaginary scenario you feel like you have a base to argue for nerfs. This is laughable.

Did you even read the topic ? -.-
Just to refresh your memory, it was ā€œThat Reaper buff is too muchā€ and itā€™s not just emotional, just that even if a character is a counter, I think (but thatā€™s probably just me and my vision of things) that a 2s straight hs at close range with D.Va should be able to get rid of a Reaper, even if itā€™s a counter
You either really laugh for nothing or donā€™t get what I say :confused:

Because its mostly feelings. Iā€™ve been checking the dotabuff GM page daily and his win rate goes down. As of now he is only .5% better than Ashe and she is picked three time as much. At this point the suggestion that he is too strong comes more as a knee jerk than a legit problem.

Just run away 4Head.

Reaper is no problem at GM and M? How great, I shall tell the 90% of the player base that are in lower ranks that they donā€™t have to worry about Reaper anymore!

In reality, he has the 3rd highest win rate after Symm and Torb - the 2 classical situational heroes that are strong when used in certain situations and arenā€™t played in others. Reaper however is played - quite a lot, especially in the bottom half of the ladder.

Compare him to Brig, who despite being a support and thus having less competition for her slot was picked about as much over the last 6 months as Reaper was last week. Yes, Brig - who is one of a whopping 6 supports to choose from, who all the DPS mains whined about all the time - was picked about as much as Reaper, who competes with 15 other DPS heroes for that DPS slot.

Brigitteā€™s problem was how she created a whole meta centered around her and how she deleted certain characters completely. So far Reaper has done neither.