Why do people wanna ban smurfs?

which is normal learning process. sucks to be on your team in that moment but whatever. Everyone learns new heros at some point. No need for an omg-muh-stats smurf, really.

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Because having a ranking system then having smurfs go round the ranking system makes its totally useless smurfs are cancer

Don’t forget that you are sabotaging the game when playing a new hero.

When you play normally, you set yourself a standard on how you perform, based on the main heroes you play. MM remembers that and thus matches you with other players who perform as well as you. You have to play your best in order to win. However, if you play a new hero, you stop caring about winning and start focusing on learning that hero. You refuse to switch for selfish reasons and jeopardize your team’s chance of success for your personal gains.

Your behavior detracts from other’s enjoyment, thus breaking the CoC and thus making you reportable for gameplay sabotage.

By playing new heroes on an alt-account, you set a new standard, based on the new heroes you play. That way, you’ll get an MMR/SR that suits you best. Based on that MMR, Matchmaking puts you with other players who perform as well as you do with those heroes. You are not breaking the CoC when playing those heroes with an alt-account because the game already adjusted you to your personal goal. For example, as a masters player, you play Genji like silver. On your “Genji only” alt-account (one-tricking is another topic), you got placed as silver, due to your silver performance as Genji. Seems fair, doesn’t it?

It has less to do with omg-muh-stats but rather with omg-muh-account. I doubt you want to be banned for learning a hero, don’t you? It is actually a huge problem because it discourages players from high ranks to try out new heroes. If there was a system where you can learn new heroes without any consequences, alt-accounts wouldn’t be needed.

Something that could solve it is a hero based Matchmaking system where each hero has their own MMR. That would, however, make it difficult to make a good composition.
On the other hand, a new arcade mode would be possible, which is similar to mystery heroes but the chance of getting a lesser played hero is a lot higher than getting a greater played hero.

Currently, there are no great solutions for learning a new hero. You could create a custom game but there would be players from all the ranks. Creating a “Hero learning” Groups via LFG might work but the enemy team will most likely stomp you, which wont help you much when learning a new hero.

Using an alt-account is the best way to learn a new hero for now. Matchmaking puts you right into a fair match where you can learn new heroes as if you were trying to climb.

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There are three main types on smurfs:

1. alt accounts

  • used to play seriously
  • alt acc sr will get very close to the main acc sr in only a few games
  • If they play heroes they normally don’t play then they will be slightly lower

2. out of sr queue range accounts

  • used to play with friends you can’t queue with on your main
  • will “only” throw promo games to get a low sr
  • might throw if the sr gets to high again

3. troll accounts

  • washed up players
  • toxic
  • throwing

My rough estimate of how games played by smurfs is split for the different types is:

Type 1: 65%
Type 2: 25%
Type 3: 8-9%
Undefined (e.g. boosters): 1-2%

The only problem with smurfs is throwing wich is already not allowed and also make up a small percentage of games played by smurfs.

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable.

This implies that the intent with wich you step into the game is to “[…]detract from others’ enjoyment[…]”. Playing another hero with the intent to learn to play that hero therefore is not actually a actionable offence.


“Intentionally” does imply that you have a reason to do such actions.

Learning a new hero is one reason to detract from others’ enjoyment because you jeopardize their chance of succes, since “you wanna learn genji”.

Just like reports for “chat abuse” you have to understand the CoC clearly to see its danger. “intentionally” doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing that for malicious reason. It can be any reason to make the report justified.

Why else do you think players got banned for one-tricking?

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because going into a custom game and fighting bots and going against real players is completely different and if you have great stats and don’t want to ruin them then you can’t realistically play anew hero because your stats are gonna get screwed

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I may have no idea like you claim, but at least i don’t abuse the MMR for my own business.

There are plenty of ways to learn a hero.

Custom games, custom games with bots, custom games with real players, dedicaed custom games made by community, training zone, quick play, arcade.

No, apparently to learn Rein, which as we all know, requires 1000 hours of play time to understand when you need to attack and when you need to keep that shield up, you necessarily need a fresh account to smurf with in lower ranks.

This logic is the same BS logic of every popular game filled with underaged ppl, who just talk BS.

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So now people practice new heroes in comp?.. Why?.. Because of the “its just qp” attitude… If people was to take qp a bit more seriously then you could practice in qp, but hey “its just qp”… So you can thank the bad attitude in qp for that…

Firstly I’m not quite sure you understand what intent is.
As an example for what intent means: manslaughter. The difference between Voluntary and Involuntary manslaughter is intent.

The wording in the Code of Conduct is quite clear, you have to intent to “[…]detract[s] from others’ enjoyment[…]”.


Can you provide me with a statement from Blizzard that states that
this is actually happening or any real evidence that it is?

i got banned for 15 days for playing symmetra under the reason “gameplay sabotage”… when i spoke to the GM’s they told me to “be a better team mate”, enough said, there is your evidence

how about stopping this idiotic argument about learning heros (in a game which has 26 of them) to be a malicious activity which requires to be masked by mandatory smurfs? Stop making a fool of yourself.

But there’s 28 heroes

We are talking about the CoC so we have to use the clear definition of that word. Based on the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the adverb “intentionally” is

[to do sth.] Deliberately; on purpose.

Other dictionaries like Dictionary.com and Merriam Webster define “intentionally” pretty similar:

done with intention or on purpose; intended:
of or relating to intention or purpose.
done by intention or design

We can talk about other definitions of “intentionally” but due to the fact that this definition exists, it applies to the CoC as well.

I can’t do it directly. I’ve found an Interview in which Jeff stated that One-Tricking isn’t a bannable offense as long you play your best. However, he also mentioned that discussions on one-tricking mostly are focused on individuals who got actioned or banned but with the notification that other factors had an impact on the penalty.

There are also some threads on the EU-Forum about players who complained about getting banned for one-tricking:

Soon banned for one tricking, what to do?
New TORB account banned after 3 games
Blizzard banning people for playing Torb
How blizzard handles feedback

They might be completely anecdotal and some show other factors for their penalty like non-communication - others don’t.

It does show that there is a blurry line between one ticking being a bannable offense or not, even if Jeff said that one-tricking alone isn’t a bannable offense.
Add the fact that you play a hero terribly - you are learning after all - and that line is even blurrier.

Since the question of whether learning a new hero on your main account might be considered a bannable offense is highly debatable, due to the fact that multiple facts clash onto eachother, let’s focus on another question:

Why should learning heroes on your main account be a better Idea than doing it on an alt-account?

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But there’s 28 heroes and being proficient with as many as possible is a good thing so you’re never in a situation you cannot get out of

Most people don’t even check the custom game list. Either no one joins or the joiners have completely random rank. I can’t imagine why some people throwing this extremely bad idea around all the time. Perhaps they’ve never tried to create and play a 6v6 custom game.

In my opinion one of the best/cleanest options for training would be good bots. Not the extremely silly ones we have ATM. Developing good bots would be a significant investment for Blizzard but it would be a very good tool for learners and would be welcome by those who prefer PvE instead of PvP for some reason. The current AI can be used only to learn very basic things.

Blizzard might have completely different goals with the game (from a business perspective) so they might want to invest developer time in something else.

It isn’t simply practising if the MMR of your account matches the hero you are playing and you goal is winning the match. The alt account is a problem if your account’s MMR is much higher (“throwing”, learning new hero on main account) or much lower (smurfing and destroying bronzes) than the hero you are playing and your primary goal isn’t winning.

This is too idealistic. There have always been players who took neither QP nor comp seriously. The only reasons that make comp more serious is that there are much harder punishments and most people are tryhards who want a higher rank. But there have always been players who pressed “play comp” button with other intentions. The game (including comp) has a lot of casuals who “just want to enjoy the game”, never really improve and aren’t tryhards. Perhaps they prefer it only because of the better rules and more balanced matchmaking even if they never improve/climb.

i agree we need better bots and also more hero bots

If you’re a GM Tracer, you can pretty much any hitscan hero at GM level.

Aim is transferable and seeing how other people play other roles at the highest level is a great way to learn how to play them.

That would mean that a master tracer main get to a diamond/masters rank with an alt account, wouldn’t it?