Аbandoned Mistweaver

Many posts have already been written on this topic, but the situation remains unchanged. Monk Heal remains unnecessary. Unnecessary for players and developers.
Unnecessary for players because when a monk heal tries to enter your party, you just wait for another heal, even though this monk has already passed this key in time. And these people can be understood. Because Monk heal does not give anything that other healers can give. No BR, no BL, no shields, no hp buff, no damage.
Unnecessary for developers, because all that we improve is AOE damage and a little heal - the most useless buffs that you can imagine. Because aoe damage we already have is good. We have huge problems with damage to one target, and, accordingly, problems with treatment when there is only one target. But this is not important for developers. We can get 5 of these buffs, but never become necessary for other players.
The posts above provide many examples of how to make Monk better and more convenient. Such as giving us utilities, and making our heal less random. But this will never happen. The developers don’t look in our direction for more than 1 second. After all, if at least one developer spent half an hour of time to figure out our problems, he would understand everything and would not add percent to us where it is not necessary. Well, or at least fixed our bugs and incorrect descriptions of talents, such as with Invoker’s Delight.
While writing this post I came across the following Mistweaver buff request
As proof that nothing changes.

Sadly this has been the case since the creation of the mw monk. I’m quite tired of repeating myself so i’m just gonna paste this and hopefully someone takes notice.


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