sad! If you find the time you’re more than welcome to join though
Lvl 20 pvp is imbalanced towards druids with travel form btw. 110 class trials maybe?
we tried, you can’t queue wargames on a class trial
the other idea was to have 120s in benthic gear but that’s too much effort
the druids weren’t the problem, I found other specs to be outliners with already having a strong burst available on level 20.
How about level sync by having someone party sync the groups to say 40?
Tried that aswell. But party sync only works with parties up to 5 players sadly.
What Shadazzle said, also, even with sync you get the error message that you can only queue groups within the same level range.
Wargames aren’t a very much supported feature. We encountered lots of differences between what is documented and what actually happens.
- min group sizes were changed but it doesn’t appear in any change log
- tournament rules are enforced and can no longer be deactivated (was possible)
- you can only queue for the rated versions of some battlegrounds and not for the normal ones
I feel like the feature doesn’t get much love as it’s not widely used
Naked 120s with Legion artifacts weapons only.
Or white quality armour and weapons only to hide our naked shame.
I mean there are vendors out there that we can buy all white quality gear, have no neck, Cape, trinkets or rings equipped all at even playing field at 120.
Could be a fun idea with 1.5 sec GCDs
Is the event at Goldshire Inn on AD?
1st rule of AD’s goldshire Inn…
Yeah, don’t talk about Goldshire Inn.
Im fine im fine, luckily i was able to join the discord so it seems something is wrong on your end, maybe a personality issue?
ouch right in the feels!
Kyrel offered to unban me several times but then I wouldnt be able to meme about it in threads like this one. Relax a bit silly one!
Horde will get this next one!! Just watch!!!
Please remove me from the Disc event, I tried, but was unable to. Thanks.
Will do, sad that you won’t join
We were also really sad that you went away yesterday, we tried to ask you why but you’re really hard to contact
yeah i d really like to talk about it to be honest.
holy priest Schmusedecke is praying for a friend request.
It’s bonus rep week. Unlocking Allied Races for the event is going to be real fast now if some are still missing a few