šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

You donā€™t have to pray, if you become a priestā€¦ join us! :latin_cross: :wink:

I worship the light, is that not good enough?

You should both fall to the dark side and reroll warlocks :smiling_imp:

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Iā€™ve heard they have cookies!


These warlocks have a sweet tooth, that is for certain!

Yet I, with all due respect, will not give in to your consuming darkness, for it renders my magic impure. :grimacing:

Dunkiee looks respectfully, yet seriously into Punyelfā€™s charming purple eyes as she prepares to judge the mighty paladin.

I sense a terrible darkness in your heart, oh Charming Warrior of the Light, that you must repent from your soul to ascend to our Heavens as a worthy initiate - for your deeds have not gone unnoticed in our lightbound circles!

Cleanse your soul, young lady, and shine bright with happiness to join us in a blessed, eternal life.

We are ready to welcome you with open arms when you are ready. :angel:


No thatā€™s us mages.


All you have are mana buns cakes biscuits!

Warlocks have better cookies, tastier cookies, greener cookiesā€¦


Weapon upgrade from the Vault!
Whoot!..Poggers! :partying_face:


Finally got the dominance key, and some rare stuff while I was farming for it. :slight_smile:


WoW token price droped quite a bit :slight_smile:

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Just joined a LFG grup for Soundless and the mount dropped! :star_struck:


I logged into my Engineer in Stormwind and found a Demon Hunter yelling for a Leatherworker. Turned out he wanted a couple Windslayer Wraps crafted, and he even wanted to provide the pattern for it.
So five minutes later my Leatherworker was 10k gold richer and one additional ā€œCoilskar Chestā€-level of rare pattern learned. :smiley:

(Coilskar Chest is listed as source for the TBC-recipes in the professionsā€™ unlearned-tab that are the rarest and least farmable due to they having a 0.00000000x% drop chance from every TBC mob and chest, and ironically have yet to reportedly drop from Coilskar Chest according to Wowhead.)

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same here mate - RNGJesus smiled upon me this week

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We got the whole raid in a single raid night and our lead made this super cute heroes 3 themed picture to celebrate it(bonus points cause like only 3 or 4 of us had done the last boss before)

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Trial of Style is quite fun. I like seeing creative mogs and trying to one-up them with my own. :grin:

Also, got all the new stuff from Trial of Style, yay!

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Knowing that soon, I will not be at work and will instead be casting eyebeam all over the place.

Please donā€™t let the Legion invade Newcastle. I donā€™t want to see Demons dominating the environment when Iā€™m out for a few pints tomorrow night.

One could argue that seeing demons in Newcastle is a fairly common occurrence even without the Burning Legion invadingā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl: