🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Silly shenanighans on discord while doing keys last night.

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Well if you haven’t been enjoying the game for almost 8 years maybe you should have just quit.


This so much. Either that or people like to be edgy on the forum.

On topic: Yesterday I tried the mage tower on Arms Warrior and I killed it after only 3 tries. Still had a bit of room behind me, too!


Advancing with my blood knight more quickly than I’d guessed. My aim is to get to lv60 and 80 renown before my sub ends in a week, as a last goal of sorts, and already 52 w/ 50 renown.

With any of the luck I had on my second priest, I should be able to hit full renown by 60, or maybe very close to it - so I can use the kyrian wings accountwide. :angel: It will fit the mooncloth robe nicely!

(Edit: I definitely never will be able to imitate a Vestal from Heroes VI, nor an angel. Too bad. :frowning: )

I did the Necrolord Renown from 0-80 in a day, you can do it!!!

Got to do NF this week, then all are maxed.

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How’d you do it so fast, if not with the ToF bonus objectives? It feels so slow (for now) outside of those… :cry:

I did this on my main, who is already 80 renown with Venthyr and Kyrian.

All I did was go to Oribos, talk to the Necrolords and swap, then went up to the Flightmaster, bought the 40 renown insta item. Went to my sanctum, unlocked the basics and did a combo of callings, fill the bar weekly for Korthia, and some of the campaign, and one M+. I managed to get the research started for the portal to Oribos in my Necro Sanctum this morning and I’ve gone back to being Kyrian which is what I need to be to actually play :rofl:

I didn’t know I’d be able to do it in one day. I just wanted to make a start as I have zero enthusiasm to finish off the big cosmetic farm on the alt paladins. My main is what I’m active on and I find it incredibly dull to have to generate anima and other currencies on alts when my main is already drowning in them.

Friends have gone the Torghast route but I would rather log out than suffer that place. If it’s somewhere you enjoy or you are a class that can stealth to the last boss of each floor it may be a route you enjoy.

I will attempt to do the same for Night Fae this reset if I get a some down time.

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I’ve found out that Necrolords are perfectly viable for Mythic+ for Blood with double legendary. I really don’t like Night Fae or Kyrians. :slight_smile:

If you are a Ret Paladin, there is no meaningful choice:-

Mythic Plus


Full overview

That’s quite unfortunate. :frowning:

On the bright side, at least Kyrians are thematic for paladins!

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Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan have yet to drop the Engineer Schematics, but today he decided to drop his mount! :smiley:


I got a total of … 4 pieces to choose from in my vault today :rofl: I’m happy but… I think I may be hiding from a few raiders for a bit.

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Got 8 new Pocopoc customization upgrades today. :slight_smile:


Gonna be honest here, Necro does seem fun or at least easy to use… since you’d have to unload HP for DT to not waste any in an ideal case and I have it macroed to wings. You’d just pop the necro hammer and forget it. :thinking:

Even my main doesn’t have anima and I’ve yet to unlock Abom Factory fully :frowning:

Used to enjoy it, was my fave content in fact even though we were forced to it back in the day. Just needs some more variety, or it should have been a place to get gear from the start, a solo dungeon of sorts. :sweat_smile:

Btw… any luck on the vault? :grin:

Nope :laughing:

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Finished my first Draenor reputation grind. Got The Saberstalkers to exalted and also farmed tons of the claws to buy both boar-mounts, mini-pet and garrison follower. Getting first Draenor rep to exalted unlocked Trading Post tier 3 blueprints for me so finally got first building upgraded all the way. I really enjoy doing Garrison stuff.


Queued up for PvP. Ended up in Tazavesh. Don’t know if it was a bug or wrong click on my side, but it made me laugh:


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About 10 mins after finishing LFR Rygelon I got a whisper from a warrior who’d been in the same group, offering me the tier chest he looted - which I gladly accepted for my 2-piece. An officer and a gentleman indeed is Sherone-Moonglade :smiley_cat:


Was in a community raid on my horde. She is a bit undergeared - well she was. I got lots of loot, got further than on my main and had a lot of fun :slight_smile:

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Well done you. Saberstalkers was my last exalted rep in Draenor. A real grind.