🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Oh so it wasn’t you that was following me around Zereth Mortis hurling abuse?

(could have been anyone honestly…)

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Wasn’t me! I haven’t been in zereth mortis or any SL zone for ages!

Although I do wish I’d thought of the idea first :joy:

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What to go around hurling abuse at me? I know exactly what you would have done young lady, you would have had me crying even without that trinket lol.

This year, this year.


“Oi Soul! Ya wigs wonky!!” Whilst running circles on a particular mount :joy:

With laughter

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I havew yet to reveal my secret weapon you know…

lol whut??!!??

Very true as always bows

no, but i wished i was!!

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I would just unleash Soulcat and have you a whimpering puddle in the dust lol.


Two new mounts today: Colossal Wraithbound Mawrat( wasn’t expecting it!) and Buzz :honeybee:

this made me smile and laugh today .


In a scarlet monastery run a hunter’s pet decided to attack one of the training dummies there and did it for quite a while where the hunter didn’t seem to notice.

i would steal Soulcat and be forever happy lol

we would team up and insult you together!

I’m going to bet it was the training cloister leading to the monk trainer boss…

My stoopid loque nahak has a passion for attacking the training dummies instead of the scarlets…

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She is doing a lot better now tbh, she even gets the zoomies again. Spent a good 10 minutes running all over my bed last night, annoying when you’re in a Doom Eternal Battlemode as a Marauder.

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Yes, indeed it was.

3/4 tier set!!!

1 to go and I’ll get that on Wednesday!!

I am now going to make one of my awesome prawn and mushroom stir fry to celebrate

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Ran through Uldaman half a dozen times and got all the transmog from the bosses and 1/10 BoEs. I don’t fancy my luck for the other 9 :rofl:


Today I finally got the rare i needed for dune domination!!!


There’s triple callings in Ravendreth, time to make some extra gold for Legos

Finally got to use the Catalyst for the first time

I think I have enough spare flux left over for future upgrades :rofl:


I got tier form the Vault! And it was a good slot.

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