🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I did around 16 full clear horrific visions of Stormwind on 2 chars since last night and was about to post this in the ‘things that made you frown’ thread

on my 16th attempt i got both the void edge illusion and the mail muncher mount !


That’s some dedication. Gz!

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But I’m not even level 60 yet?

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I’m done with the molten front, no more of those stupid dailies for me.


And people wonder why the Devs don’t post on the WoW Forums.


My Classic guild remains welcoming and intact after almost half a year I spent away from them. :two_hearts:

In particular, one of the top tanks offered their help to me, and said Magisters Terrace should be bearable on normal with my gear from Kara. :pray: On the other hand, I’m quite afraid of the Sunwell raid, he said the bosses are quite overtuned. We’ll see if I get that far.


I presume the comment was removed as the link doesn’t go anywhere :frowning: It must’ve been really bad

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Tried out Magisters Terrace on normal, it was relatively smooth and have the attune for HC :slightly_smiling_face:

An upgrade dropped for offspec too with spell haste, the very first piece! I’d have to raid for gear with that stat, so will be useful for purging smiting. :fire:


I wandered into the Firelands for the first time in years today and Fandral’s Flamescythe dropped for my druid. Now all my druids can be fiery kitties.


The fact that im going home in my break to get some food :smiley:

Cleared all three callings today as they seemed to have stacked up.


Today i achieved the Iron Chef achievement and “im the master” achievement!!! My panda monk is always the best in this kind of things


A scammer posing as a Blizz employee tried to fool players. Luckily, everyone who saw him was kind enough to drop a warning about him in LFG channel, like I did here.

Nice try, not today! :rofl:

PS: my comeback thread was restored. On the other hand, our scammer friend might instead receive a vacation to Hawaii :desert_island:


I just found out that you only need “Breaching the Tomb” on one character to unlock the Class mounts! Saves so much time, very nice change.

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I completed the achievement “Unlocking the Secrets” and now I can fly in Zereth Mortis!

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Makes life much easier - look out for the birds tho :stuck_out_tongue:

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I haven’t tried flying yet, only got the ability late last night. Good advice though! Eeek!

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wait. i did that back in time with my monk. So now all the class mounts are available?

I still don’t understand why it was flagged … strange things happening in the forum

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