🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

You must have quite a collection, just please don’t burn yourself out on it (kinda feeling it in your mood, I hope I’m wrong) :cry:

Some sets are pretty neat though - personally, got the better ones in the best color I liked and maybe get offpieces for a favorite mog set :slightly_smiling_face: I just don’t like to target farm it.

Would be better if naturally came as a bonus from any activity. Then I wouldn’t even notice and be sitting on a good heap. Doesn’t give much player power anyway. :thinking:

On a brighter topic (or maybe not…?), my warlock learned Drain Mana finally. I loved its counterpart Mana Burn on my main, but this is quite neat to cast - not only prevents enemies from pelting you with magic but you get to replenish your own with less hassle. :pray: (Still waiting for Dark Pact.)

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No worries, plenty of 60/50 alts and many, many others in the 10-20 range :joy::joy::joy::joy:
I have a human hunter that is only for achievements, poor girl doing the dirty job :smiley:


yes hunters and mages are perfect for farming achievements.

Anyway ive stopped at all to run SL content (except some lfr run for mog) and im just levelling alts.


When I used to raid, our mage was opening Dalaran Crater portal in everywhere you could click. Hearthstones , lock gates . After hours of progress you say yourself it was finally over and you wish to get away from raid, your beloved mage opens a portal to Dalaran Crater. It always makes me laugh when I remember.

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I never did much of the class halls/mounts in Legion. I did the hunter one and that was it. Yesterday I got the shaman one done and got the mount :smiley:
I think I now might get the rest… :grimacing:


I’ve known for years that druid shapeshifting breaks the likes of roots. But what I didn’t know was that a shaman’s ghost wolf also has a similar effect (at least against some PVE demons that I was fighting).

Also, my new little shaman hit level 17, and now I cast FROST SHOCK!


That’s me :smiley::thinking:


The two best things in WoW. They never disappoint… (unless your desired mog refuses to drop even after 100 times but that’s rare!)

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lock head from ulduar (putress one) say “hello!”

But i agree 100%. is always so relaxing…

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Got KSM, got good drops, met a lot of nice and friendly people in dungeons. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Cross faction PVE comming sooner than what I would have expected.

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What about these cursed mounts? :expressionless:
I’m always like yay this time it’s gonna drop and then it doesn’t and this puts me off so I log off :laughing:


Keep trying

TW event started can finaly have fun while level

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It dropped! (lock ulduar head mog)


When i ever feel sad i just watch this🙂
Asmongold is just best, ok now anyone know how to get in his guild?

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