🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I got into a Gambit key with some extremely fun gents, one of them was german and he really liked Rammstein. Dropped a trinket, he rolled 100, everyone went “o_o” and I gave it to him.
Nothing special, but I had fun. The usual, normal fun.
WoW good. :slight_smile:

My Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman accepted the Western Plaguelands-quest ‘Alas, Andorhal’, and a bugged phasing occurred. She got thrown into a continent-wide phase without any NPCs or anything at all, and is now having a great time exploring Undercity. :slight_smile:



I summoned my voidwalker he said “I don’t like this place” I replied him “I did not ask for your opininon”


My warlock usualy agrees when the Voidwalker says that :rofl:


:smiley: sometimes he says “send me back” I reply “Pay your tuition to me first”



Got two upgrades for my classic main, both for slots where I’ve had items for… 10 months minimum. For one, crafted a Swiftheal Mantle to replace the PMC shoulders. For the second, I finally got rid of my last blue item (my wand) for the 25 badge wand from P4. :slightly_smiling_face:

It was about time, but… still feels like I got the previous items yesterday.
Time flies like crazy.


Finally after 12 years ive understand how to kill spine of deathwing.
(Im slow i know)


I’ve got Visna to try out RP-ing at long last! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We started out with the idea of exploring the Frozen Kingdom of the Dwarves and found our way there after getting lost a couple times - but since Ironforge proved too noisy for confort because of this concert some pandaren held, we went off to Kharanos. :scroll:

There, we got a good bunch of different drinks to mix up with my Felweed. Wasn’t a good idea, at a point the mix proved too much to handle so had to run out for… you know, why. :beers:

I needed quite a bit of rest afterwards, but Kharanos had no beds, so we instead took a tour to Loch Modan. More like, she had to carry me - turns out she’s disguised as a dragon. Are all elves but me dragons here…? :dragon:

When we got there and had my rest, it was my turn to comfort her as she too had overstepped on drinks. That, and Felweed packed quite a punch. :herb:

Thanks for the caressing, sweetheart. You’re really doing well for a first timer, and can’t wait to see your own background story :star_struck:
Here’s some pics on how it all went!


Not that slow. I still can’t do it. I’ve watched videos, read instructions, done everything I should and I still fall off.


Got two new titles today Shado-Master and Stable Master, plus a couple of new mounts.

Thanks Dunkiee for showing your RP post, looks like you had a lot of fun. It reminded me when I used to RP. I had a nice evening reminiscing and reading my old stories when I used to write online RP for Dragonriders of Pern RPG years ago. Looking back at what I wrote now it feels funny to be going back to a similar style dragon world in wow. Well the looking after my dragon mount will be anyway.


I wrote a story about Darbakh, and somebody subscribed to it. It’s the first WoW fanfic I’ve written in a very long time, so it was nice to see that people still like to read stories.


havin a char with a low damage aoe like a mage is better.

But I was thinkin about doin that pain during cata time. :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:


Well, it wasn’t today…
But I smiled when I first created a Worgen Druid, I liked the story, and found myself sad they were too late for the antidote. :+1:

Also I liked the orderhalls in Legion.
And the many updates of all weapons.
But I would have loved to see, that Voljin as Loa of kings and queens, would have had a chat with Troll spokesman/leader, Rokhan, and ofc some Troll elders, like master Gadrin.

I smiled when I started with the Quest Line to Mechagon.

I smiled when I first saw the Legandary fishingpole, awesome.

I smiled when I first player Monk, it was a fresh and fun experience.

I smiled when when I saw the Drakthyr flying and doing their magic flame breath at the same time :+1:


I cannt do Spine of Deathwing either - must have another go at it soon


watch this video. probably the most clear


It is a different approach to a good game. If you ever feel bored, and have a playful friend, you should definitely try it! It lets you see sides of your companions you’d otherwise never encounter.
(maybe this could cheer up our beautiful OP?)

If you need a hand with it, let me know :slightly_smiling_face:
Cannot guarantee that the mount(s) will drop, but if they do, I can offer them if I get any, as I did to a former kind friend.


I’ve started playing Classic again (as a shaman) and the game is being very kind to me. Compared to classic Classic, where I was struggling to pay for spells and bags, I’ve managed to reach level 13 with a full set of 6 slot bags, all my spells purchased, and some silver bars which will hopefully save me from grinding for cash for a few levels.


It can be pretty hard I guess, I’ve done it this week after a long time of not trying it and died 2-3 times before I got my groove back on.

It’s just that besides having to be almost constantly on the move you have to keep track of how many corrupted bloods you’ve killed as well and setting up that explosion to expose the plates.

Sure you can stand near one of those tentacle holes when he spins to not fall off but I find it easier if you never let him spin in the first place.

And yes if you’re struggling on the understanding part instead of the execution it’s better to follow a video guide.

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My horde alt had an egg in her bag - it hatched a mount :partying_face: