🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Wait you can? That’s great cause otherwise I’d just have to buy pvp gear for their vendor gold.

I love the Mug haha
so cute

Nag told me today and it was a revelation :rofl:


Yeah thanks had enough from the comp stomp week for one set


Legion had good transmogs

Chronormi don’t forget that you can buy 5 marks of honor for 2k honor at the PvP vendor.

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I seem yo remember Punys thread from 2 years ago regarding players goals in SL. Mine was to hit 1k rio in s1, alas i didnt bother (in s2 either for that matter). However im 1 dungeon Away from achieving my personal goal , gonna do it tonight


Catching up on the forums

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I decided to level my DH through TBC zones in search of mogs (that is, target farm them), and found a 3 piece set that looks like the original blood elf hunter starting armor! :heart_eyes:

The downside is that these 3 pieces are for the lower part of the body, and the only matching chest is a mail armor piece. So the only thing one can do is use a turquise shirt to more or less complete the “set”. Couldn’t find a shoulder that’s an okay match, yet. :frowning_with_open_mouth: But, will be nice to have on my dragon in DF!


I joined a m3 on one of my many hunters and we timed it + I did ok dmg on that low equipped alt :smiley:


A friend of mine gifted me DF Epic edition for my bday today. Wow, thank you again you know who if you’re reading this :white_heart:


I became a new player guide today. I feel that with my vast 7 months of WoW experience I can be a valuable asset to newer players.


Happy birthday to you then! :blush:


Happy Birthday :partying_face:

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Happy birthday, love and kisses on all your pink bits


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Where did you get the gif of my brother??


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You’ll be awesome, even seven months experiences and the offer of help is better than nothing!!

Happy birthday Caylia.

And i hit my target of a whopping 1k rio last night courtesy of a Gambit 5. Still got my 11 to do (can’t remember which dungeon) but it csn wait till tonight or tomorrow


That would be telling :wink: