🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Drake of the South wing finally dropped


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Celebrating 13 years of friendship with a person I have met online when we were just childs.

This memory warms my heart every time it comes back to my mind.


I finally unlocked Harrison Jones as a garrison follower.


They fixed the Darkmoon Fair!

Now Saturday after twelve we can do our profession quests again instead of waiting for the Sunday reset, we can do the quests from skill level one and it seems XP is normalized again (no clue if it is better after level 50 though, haven’t tried yet with a non lowbie).

It wasn’t functioning properly since SL launch.

#SOLOQUEUE was added! … but then I woke up :disappointed_relieved:


Doing a heroic de other side run with some newbies/alts and a decent tank and me on my boomie.
get through to last boss.
First set of portals the tank dies, the rest die and it’s me left standing. Run half way around the map to get to where tank died, res the tank (healer doesn’t have an in combat res…), me and the tank solo the boss with me off healing.
fun times!

Was grinding Island Expeditions for the Havenswood Cache, which contains the Risen Mare mount, but it actually droped from an Island instead, saved 175 Dubloons :smiley:
(This is the second time a mount droped for me in Island Expeditions, just goes to show how insane the drop rate is :rage:)

Gnawed reins of the Battle-Born Warhound dropped from Azmagol, never had a mount drop in the Theatre before :slight_smile:

My wife and I made a trip to a friend’s. The three used to be in the same guild with him veing guild master.

It’s was such a good time!


bump literally every post for soloq

This dropped for me just now:

Was on a lowbie, just getting XP from the proff quests in Darkmoon Fair.
Dropped in the first pool he fished in.
Took me a bit too realise what just dropped, thought it was another pet… until I realized which achievement was shown. :stuck_out_tongue:


Todays calling - 3 rares in the maw… takes 5 minutes, almost everyone seems to do the same 3 (Ordalrik, Soulsmith and Stygian Incinerator) - tag and go and collect.


Haha, the typical three.
They are always my goto when my threat with the jailor is nearly maxxed and me still wanting to squeeze out a bit of Rep.


Every time I go to my shammy’s soul forge, Marileth.

I swear if anything bad happens to him I’m gonna kill everyone at Blizzard and then myself

It’s the equivalent of soul collecting where people just run back and fourth between half a dozen. So quick when it’s like that xD


That is literally the best thing ever! Can they somehow turn it into a mount or a collectable in game?


That whole twitter thread is full of them, I love the Khadghar one as well xD