šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Thatā€™s how it feels.

Btw, I support your newfound appreciation of the Zandalari! :sunny:


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Met another fellow Hungarian when wanting to do a dungeon in TBC - we had a long chat that lasted even after we were done. :hungary:

The guy lives in England and says itā€™s very good there too - apart from good wages and an easy job related to his hobbies, he experiences a friendly environment. With whatā€™s happening here at home, no wonder he too left.

Looks like Iā€™ll really have to visit it sometimeā€¦ so many players and forumers live there! :uk:


LK prepatch is on and with it, classes are revamped :pray:

Ret in particular is a monster of a spec - even my fresh lvl70 easily crits 3k on Exorcism. And have like 5 buttons to press so itā€™s no longer a nosepicky spec that goes oom in 3 fights. :rofl:

Respecced my lock to Destro (will try demo later, but might be Aff to avoid clutter), and have 3k crits at 63 :facepunch:

My priest could finally clear her bags - had to keep a separate set for smite and healing. No longer. With spell dmg and healing merged and dual spec, I can finally be both a dps and heal - talking dps I missed this kind of shadow spec. Few but strong buttons, simple, non-clunky rotationā€¦ I missed it so much. :smiling_face_with_tear:

My mage too got a ton of power - not as noticable as fire, but Frost is crazy powerful.

Oh, and got the riding upgrades dirt cheap compared to TBCā€™s costsā€¦ lots of new low lvl items and enchs for hit ratingā€¦ not to mention the fact pots stack to 20. :ok_hand:

Also, could throw away a lot of unnecessary reagents as well.

Everythingā€™s just so much better.

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Completed https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=9069/an-awfully-big-adventure



This recipe. It just dropped - on my Blacksmith.
Not my Leatherworker. Neither my Tailor. Nor my Jewelcrafter.
But actually on my damn Blacksmith, completing his Sunwell Plateu grind!


Now only three characters left farming this raid daily. :slight_smile:


Oh, gratz! That took me a very very long time

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Since Shadowlands launched, me and my best buddy both became dads so we kinda stopped playing WoW. Today we decided to jump back in with fresh chars and start leveling together again, just like the old days!


Wotlk pre-patch. Because I never read a single thing in the patch notes.
So everything I experience I do all over again ā€œfor the first timeā€

I love being clueless :smiley:


Recently picked up my SP. As a pvper i started doing some arena. I find this MM guy to play 2s with, thinking we wont really come far as its a weird team comp. Still going on with it as i need conq points to gear up again.

This hunter dude is amazing. He is very new to pvp and he soaks up all the information i give him like a sponge. Hes also very funny and social.

You see him make some rooky mistakes which always makes me smile. He never used the Focus frame or made any macro for it.

One tough comp to beat is Affliction lock & resto druid. I explained him we will probably never beat that comp of theyre somewhat decent. But today we did it! We made a different tactic than what weā€™ve done before and we beat them! He was so happy it really hyped us both. Oh yeah did we smile!


That made me smile :slightly_smiling_face: PvP is so much fun with the right people around. Iā€™ve played some suboptimal comps before too just because the person was awesome.

  • NEW Intercession Petition the Light on the behalf of a fallen ally, restoring spirit to body and allowing them to reenter battle with 60% health and at least 20% mana.
    2 second cast time for Holy and Retribution, instant but costs 3 Holy Power for Protection

This dropped for me today:


I never used DK before if not for trying it. I wanted to use it this season and after 4 week I finally start getting positive feedbacks from pugs about my good tanking at the end of the dungeons :smiley: :partying_face:


Received a robe from past weekā€™s vault, and now I got the bracers that dropped for a mage - so fully decked out in S4 gear!

I wonder what the next vault brings for meā€¦ :thinking:

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The feral tree finally getting some love :grin: :grin: :grin: Cat powa

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But when cat druids will increase energies?

It feels bad that feral canā€™t increase energies compared to rogues

Rogues in assassination can increase by bleeding and internal, except AoE bleeding ability (I donā€™t know a name)

Assa can spend 50 energies to generate 2 combo points by mutilate

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The heavens have aligned for an alt of mine this evening. Not only did I hit 45, and unlock the Broken Shore, but there was also an assault taking place so I was able to complete Defending Broken Isles too.

This also dropped from a random demon during a world quest prior to the assault too: Lost Edicts of the Watcher.


congratz man! by the wayā€¦ if you already did the achievement ā€œbreatching the tombā€ the one for class mount: you just need to do the first 3 chapters and champions of legionfall to have the quest for class mount. :slight_smile:


Oh, they changed it? SWEET!

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