šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

i got it after 36 tryes :smiley:
but, GG man! get your Corrupted ashbringer!

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This was yesterday butā€¦ oh well.

I logged into Classic and just levelled with a pal for an hour. It was so tranquil and nice - we were just talking about life and our past together and navigating around as we enjoyed the serenity of the classic WoW Ashenvale.

I had a pretty stressful day so I needed thatā€¦ :ā€™)


today i got a cat slime from clearing all bosses on normal raids :partying_face:


I got Ashes of Alā€™ar yesterday on my 3rd week of trying for it (about 20-30 attempts) and decided to see if my luck would hold up for Invincible and did a couple of ICC runs but no mount, instead I got the crossbow I wanted from Arthas a couple of years back when I created some hunter runs with a few forumers from the Fortune Favoured discord :grin:


Itā€™s a stupid thing that most people wonā€™t relate to, but whatever. I just got my steam deck delivery date, next monday. Iā€™ve been meaning to play wow on it, more than anything else. I already knew about the console port addon and was thinking thatā€™ll be good enough.

Then I saw a video that compiled a lot of quality of life things from the Dragonflight Beta. Auto target nearby enemies, interact button, hold to repeat cast. For a PC player these are small nich things. But for the console port it is fuecking phenomenal! I grinned ear to ear.


I tried going into PTR and was greeted with the cutscene of the Primusā€™s flashback of the Jailer (creating the Helm of Domination or whatever it was). Only they werenā€™t in a room, they were floating above Outland.

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Iā€™ve already set up WoW Classic on my Steam Deck. Itā€™s quite easy and there are lots of guides, but feel free to contact me in-game if you want some help; after all I am a long-time Linux user in the first place.

Steam Deck is awesome btw - though one of its best features doesnā€™t work with WoW in that you DC if you put it to sleep. I mean obviously, but yeah.

Proof from just after I set it up:

Yeah chatbox is wrecked. I fixed it :stuck_out_tongue:
And for WoW Classic I got almost 5 hours of battery life. Not a very demanding game.

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Ooh! Hot dawg!
Still waiting on mine but wow classic is for sure one of the big reasons I ordered one.
If you have had some time playing and donā€™t mind me asking (seen quite a lot of vidā€™s but theyā€™re not really that telling tbh):
Is it stable? fps roller coaster and constant crashes or smooth sailing?
Is it actually playable and combat doable? Is it like playing desktop with gamepad setup or is it a whole other mess of a story and you struggle with the most basics of gameplay? ^^

Also Iā€™ve only ever seen people using the trackpad to click n drag every individual item when looting have you found a workaround, auto loot type thing or does one just have to learn to love it? :smiley:

Completely smooth sailing. No crashing and 60 FPS locked. Fast loading screens too, even if using the SD card. To chat you can hit the Steam+X key and itā€™ll pull up a keyboard btw.

I managed to level to 10 with it. Itā€™s playable but I canā€™t vouch for end-game content. There are people who say it works great for them and I have seen M+ 15ā€™s with a controller - and if you can do it with a controller thereā€™s no reason you shouldnā€™t be able to do it with a Steam Deck.

The only setting you canā€™t really use is Raytracing butā€¦ donā€™t. The device is much too low power for that. For context itā€™s slightly faster than a PS4.

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helped a panda mage that was doing some wqs, i stayed to make her finish it.
few minutes later i was strugling to doing another wqs and the same panda comes there and helps me.
really good to be kind :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info! Now I gotta try it out! ^^

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Noticing a background download starting on bnetā€¦ could it beā€¦ could it beā€¦ prepatch data?? A little bubble of excitement is forming that itā€™s closer then we thought


I did a Kara with the hungarian Classic guild andā€¦ had a huge spot of luck.

  • My rep reached exalted after who knows how long, so could get my final kara ring upgrade.
  • Got 3 very good enchs, two of which are the rare Sunfire and Soulfrost.
  • Also received a bracer upgrade, and after finishing it and the daily Black Morass HC, had enough badges to buy a very good offhand in place of the one Iā€™ve had for well over a year now.

And it was quick as rain too, barely over an hour. Bosses all seemed to go down in like a minute and had very few deaths. In fact, we could ignore many mechanics and still win easily.

Today was a good day. :pinched_fingers:

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Had the pleasure of just doing a GD +12 with Nagrash fron these here forums - first time interacting with him outside the forums (and hopefully not the last). Sorry i was awful tonight mate, but at least we timed it ehā€¦


Finally slayed my 20th Heroic boss for the fated heroic upgrade and have my 298 Raeā€™shalare, Deathā€™s Whisper :two_hearts:


Never had a doubt :wink: Was fun.


It sure was, shame about the long wait for a healer thoughā€¦

I have managed to play half an our in retail without getting disconnected :smiling_face:

But what really made me smile today is the owls in Bastion - ā€œYo-hooā€ :owl:




Well, itā€™s me again back with another thing.

Today it was me helping someone get their weapon transmog (they got it!). After the run I noticed the mail icon: Someone had sent me a mail. It was a complete stranger sharing how much they liked my paladinā€™s transmog, going into some preetty crazy detail might I add. It was really sweet and itā€™s one of really few cases of people giving me praise for something I did in wow and it felt great :smile: