🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Now we have to see it!!

I love it when people give transmog compliments, whether it’s a whisper or a quick “hey, like your mog” in chat or a mail, even here on the forums, it just feels good someone noticed :smile:


Oh, I do it all the time to others. It makes them so happy in 90% of the cases, I love it.

Bit of a late edit but:

I’m not sure how great of an idea this is :sweat_smile: I’m not super proud of it


I approve of the looks. Alanore probably consumed too much felweed and decided to dress with it in mind! :herb:

On topic, my dk in Wrath dinged 70 with 17 hr 45 mins /played. Not a speedleveler, but decided to rush it before I begin life in Finland.

I like that mog of yours actually, could use a better weapon but otherwise I’d sold on the plaguespreader vibes. :skull_and_crossbones: 9/10

Okay, let’s not derail this thread… that’s what the mog thread is for.

You probably want to consider asking people before posting their characters here though. I’m not mad at you or mind it personally but someone else might.

Also as a side thing armory does her absolutely no justice :sob:

Alrighty, sorry :smiling_face_with_tear:

If this was rate my mog thread I’d go with 8.5/10 but only because the feet don’t quite match colour wise and the shield looks off but that might just be the armory. Would also make the suggestion of seeing how it looks with the belt from the belf heritage armour,the gold colour from that would look good with the green and as it is just the buckle not a full belt it is one of my favourite belts in game.

It is a nice mog though :+1:

Was going more for an apothecary/doctor who removes fresh limbs and such to mend other forsaken so need a good strong saw. Sadly not many daggers have the right look but I’m working through old raids for more mogs so might find something better. Might swap out the backpack for the one from bubbleblood too if it ever drops for me. The things we do for RP concepts /sigh at least ivus dropped his belt though!!!


When I started this season I decided that I wanted to get into M+ now that I had left raiding behind. I set a goal for myself: I must do every dungeon at +20. Anything beyond that is a fun bonus, but I want to do that at least.

Well, yesterday I achieved it. It’s done. No boosting of any kind either. I even found a group I’m playing with consistently now, too, and it looks like we might push higher.

Biggest sense of achievement in WoW I’ve felt for a year. I know it’s not impressive, but it’s what I wanted to do, and I did it.


Welp, today i found a nice trick to get mythic raid sepulcher transmog!
i used it to get the pally shoes for both my LF draenei pally and my Zandalari Rezan Follower :smile:

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I sent you an in-game mail (on that character). I hope you’ll read it. :slight_smile:

Regards, Havi/Arathor/Jessicka - w/e name I used a few months ago.


Yesterday we 5-manned Karazhan Classic and 1-shot everything…


I’m a regular once more! The Transmog Maiden is back in full power!


When Dunkiee messaged me he got TL3, it genuinely made me go - :grin::grin::grin:!

Once again, congratulations :tada: Unlimited power!


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See, yours too works :yum:

I’m not sure you realize what you unleashed upon the forums

Boops Alýsea’s nose

*sad preformatted noises*