šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I remember during Legion when i read about Ogre rogue was a thing in Garrison mission table

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This ad in Classic :smile:



Zuumaā€™s link:


Hooved alien Warlock when?
Asking for a friend :eyes:

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but if they wonĀ“t announce it, then i am going to cry

Blizzard actually disrespect lores, so then we will get in Launch

Would be nice indeed
With a Manā€™ari costumization
We both know such things will never happen :broken_heart:

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this would be very awesome

Blue/Purple Draenei were once called Eredar before they became the first warlocks

also a small group got called Draenei (which means exile) and escaped to Draenor

If they will announce a tauren rogue but they have 600 pounds, that means weĀ“ll see Draenei Warlocks

i managered to get a 200 man zerg army yesterday and we went to GS cursed massive havic :smiley:
it is nice to see peoples haveing time for group activities in game.


they could put a questline like the lordaeron 1 that involves Eredars and smth happen and they join the alliance. (this unlocks the Eredar customisation for normal draeneis.
preety simple. Blizz sayd they will give other classes to other races, this seems like a good thing to make 2 things in 1! :smile:

I am so Happy today!

I used 26 alts and took 3 covenant callings

and got 165 500 golds!


Beers are on you tonight then.

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i got my 2nd DK to level 60 now i need only get it to ilvl 300 ā€¦

Just cleared the Pirateā€™s Day event and obtained the two toys, which gave me the 300 toys-achievement [Remember to Share]. :slight_smile:

More about Pirateā€™s Day here: Pirate's Day ongoing!


Did 8 x Tyrn m+ 15s and above this week with some friends i havent played with in a while and now well on my way to KSM.


Iā€™ve been levelling a monk on the PTR to try out the talent trees. Itā€™s been refreshing to actually feel stronger as I level up, which has been missing since from the game for years.


Logged on the forums for the first time in months. Nice to see some friendly faces came back.

as for me, im still on a break. busy busy dizzy.

Hope to be back soon :heart:


I finally did the DK quest chain (for about the millionth time) and got my promo mount! It was a breeze with the Questie addon :raised_hands:

Here it is pictured in my still favorite city in the game.


Also, my friend replying this when I posted it to him ā€œGRATS ill put this as my wallpaper because its you actually playing the game LOLā€ :sweat_smile: I havenā€™t been playing much lately.

P.S.: I absolutely forgot that this is what Orgrimmar used to look like. It somehow feels more like a city, but it also helps thereā€™s a lot of people in it :flushed:

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I rolled my second Worgen, and am about to do the Gilneas intro for the first time. :smiley:
(My first Worgen is a DK.)