šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

It is beautiful there so enjoy and the questing really enjoyable.


Yeah, a starting zone is still a starting zone, where even the most fierce and rampaging Worgen donā€™t mind me walking through them. :rofl:

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Got a new monitor and managed to set up my old monitor as a second one so I can play wow whilst my lil lad can use the online instructions to build his kā€™nex and there wonā€™t be any arguments about who is using the computer :joy:

New monitor is also a lot bigger so my screen is less crowded :partying_face: lol


[Great Brewfest Kodo] dropped from my second Direbrew kill!
Now If I just could have this kind of luck during the coming weekly instance grind for transmogs and recipesā€¦



Iā€™ve noticed while running the MAW for the 8th time, on my Orc Warrior, on the final part that I had a 5 people group.
Just like a dungeon. :smiley:

Party member 1: Random class - Player character
Party member 2: Frost Mage - Jaina Proudmoore
Party member 3: Enhancement Shaman - Thrall
Party member 4: Holy Paladin - Anduin Wrynn
Party member 5: Arms Warrior - Baine Bloodhoof



Illidan Stormrage just gave a [Warglaive of Azzinoth] to my Rogue who already had the off-hand version in his bank. Seeing the orange glowing icon in the drop table made me expect it to surely be another off-hand version, but it really was the main-hand.

No more tiresome Black Temple grind! :partying_face:

WTB TW BT boost. :stuck_out_tongue:


I finally got around to making a suitable demon hunter for the <Order of Glabrous Pate>.


my night elf demon hunter got 1 warglaive of azzinoth by killing Illidan

but the problem is that canĀ“t tmog them yet, only by wearing these weapons and killing Illidan


They put the loading screens up on the Beta :smile: they look really good


Looks really nice!

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I just popped into the beta to see what level evokers start at for a friend ā€¦ and nearly 40 minutes later had finished customising her only to find there was still the human form to customise. All this for a character Iā€™ll never play but I was frankly gobsmacked at all that could be done and canā€™t wait to do my own evoker when it hits retail.


I will totally spend days on that creation :grin:
Looking forward to it!

Now I know who to pest for gems a shiny nice ringā€¦

I joined three Chowdown competitions today, and somehow won all of them. Seems like I am capable of spamming buttons, or my Gnome Mage is a master at conjuring stomach capacity. :laughing:

Only need one more for the Toy, but that will have to be another day.

Mage new polymorph!


Today i got Reins of blue drake from my worgen death knight

i forgot how many attempts i did


Finally got to play this evening a bitā€¦ in fact, it felt quite unnatural to play after an almost 2 week hiatus.

Regardless, it was a good feeling to help my classic guildmates with a dungeon run and do a bit of leveling, as well as a mount run or two. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I was doing my 12th run on the MAW with my Goblin Rogue.
I noticed from the moment Jaina and Thrall started to be with my character, whenever I was on stealth mode, any NPC that was with my character, was too, that meant I managed to bypass a lot of mobs that I would had to kill if I wasnā€™t in stealth mode.

12 characters done so far :smile:
13 characters to go :weary:
