šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

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As for what made me smile todayā€¦ Iā€™ve been playing around on the PTR quite a bit to test the talent trees at low levels. I was Goldtooth with a new monk. He started to flee just as I used Blackout Kick. As the kobold was trying to run by me at the time the attack animation made it appear that my foot connected solidly with his face and knocked him on his backside.


Why donā€™t you do the skip?!

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I did it on my level 50 BE Warrior (I have 3 BE Warriors) and sheā€™s still level 50 even though Iā€™m pretty sure I played the exact same time doing quests with her as I would had done if she had been in the MAW.
At the moment I have 13 level 50 characters not accumulating rested XP as they are already maxed out and they need to be played quickly so they can start getting rested XP again.

I started using this type of playing during the time I didnā€™t had SL (no interest in playing it). Play several characters at the same time and only logg the ones that had rested XP.

The majority of people advised me to level one character and explore the game before leveling up others. I did it in BFA.
I had a fresh UK account and 4 characters, I wanted to get to level 120 (at the time): Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest. However after using the boost that came with BFA on my Paladin the other 3 were left behind as I didnā€™t want go though all the work to bring them to the progress level I had on my Paladin.

Thatā€™s why I now prefer to level all characters at the same time and I already know how the MAW works, so everything is done faster than before.
Meanwhile, I use the gold I get to buy all the cheapest bargains I can get, everyday in the AH, for ILV 229 gear. As I have 25 characters and 3 specs to gear up in each one of them, thereā€™s always something to buy in the AH.

Itā€™s a strange way to play, I know but thatā€™s how I have fun in the game.
Getting something a piece of gear and knowing someone else needs it, all the time.
Got a cloth armor BoE in my Hunter ?
No worries I have 4 cloth characters that can equip it.




If thatā€™s how you have fun then all the better! :smile: thatā€™s what matters after all

Edit: I prefer to level one at a time because otherwise itā€™s too fast to do the same content againā€¦that being said Iā€™m levelling characters from level 1 now as my 50s are all at 60 now!

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Thank you.

I forgot to add, I like to take print screens of my characters interacting with Bolvar, Darion, Jaina, Thrall, Anduin and Baine.

How would they look like ?
What would be their thoughts ?

So far the only character I see going from BFA narrative to SL and make any sense of it are my BE DK and Tauren DK. They arenā€™t even called champions, they are called Deathlords.
As we know by the DK starting area quest in WoTLK classic they did some pretty horrible things before regretting it and going back to their factions so I can see why a DK wouldnā€™t have a problem doing what Nathanos and Sylvanas asked from them during BFA.

The rest would be either against it or if they were ok with it, they somehow donā€™t seem to fit in SL intro, for example: my Goblin Rogue.
I canā€™t see him as a ā€œChampionā€. Just as a mercenary doing whatā€™s more convenient to him.
Another example: I can see this character going through the MAW events but canā€™t see her being ok with BFA events.

Iā€™m doing a bit of soul searching in SL tbh.

Edit: typing.



That is glorious!

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Levelling a rogue through Legionā€¦I really love the rogue classhallā€¦Makes me miss the classhalls and wish we had more things like that in current expansions


Attunements are long removed from Classic - since about the start of this year so no worries for any future alts :smile:

Anyways, grats!

Decided to do a clear out across all my chars bags now instead of nearer launch time in a few months and made quite abit of gold - just under 3/4 million :+1:
ā€¦ amazing what you have just gathering dust in the bank vault :grinning:


I need to get this done as well!

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I can of course not tell how you should feel around different things, but maybe you misplaced this one and it puts a frown on you today?

on topic, I was enough in the brewfest to get a hat for my charā€¦ I keep forgetting the events and only enter as they stop, but this time I managed to be in it and finish some brewfest quest too :smiling_face:


Pretty much done with launch prep for Wrath Classic


Now that is taking the preparation to another level :wink: !


Maybe some cofee and snacks could prepared could help , I believe it is gonna be somewhat chaotic but funny.


well, I did smile when I got beta access!

But I also have the impossibly slow download error going on and whilst you can play DF at 8% my download is stuck atā€¦
you guessed it! 7%

well played, Blizzā€¦well played.

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I donā€™t even know what the point is in this, I mean a couple extra quests in Northrend could net some good starter gear and more cash :sweat_smile: but anywaysā€¦ she is now prepared unlike Illidan!

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You get a jump on levelling.

Well yesā€¦ maybe I wouldnā€™t do this because leveling is content to me, and love to take my time :smile:

Probably itā€™s not the same in your case.