šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Iā€™m so bored of levelling, itā€™s not what Iā€™m looking forward to. Got a squad, weā€™re gonna hit a dungeon.





Meanwhile, real footage of Punyā€™s squad


Have fun :wink:

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I got an email from my boss that basically gives me tomorrow a surprise day off work so I can just play Beta all day and not feel bad about it :partying_face:


Coming out from below my comfy rock and discovering the WoW app LOL. And also noticing that in SL kel sinstriders got a spectral ashes of Aā€™lar mount. In the Korthia campaign. That Wow app rocks BTW .

That should be available in-game - i would farm that till my eyes bled


I would be obsessed about getting it to. I tried to use mine in case of hidden script which would of been cool. Same thing like if we use the manastorm disguise while fighting his ex girlfriend in violet hold. But alas he didnā€™t make any comment on it. Would of been nice if he acknowledged his old mount.

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Today i got Raven Lord

but i had 1 or 2 attempts


Nice Wolfy!

This always makes me smile :slight_smile:

You do see the smiley face right?


Got thursday off for elections.

I might watch a movie and/or read a book.

this also means i can enjoy some wow time. :partying_face:

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Just dropped for my Gnome Rogue! :smiley:

I wish I could say I am done with Yogg-Saron at this point, but sadly I still need 21 armour tokens from him across seven characters.


Wielding the brewmaster artefact weapon as a human windwalker and jumping while casting Fists of Fury.

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I found a great choice for my next wifey. She is strong and beautiful!

She wants the clown, she just doesnā€™t know it yet. I will keep you updated if anything changes. :sunglasses:


WoW, nice, you found another luck

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Yes, she seems awesome.

She would be a great addition to the clown household.

She would be hot sauce on my bacon

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I was on my other hunter today, A dark ranger Blood elf

gave her a new look, removed the hoodie. and suddenly ive been getting stared at all over Orgimmar

I meanā€¦ i know im good with transmogs, but never thought i would make my character this HOT.

her name is Tireesa on Tarren Mill realm

very happy haha :smile:


This is she. For the Dark Lady!


I wanted to say to: GrƔinne, Skadefryden, if you are reading this thank you.
The MAW is an invaluable source of XP as you both stated.
Iā€™ve been leveling all my of my characters there and it really goes fast.
Iā€™ve also noticed while doing the MAW for the 16th time on my Forsaken Warrior that I get more XP if I kill more mobs in the MAW.
In example my Orc Hunter didnā€™t leveled up to 51 until the last part of questline while she was in Oribos. Usually the end of me is when the portals to Ogrimmar and Stormwind are opened.
My forsaken Warrior leveled to 51 when he was in the last part of escaping the MAW, with Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and Baine.
So if you have rested XP as I have in all my characters, that place is the best to burn it as you are getting helped all the time, especially in the final part, where your group is killing everything.

Itā€™s ironic that after spending the entire start of SL gathering ILV 151, 163 gear, Iā€™m now forced to sell it in order to get funds to purchase ILV 229 gear.
Yesterday I had to vendor 3 BoE, ILV 163 staves, in order to get gold to purchase 3 shields ILV 229 at 75g each (impossible to not buy as itā€™s almost given at this price).
I have 5 Warriors, 2 Paladins and 1 Shaman btw.

16 characters done the MAW. :smile:
8 Characters to go. :weary:



im an altoholic but i bow to you, amazoner.
I just to think to go there for the 9th time i need to vomit

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